EuroDisney Crash: The Horror of Media [Capitalism of Consequences]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA remind you of a media-circus or game-show?

Trump Video-Game Link


Consider the following hologram of the bust/face of a famous European composer, my friends. This hologram represents the ethereal magic of music itself and perhaps why we're fascinated by celebrity. When we print fancy images on money-bills/coins, we think about the 'enchantment' of civilization figures/figurines such as famous people and politicians (e.g. JFK). This is the nature of capitalism --- fantasy!


A shiny gold skyscraper stands in an iconic U.S. city such as New York, and it reminds us of the daydreams of capital and fortune in America. America is host to all kinds of tourism and entertainment, and Disney World is the world's top amusement-park. Well, Europe started envying such a 'tower' and wanted a EuroDisney in Paris. So they built one! See what capitalism can do?


Kurt Russell and Tom Hardy, two popular movie-stars, decided to travel to EuroDisney together for Halloween 2018, dressed/disguised as the Marvel Comics villains Hobgoblin (a jet-glider riding pumpkin-bomb throwing urban menace) and Venom (a mutant freak of brutish violence and havoc). Russell/Hobgoblin and Hardy/Venom wanted to make EuroDisney the site of a personalized consumerism/entertainment industry 'revelry.' Hobgoblin and Venom prepared to make EuroDisney Halloween a thing to behold for the world of tourism.


Of course, Hobgoblin is eerie and Venom is frightening. Hobgoblin is an orange-colored terrorist, and Venom is a spider-looking brutish bully. Neither is appealing to kids who aren't specifically focusing on 'villainy' so Russell ('Hobgoblin') and Hardy ('Venom') had to be sure that their little EuroDisney Halloween 'media-stunt' would generate the right kind of imagination for news-reporters.


Russell drew a color-pencil rendition of Hobgoblin to make him look more 'kid-friendly' while Hardy drew a chalk-pencil rendition of Venom to make him look more like a 'gargoyle' from hell (rather than an enigmatic 'creature'). The two movie-stars then printed their drawings on hundreds of paper-cards at Kinko's to generate 'Marvel Trading-Cards' for kids at EuroDisney that Halloween. This would offset the otherwise troubling fact that Hobgoblin/Venom reveals evil only.


When they arrived at EuroDisney and marched through the park dressed as Hobgoblin and Venom, distributing Hobgoblin/Venom trading-cards (with their pencil-drawings printed on them!), kids asked them what they were trying to do that Halloween to which the costumed movie-stars replied, "Halloween is a time of great daydreams...not fortune-hunting!" You see, Russell/Hobgoblin and Hardy/Venom wanted kids to link consumerism with imagination rather than wealth/luxury. Would this media-stunt succeed in this modern Capitalism Age of Consequences?


Unfortunately, two other upstarts were also at EuroDisney that Halloween with an entirely different agenda. The first was a costumed self-proclaimed Internet-blogging 'vigilante' named Ajay Satan and the other was a fanatical military-school dropout named Damien who believed he was the incarnation of the AntiChrist. Ajay and Damien ran into each other at EuroDisney that Halloween and decided to debate. Ajay/Damien wanted something different from Russell/Hardy. Ajay/Damien wanted this modern Capitalism Age of Consequences to be representative of consumerism dangers and not consumerism prayers.


AJAY: Russell/Hobgoblin and Hardy/Venom look ridiculous!
DAMIEN: Yes, they obviously are not prophets of any kind...
AJAY: No, they're simply media-diplomats and consumerism-advocates.
DAMIEN: I suppose our agenda at EuroDisney this Halloween is very different!
AJAY: Yes it is; we want to dissect consumerism/entertainment; not offer prayers.
DAMIEN: Well, in any case, Hobgoblin and Venom are certainly offering 'prayers.'
AJAY: Are you a fan of comic books, Damien?
DAMIEN: I like Captain America and Wonder Woman, but it's all childish somehow!
AJAY: Comic books speak to pedestrian folklore and child-like art; that's not us.
DAMIEN: No, we're more about 'prophecy' and capitalism-terrorism.
AJAY: Right; I believe in patriotism towards consumerism troubles.
DAMIEN: Are you concerned that terrorism will strike EuroDisney, similar to 9/11?
AJAY: It does seem that traffic-sites of key symbolic value are suddenly 'targets.'
DAMIEN: Maybe that's why we're seeing Hobgoblin and Venom at EuroDisney.
AJAY: Look, I'm not a huge fan of Halloween in either case...
DAMIEN: Yes, but you have to admit Russell/Hardy are offering fun media-stunts.
AJAY: I worry when I think of kids buying water-guns and meditating on violence.
DAMIEN: It's not that simple to censor the marketing of war-toys.
AJAY: Toys should promote non-violence!
DAMIEN: How can you promote non-violence in a world obsessed with profit?
AJAY: That's true; capitalism is by definition a system of 'instincts.'
DAMIEN: Yes, it differs from Communism which promotes 'nationalized teamwork.'
AJAY: However, capitalism can also promote teamwork --- e.g., World Bank(!).
DAMIEN: Is this modern Capitalism Age of Consequences a thing of ugliness?
AJAY: I think if you coordinate imagination with capitalism, you can be educational.
DAMIEN: Where is the educational value of capitalism game-shows (e.g., Wheel of Fortune)?
AJAY: Europeans deify Walt Disney with a copycat-park (EuroDisney); we praise America.
DAMIEN: Is praise of America synonymous with modern etiquette?


After Ajay and Damien concluded their debate, they took photos of Russell/Hobgoblin and Venom/Hardy with their iPhones for the new Internet blog they would make together about a prophesied Great Tribulation created by 21st Century capitalism (e.g., 'TrumpUSA'). They said in their blog that witnessing the Hobgoblin/Venom media-stunt at EuroDisney reminded them why anti-capitalism terrorists (e.g., ISIS) despised 'capitalism-folklore' but also why capitalism-idealists (e.g., Colonel Harland Sanders) praised 'capitalism-folklore.' Was this a time of great tourism meditation or pedestrian entertainment cynicism?




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