

Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) wrote in an op-ed in Friday’s edition of “The Washington Post”, he says, “ ‘Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is under assault, and that is wrong. No matter who is in the White House, we Republicans must stand up for the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law.’ ”

Since when? For the entire period the Republicans held the congressional majority during Obama’s presidency, leaders of the G “NO” P ignored the sanctity of our democracy and were constantly changing the rule of law to suit their partisan purposes. (Like your bullsh!t voter I.D. laws.)

Frist, like his Republican brethren in congress, wants everyone to forget the decades they spent subtly convincing their right wing followers they are under attack from all sides. Republican con-men made white, poorly educated conservatives believe they were the most oppressed members of our society. Right-wingers were told the so-called “war on Christmas” was an assault on conservative Christians’ right to say “merry Christmas”, and that saying anything other than “Happy Holidays” was illegal. Of course, as perpetual victims, conservatives believed this.

It is the same with gay rights. For countless years, conservatives have been told gays, if permitted to marry, will come after their children. And they believe this is true, just like their imagined “war on Xmas”. (It therefore follows. once homosexuals have turned all the kids gay, their next goal will be kicking in the doors of God fearing conservative Christians to confiscate their guns.)

People of reason and rational thought can’t help but laugh at the total nonsense conservatives have been fed by the RNC, and have eagerly eaten up as truth.

The Republican Party leaders’ blueprint for creating an oligarchy to rule the United States from the shadows dates back to the Reagan administration. And it was successfully on track until the idiot trump high jacked the GOP’s ignorant base.

Immediately after beginning his campaign, the idiot trump threw the Republican leaders’ subtle approach away. He waded right in, encouraging his mindless followers to do as he does, abandon civility, deride the physically disabled and the mentally handicapped, and to feel free to express the hatred they have been forced by polite society to keep bottled-up inside.

At his rallies, the idiot trump urged audience members to violently attack protesters who were present. And the idiot trump’s open disrespect for women was an instant hit with working class white men, most of whom believe a beer gut and a foul mouth are the attractive qualities a woman looks for in a man.

Yes, unlike the the slow but sure methods used by the GOP over the past four decades, the idiot trump fast-tracked the acceptance of conservatives’ racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and ending our democracy in exchange for the totalitarian (read as: “small”) government the conservatives have longed to create.

Naturally, the congressional Republicans are pleased, for the most part at least, with the idiot trump’s success in reversing Obama era policies. But, his irrational and negative reactions towards leaders of our allied nations, and the assistance the idiot trump is giving to Putin’s efforts to break the western nation’s alliance, can only hurt corporate profits.

And, while the idiot trump is a billionaire-type the GOP’s politicians are sworn to serve, there are few, if any congressional Republicans who would not greatly prefer to have Sheldon Adelson, Foster Friess, Charles Koch, David Koch, or some other member of the 0.1% calling the shots from the White House. Any of these men would be better than the idiot trump, he puts his ego ahead of the GOP’s ultimate goals far too often, and his blatant Nazism is an embarrassment.

So Frist, you and the other “hand-wringing hypocrites” in the Republican Party have no reason to claim you are the defenders of “the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law”. Why would you? Neither issue has been of any importance to the GOP in the past.

Former GOP Leader Bill Frist Calls On Republican Senate To Protect Mueller



Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) wrote in an op-ed in Friday’s edition of “The Washington Post”, he says, “ ‘Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is under assault, and that is wrong. No matter who is in the White House, we Republicans must stand up for the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law.’ ”

Since when? For the entire period the Republicans held the congressional majority during Obama’s presidency, leaders of the G “NO” P ignored the sanctity of our democracy and were constantly changing the rule of law to suit their partisan purposes. (Like your bullsh!t voter I.D. laws.)

Frist, like his Republican brethren in congress, wants everyone to forget the decades they spent subtly convincing their right wing followers they are under attack from all sides. Republican con-men made white, poorly educated conservatives believe they were the most oppressed members of our society. Right-wingers were told the so-called “war on Christmas” was an assault on conservative Christians’ right to say “merry Christmas”, and that saying anything other than “Happy Holidays” was illegal. Of course, as perpetual victims, conservatives believed this.

It is the same with gay rights. For countless years, conservatives have been told gays, if permitted to marry, will come after their children. And they believe this is true, just like their imagined “war on Xmas”. (It therefore follows. once homosexuals have turned all the kids gay, their next goal will be kicking in the doors of God fearing conservative Christians to confiscate their guns.)

People of reason and rational thought can’t help but laugh at the total nonsense conservatives have been fed by the RNC, and have eagerly eaten up as truth.

The Republican Party leaders’ blueprint for creating an oligarchy to rule the United States from the shadows dates back to the Reagan administration. And it was successfully on track until the idiot trump high jacked the GOP’s ignorant base.

Immediately after beginning his campaign, the idiot trump threw the Republican leaders’ subtle approach away. He waded right in, encouraging his mindless followers to do as he does, abandon civility, deride the physically disabled and the mentally handicapped, and to feel free to express the hatred they have been forced by polite society to keep bottled-up inside.

