WikiMedia Covenant: Xenomorph America [TrumpUSA Disk - NASDAQ]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm retiring from Internet-posting (USMB), so I wanted to offer up one last patriotic 'fable' about TrumpUSA idealism, inspired by the film WarGames, which I posted in General Discussion and not the Writing section since it's obviously politically-themed!

Thanks for everything (and enjoy!),



"TrumpUSA was all about networking, commerce, media, intrigue, entertainment, and of course access to the Internet. Wikis had changed the way Americans conceived of convenience and online access to information and editorials, and this constructed a 'WikiMedia Consciousness' unique to the 21st Century. However, envious eyes watched Americans doing business on Amazon/NASDAQ under TrumpUSA. These eyes were not all human."


"Wikipedia was the handy-dandy online free encyclopedia, peer-edited, and rather handsome in quality and professionalism. There were Wikipedia entries for just about everything (movies, politicians, science discoveries, art, genres in music, fashion moguls, video-games, etc., etc.). Wikis had expanded into comics-wikis (e.g., Batman Wiki), WikiTravel, and other things. TrumpUSA was the 'masthead' for all this computerized convenience."


"The envious eyes watching all this was an alien creature called Xeno, 'president' of a species of intelligent and lethal alien-creatures known as Xenomorphs which resembled a cross between a reptile, and insect, and a dragon. The Xenomoprh possessed corrosive-acid for blood, making it dangerous to puncture/wound them, and they glowed in the dark! Xeno wanted to invade Earth and destroy TrumpUSA."


"Of course, everyday civilians/citizens of TrumpUSA simply eyed all this media-convenience and consumerism-consciousness as a colorful 'toy-factory' and kids loved being able to find gifts/goods online such as water-guns and LEGO city-sets. No one suspected that an alien creature was observing all this convenience. Perhaps Xeno was suspicious of the 'gluttony' and 'sloth' such conveniences might create and wanted to destroy humanity for its 'sins'."


"When NASA received a death-threat message from Xeno, it assembled an elite military unit called 'G.I. Joes' to secure Earth's moon where they suspected the Xenomorphs would land to create a colonization-schemed base of operations as well as for spying. The leader of the G.I. Joes was a gung-ho gun-man named Michael who insisted that they fire first and ask questions later, but he had no idea that the Xenomorphs possessed corrosive-acid for blood. The G.I. Joes landed on Earth's moon and established their shuttle as a security-battleship, under the leadership of General Michael and second-in-command Sargent Rita Alvarez."


"The Xenomorphs, led by Xeno, began banging on the door of Michael's battleship. Michael popped out the back in his helmet and began running towards the trio of Xenomorphs trying to break into the battleship. Michael decided to shoot directly at the aliens' necks, so their heads would decapitate. He fired from a distance and killed all three aliens but then realized the ooze coming out of their necks as blood was corrosive acid. Michael ran back inside the battleship and reported what he observed during his successful fight."


"President Trump and the NSA was informed of this revelation and the CIA began coordinating American society in the event of a potential Xenomorph invasion of Earth. Hollywood (USA) super-celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise were ordered to use their media influence to send messages to the public through the power of prestige/media about the value of remaining calm in the event of an alien invasion. Hanks and Cruise talked about their films War of the Worlds and You Are My Friend."


"Meanwhile, General Michael on Earth's moon sketched a doodle-drawing of a friendly affable human-god avatar named Octo-Buddy who represented humanity's good intentions towards networking and technology and hence socialization. Michael wanted to now negotiate with Xeno in the hopes of persuading him to renounce any colonization/invasion scheme. Michael also knew humans couldn't keep just shooting at these corrosive-acid spewing Xenomorphs. When Michael presented the doodle-drawing of 'Octo-Buddy' to Xeno using a hologram-projector screen, Xeno decided humans were more 'imaginative/sensitive' than their obsessive/gluttonous used of 'WikiMedia' suggested."


"General Michael told his third-in-command, Officer Samuels (an excellent sniper) to keep control of the battleship on the moon while he and Alvarez negotiated with Xeno. Samuels was an Asian-American (from India) who remained on board with the rest of the crew and trained them for a possible engagement with any ravenous Xenomorphs who would try to kill them all. Samuels wanted his crew to be prepared for the possibility that Xeno-negotiation would completely fail."


"Michael and Alvarez negotiated with Xeno and convinced him that human beings would construct a giant 'Xeno-amusement theme-ride' in Disney World symbolizing the 'intellectual breadth' of tech-use in WikiMedia TrumpUSA and the aliens it 'attracted.' This Disney theme-ride would be an adventure of the senses and serve to remind Americans and tourists that imagination prompted images/stories about intelligence and imagination and not simply convenience-indulgences and worldly childishness. Xeno liked the idea and agreed to renounce his invasion-plans. Michael told the CIA to immediately begin developing this public-friendly Disney theme-ride/adventure on Earth, and that's what they did."


"When General Michael returned to Earth, he found a delicious bowl of fruit-jello cake waiting for him and his triumphant crew. As Michael ate the delicious dessert and watched the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind on TV, he wondered about how human imagination both created moral dangers and patriotic inspiration. Perhaps WikiMedia TrumpUSA would become a beacon of NASDAQ-spiritualism (and not Xenomorph-cannibalism!)."




retiring ? with pension? The takehome on the above post is---------WIKKI IS CHOCK FULL OF PROPAGANDA -----it is not
clear just for whom

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