Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit.

I don't even own a TV. Let alone watch Fox News.

I have caught CNN, NBC, and CBS in enough lies
You gotta just love the BRILLIANT rationalizations of the Tramp SUCKERS!!!
The idiot uses the claim that they don't have a TV so they can't possibly watch the FOX Gossip Channel, but without a TV they are magically able to catch other channels lying!!!! :cuckoo:
I don't even own a TV. Let alone watch Fox News.

I have caught CNN, NBC, and CBS in enough lies
You gotta just love the BRILLIANT rationalizations of the Tramp SUCKERS!!!
The idiot uses the claim that they don't have a TV so they can't possibly watch the FOX Gossip Channel, but without a TV they are magically able to catch other channels lying!!!! :cuckoo:
If you had gone to school, you would have learned to read and write.....
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
Seth Rich (a non Russian) would beg to differ, but democrats killed him...
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
Seth Rich (a non Russian) would beg to differ, but democrats killed him...

I'm not going to answer you in multiple threads about the exact same stuff. Pick a thread and stick to it.
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
Seth Rich (a non Russian) would beg to differ, but democrats killed him...

I'm not going to answer you in multiple threads about the exact same stuff. Pick a thread and stick to it.
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.
Why not hold accountable the incompetent people that got hacked? Hildabeast and the DNC are incredibly incompetent because a 12-year-old Could have hacked their emails… Fact
It's fucking ass clowns like yourself that want to give incompetent people like the DNC and Hildabeast a pass for their absolute stupidity and treasonous behavior.
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:

Lyndsey Graham got hacked too. Not just the DNC.
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:

Lyndsey Graham got hacked too. Not just the DNC.
Well he's incompetent bastard too, term limits should've got rid of that fucker long time ago… In fact
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

We say Russians did it, therefore they did!

This is how it works if you are a regresive. No proof required...

That is to say, you are a complete moron.

still in shock

that the "chosen one" lost in an electoral landslide

2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russian interference was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!

Wikileaks has never lied?

Prove it.
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:

Lyndsey Graham got hacked too. Not just the DNC.

Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:

Lyndsey Graham got hacked too. Not just the DNC.
Well he's incompetent bastard too, term limits should've got rid of that fucker long time ago… In fact

Right wingers are notorious for sucking on fake news, hell, Fox is the leader in that department.

Research would behoove you right wing fucks, if you only knew how ignorant you really are...

Julian Assange Didn't Say WikiLeaks Gives Russia a Pass Because It's Already Open and Transparent | Mother Jones

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

We say Russians did it, therefore they did!

This is how it works if you are a regresive. No proof required...

That is to say, you are a complete moron.

still in shock

that the "chosen one" lost in an electoral landslide


Gotta love the left, ya really do. Their narratives are the stuff that a Stephen Spielberg blockbuster are made of!

The Russians did it, the Russians did it! Why? X,Y, and Z!

(1 year ago) Radical Islam didn't do it, they didn't do it, and you are a racist for accusing them, etc.

(right after 9/11) It was conspiracy, Bush brought down the towers himself so he could go to war!

Now then, these are NOT outlier opinions by the far leftists, these were their mainstream talking points, and narrative. Talk about anti-American, geeze!

So you see leftists, forgive us if we need more proof from you and the rest of your leftist, anti-American group to go along with your narratives. You have screwed the pooch so many times, it isn't funny, and after WikiLeaks released the e-mails showing how you and the MSM are in collusion, we don't believe a damn thing you say without verifiable proof!

You did it to yourselves, and not a few of you, MOST of you attempting to lie your way through everything, so please forgive us if we are skeptical and laughing at you, all at the same time. Fool us once, shame on you.....fool us twice, shame on me..........fool us over and over again, then we are really dumb; and guess what we are NOT dumb, and are calling you out, put up, or shut up. Your narratives will NEVER work again without proof, that is Obowelmovements legacy over the last 8 years. Live with it!
AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

On one laptop that wasn't connected to the power grid. You knew this was false and yet you still posted this lie. The grid was never penetrated.

