Wight wing wackos


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(Keeping up the attacks on Obama.
Damn if he do and damn if he don‘t)

“Obama should not be going to Brazil with what’s going on in Japan and Libya.” “Obama should take the lead in dealing with these problems.” “Shows America’s strength.” What f***ing strength? Our strength is in a bucket of s*** in Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, duh? France and UN is taking the lead in Libya as it should. The White House is not Tombstone and Obama is not Wyatt Earp. Why do we always take the lead because we want to flex our muscles and we don’t have anymore muscles to flex. We have no more troops and no more money to put where our mouth is. Haven’t you heard. WE ARE BROKE. We have not learned our lesson in leading unilaterally yet? Wight Wing Wackos want Obama to send more of their children into harms way. We are already in deep s*** in Iraq and Afghanistan and cannot afford to get in another bucket s***. (Wight Wing Wackos vote to keep their children in Afghanistan) What kind of s*** is that?

Who in this country took the lead when innocent men, women and children were massacred and women and children raped in Sudan, Rwanda and Uganda? WTF took the lead is stopping that genocide? Where were the Wight Wing Wackos who now want us in another conflict in Libya without knowing who will lead the Libyan people if Kaddafi is ousted. Wight Wing Wackos were in their cozy little penthouses f****ing their friend’s wives. Kaddafi is old news and why wasn’t he dealt with before now?

Obama is one president that can pat his head and rub his stomach at the same time and Wight Wing Wackos are not use to that. Obama is dealing with Japan, Libya, Brazil and the economy. Obama do have something between those two big floppy ears and he is using it. I don’t know why he is in Brazil. but I trust that he knows.

Buchannan shut the hell up. We are way past taking advice from you.
I just listened to his stupid speech. He praised Brazil on their huge new oil find. Told them we'd be good and faithful customers of that oil. The bastard promised to get us off foreign oil. What an asswipe.
I've got two words to fix ALL these problems, but nobody wants to have anything to do with them.....



I just listened to his stupid speech. He praised Brazil on their huge new oil find. Told them we'd be good and faithful customers of that oil. The bastard promised to get us off foreign oil. What an asswipe.

so complain that he is getting us more oil to maybe drop the prices. complain that he wont tap oil here in America. complain he hates big oil period.

I think you guys just like to complain because you are not in charge, and in reality dont know your ass from reality.

did the bastard promise to get us off foreign oil or did he knot?
I just listened to his stupid speech. He praised Brazil on their huge new oil find. Told them we'd be good and faithful customers of that oil. The bastard promised to get us off foreign oil. What an asswipe.

so complain that he is getting us more oil to maybe drop the prices. complain that he wont tap oil here in America. complain he hates big oil period.

I think you guys just like to complain because you are not in charge, and in reality dont know your ass from reality.

did the bastard promise to get us off foreign oil or did he knot?

Touche' ! :clap2:
I just listened to his stupid speech. He praised Brazil on their huge new oil find. Told them we'd be good and faithful customers of that oil. The bastard promised to get us off foreign oil. What an asswipe.

so complain that he is getting us more oil to maybe drop the prices. complain that he wont tap oil here in America. complain he hates big oil period.

I think you guys just like to complain because you are not in charge, and in reality dont know your ass from reality.

did the bastard promise to get us off foreign oil or did he knot?

Yes, he did. Then the moratorium came to stop drilling. Now, we're accepting more foreign oil. It's non stop comedy.

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