Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

I'm not really sure when you take into account that Obama hasn't addressed everything Bush left behind because he spent a year trying to pass healthcare instead of working on the economy.

Romney will have all of Obama's mess and some of Bush's leftovers to deal with if he wins, it will be tough.
Bush had no leftovers! Bush's responsibility ended in 2007 when the Dems took Congress! You need reprogramming! (sarcasm)
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

I'm not really sure when you take into account that Obama hasn't addressed everything Bush left behind because he spent a year trying to pass healthcare instead of working on the economy.

Romney will have all of Obama's mess and some of Bush's leftovers to deal with if he wins, it will be tough.
Bush had no leftovers! Bush's responsibility ended in 2007 when the Dems took Congress! You need reprogramming! (sarcasm)


I call them how i see them ;)
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus, GDP has been growing for 3 years, we have had 28 straight months of private sector job growth. We have had record auto sale, record retail sales, and the Fortune 500 just recorded record profits. If not for the government jobs loss, the unemployment rate would be below 6%. Obama has done a good job, but Republicans voted against a infrastructure bill last year that would have helped a lot. Republicans are to blame for the collapse, and they are blocking the recovery. Vote out the Republicans, my friends.

where are the jobs Chris?

Let me make something very clear.
It's not Obama nor Bush nor Clinton nor...........It's YOURS.
You idiots voted for it, paid for it,support it by waving you flags, and allow it to continue again and again with the same piss poor results.
murkins are insane.
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus, GDP has been growing for 3 years, we have had 28 straight months of private sector job growth. We have had record auto sale, record retail sales, and the Fortune 500 just recorded record profits. If not for the government jobs loss, the unemployment rate would be below 6%. Obama has done a good job, but Republicans voted against a infrastructure bill last year that would have helped a lot. Republicans are to blame for the collapse, and they are blocking the recovery. Vote out the Republicans, my friends.

where are the jobs Chris?


Sitting in a trash can under Harry Reid's desk.
Let me make something very clear.
It's not Obama nor Bush nor Clinton nor...........It's YOURS.
You idiots voted for it, paid for it,support it by waving you flags, and allow it to continue again and again with the same piss poor results.
murkins are insane.

Go fuck yourself.
Truth hurts doesn't it ?
47 fucking years in office and, had he lived, another ??? years in office.
Ted Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about this gem ?
Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did i say i knew? no, I did not. I was just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.

What is my glaring hypocrisy? Did the republicans gain control of congress by promising jobs or not? They didn't just fail at it but they didn't even address it because they know that more jobs lessens their chances to take complete control of our government. I also stated that repubs should share the blame not accept it entirely. Anyone who takes an honest look at the state of our nation would realize that there is plenty of blame and hypocrisy to go around as well as plenty of kudos for trying to turn things around. This is a world wide economic meltdown with no easy answers.

The glaring hipocrisy, dunderhead, is that you talked of our "partisan bliders" and yet you use the title "Feaux Noise". Has that gotten through your thick skull yet?

I get your point on the Faux News comment and I have to admit that I consider myself a progressive but I also TRY to take a step back and look at issues with an open mind. I don't reject ideas just because they come from the right nor do I embrace all things democrat.
Keeping Papa Obama and the Left from imposing more radical policies
has lessen the damage the left has done

For most people, this is more than enough

Name one radical policy. And remember that just because you don't agree with it doesn't make radical.

Obamacare and its requiring private citizens to buy a product from a private company or face government penalties.

Nothing radical about that. It's an idea that has been out there since Clinton's try at healthcare. A right wing idea at that. It's also the only way to keep your health care in the hands of private insurance and not be overtaken by the government. It's not radical if it's been done before, ie: Romneycare
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Name one radical policy. And remember that just because you don't agree with it doesn't make radical.

Obamacare and its requiring private citizens to buy a product from a private company or face government penalties.

Nothing radical about that. It's an idea that has been out there since Clinton's try at healthcare. A right wing idea at that. It's also the only way to keep your health care in the hands of private insurance and not be overtaken by the government.

Are you serious? There is nothing radical about giving the federal government the authority to tell private citizens what they must purchase as consumers or face federal fines? What is next, telling me I have to buy broccoli instead of lettuce because it has more nutrition?
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

I'm not really sure when you take into account that Obama hasn't addressed everything Bush left behind because he spent a year trying to pass healthcare instead of working on the economy.

Romney will have all of Obama's mess and some of Bush's leftovers to deal with if he wins, it will be tough.
Bush had no leftovers! Bush's responsibility ended in 2007 when the Dems took Congress! You need reprogramming! (sarcasm)
Then Obamas responsibility ended when the repubs took congress?
I'm not really sure when you take into account that Obama hasn't addressed everything Bush left behind because he spent a year trying to pass healthcare instead of working on the economy.

Romney will have all of Obama's mess and some of Bush's leftovers to deal with if he wins, it will be tough.
Bush had no leftovers! Bush's responsibility ended in 2007 when the Dems took Congress! You need reprogramming! (sarcasm)
Then Obamas responsibility ended when the repubs took congress?

1) he was being sarcastic and pointing out that I, someone who typically leans conservative, need reprogramming for brining up the fact that some of Bush's mess left behind is still out there to deal with

2) The repubs don't controll congress...they only have the house unlike when obama took over and the dems actually controlled both the house and senate and therefore congress.
Let me make something very clear.
It's not Obama nor Bush nor Clinton nor...........It's YOURS.
You idiots voted for it, paid for it,support it by waving you flags, and allow it to continue again and again with the same piss poor results.
murkins are insane.

Go fuck yourself.
Truth hurts doesn't it ?
47 fucking years in office and, had he lived, another ??? years in office.
Ted Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about this gem ?
Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That has NOTHING to do with your original post. Maybe if you learn how to properly use the English language you'd be more relevant in your posting.
Obamacare and its requiring private citizens to buy a product from a private company or face government penalties.

Nothing radical about that. It's an idea that has been out there since Clinton's try at healthcare. A right wing idea at that. It's also the only way to keep your health care in the hands of private insurance and not be overtaken by the government.

Are you serious? There is nothing radical about giving the federal government the authority to tell private citizens what they must purchase as consumers or face federal fines? What is next, telling me I have to buy broccoli instead of lettuce because it has more nutrition?

It's not a radical idea if it's an idea that is not new and it has been done before. Please look up the definition of radical. Not agreeing with it doesn't make it radical.

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