"Last night, U.S. utilities were alerted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of a malware code used in Grizzly Steppe, the name DHS has applied to a Russian campaign linked to recent hacks,” a spokesman for the Burlington Electric Department said. “We acted quickly to scan all computers in our system for the malware signature. We detected the malware in a single Burlington Electric Department laptop not connected to our organization’s grid systems.”

-Burlington Electric Department
He's a known liar. He pretended to be conservative and claimed to support a Republican during the primaries then voted for Hillary.
Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:

Lyndsey Graham got hacked too. Not just the DNC.

Serious question... do you think that Russia would hand over the emails directly to Wikileaks? Pretty much giving Wikileaks a future bargaining chip that they could use to blackmail them in the future?

Do you fucks understand even a little bit about espionage? Russia would take the hacked emails and pay some intermediary person to give them to Wikileaks. Fucking use your brain for once. Or they would use one of their spies that no one knows is tied to Russia to do it... you think some guy is going to ring the fucking doorbell at the Ecuadorian embassy and say, "Hi I'm Serge from Russia. Putin wanted me to give you these hacked emails to release on the internet. Thanks!"
The incompetency of the DNC and Hildabeast camp should be punished instead of given a pass... The fucking pieces of shit can't even secure a server. You guys and your fucking excuses I guess that's the reason why you live in your mothers basement.:lmao:

Lyndsey Graham got hacked too. Not just the DNC.
Well he's incompetent bastard too, term limits should've got rid of that fucker long time ago… In fact

Right wingers are notorious for sucking on fake news, hell, Fox is the leader in that department.

Research would behoove you right wing fucks, if you only knew how ignorant you really are...

Julian Assange Didn't Say WikiLeaks Gives Russia a Pass Because It's Already Open and Transparent | Mother Jones

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

We say Russians did it, therefore they did!

This is how it works if you are a regresive. No proof required...

That is to say, you are a complete moron.

still in shock

that the "chosen one" lost in an electoral landslide


Gotta love the left, ya really do. Their narratives are the stuff that a Stephen Spielberg blockbuster are made of!

The Russians did it, the Russians did it! Why? X,Y, and Z!

(1 year ago) Radical Islam didn't do it, they didn't do it, and you are a racist for accusing them, etc.

(right after 9/11) It was conspiracy, Bush brought down the towers himself so he could go to war!

Now then, these are NOT outlier opinions by the far leftists, these were their mainstream talking points, and narrative. Talk about anti-American, geeze!

So you see leftists, forgive us if we need more proof from you and the rest of your leftist, anti-American group to go along with your narratives. You have screwed the pooch so many times, it isn't funny, and after WikiLeaks released the e-mails showing how you and the MSM are in collusion, we don't believe a damn thing you say without verifiable proof!

You did it to yourselves, and not a few of you, MOST of you attempting to lie your way through everything, so please forgive us if we are skeptical and laughing at you, all at the same time. Fool us once, shame on you.....fool us twice, shame on me..........fool us over and over again, then we are really dumb; and guess what we are NOT dumb, and are calling you out, put up, or shut up. Your narratives will NEVER work again without proof, that is Obowelmovements legacy over the last 8 years. Live with it!
You need to explain in detail why you believe President Obama's eight years in office has been a failure, goddamnit.

If you fucks wouldn't make generalized comments and learn to back up your petty bullshit with facts you'd see your true sorry ass selves and perhaps think twice about the news sources that have you so fucked up.

The fact is you sacks of MRSA have no idea what President Obama has accomplished while in office because your nation dividing news sources never told you.

Trump, the cocksucking prick who's in wayyyyyy over his whiney ass head, showed y'all during the campaign how making generalized statements work, but they only work on the low IQ right wing brain.

Tell us what President Obama has accomplished punk. Go do some research for once in your life and fucking better your sorry ass self.

But you'll reply with the ignorance that's embedded within you, or you'll ask me to provide the FACTS for you.

Someday you may even grow up.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk


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