At his rallies, the idiot trump urged audience members to violently attack protesters who were present. And the idiot trump’s open disrespect for women was an instant hit with working class white men, most of whom believe a beer gut and a foul mouth are the attractive qualities a woman looks for in a man.

Yes, unlike the the slow but sure methods used by the GOP over the past four decades, the idiot trump fast-tracked the acceptance of conservatives’ racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and ending our democracy in exchange for the totalitarian (read as: “small”) government the conservatives have longed to create.

Naturally, the congressional Republicans are pleased, for the most part at least, with the idiot trump’s success in reversing Obama era policies. But, his irrational and negative reactions towards leaders of our allied nations, and the assistance the idiot trump is giving to Putin’s efforts to break the western nation’s alliance, can only hurt corporate profits.

And, while the idiot trump is a billionaire-type the GOP’s politicians are sworn to serve, there are few, if any congressional Republicans who would not greatly prefer to have Sheldon Adelson, Foster Friess, Charles Koch, David Koch, or some other member of the 0.1% calling the shots from the White House. Any of these men would be better than the idiot trump, he puts his ego ahead of the GOP’s ultimate goals far too often, and his blatant Nazism is an embarrassment.

So Frist, you and the other “hand-wringing hypocrites” in the Republican Party have no reason to claim you are the defenders of “the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law”. Why would you? Neither issue has been of any importance to the GOP in the past.

Former GOP Leader Bill Frist Calls On Republican Senate To Protect Mueller

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y'know. If you make the sling long enough to tie behind your neck, I'll bet you can find a comfortable position to cradle that sore nutsack.

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) wrote in an op-ed in Friday’s edition of “The Washington Post”, he says, “ ‘Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is under assault, and that is wrong. No matter who is in the White House, we Republicans must stand up for the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law.’ ”

Since when? For the entire period the Republicans held the congressional majority during Obama’s presidency, leaders of the G “NO” P ignored the sanctity of our democracy and were constantly changing the rule of law to suit their partisan purposes. (Like your bullsh!t voter I.D. laws.)

Frist, like his Republican brethren in congress, wants everyone to forget the decades they spent subtly convincing their right wing followers they are under attack from all sides. Republican con-men made white, poorly educated conservatives believe they were the most oppressed members of our society. Right-wingers were told the so-called “war on Christmas” was an assault on conservative Christians’ right to say “merry Christmas”, and that saying anything other than “Happy Holidays” was illegal. Of course, as perpetual victims, conservatives believed this.

It is the same with gay rights. For countless years, conservatives have been told gays, if permitted to marry, will come after their children. And they believe this is true, just like their imagined “war on Xmas”. (It therefore follows. once homosexuals have turned all the kids gay, their next goal will be kicking in the doors of God fearing conservative Christians to confiscate their guns.)

People of reason and rational thought can’t help but laugh at the total nonsense conservatives have been fed by the RNC, and have eagerly eaten up as truth.

The Republican Party leaders’ blueprint for creating an oligarchy to rule the United States from the shadows dates back to the Reagan administration. And it was successfully on track until the idiot trump high jacked the GOP’s ignorant base.

Immediately after beginning his campaign, the idiot trump threw the Republican leaders’ subtle approach away. He waded right in, encouraging his mindless followers to do as he does, abandon civility, deride the physically disabled and the mentally handicapped, and to feel free to express the hatred they have been forced by polite society to keep bottled-up inside.

At his rallies, the idiot trump urged audience members to violently attack protesters who were present. And the idiot trump’s open disrespect for women was an instant hit with working class white men, most of whom believe a beer gut and a foul mouth are the attractive qualities a woman looks for in a man.

Yes, unlike the the slow but sure methods used by the GOP over the past four decades, the idiot trump fast-tracked the acceptance of conservatives’ racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and ending our democracy in exchange for the totalitarian (read as: “small”) government the conservatives have longed to create.

Naturally, the congressional Republicans are pleased, for the most part at least, with the idiot trump’s success in reversing Obama era policies. But, his irrational and negative reactions towards leaders of our allied nations, and the assistance the idiot trump is giving to Putin’s efforts to break the western nation’s alliance, can only hurt corporate profits.

And, while the idiot trump is a billionaire-type the GOP’s politicians are sworn to serve, there are few, if any congressional Republicans who would not greatly prefer to have Sheldon Adelson, Foster Friess, Charles Koch, David Koch, or some other member of the 0.1% calling the shots from the White House. Any of these men would be better than the idiot trump, he puts his ego ahead of the GOP’s ultimate goals far too often, and his blatant Nazism is an embarrassment.

So Frist, you and the other “hand-wringing hypocrites” in the Republican Party have no reason to claim you are the defenders of “the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law”. Why would you? Neither issue has been of any importance to the GOP in the past.

Former GOP Leader Bill Frist Calls On Republican Senate To Protect Mueller

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A long rant for illegal voting. You identify yourself to collect tax payer funded handouts. Why are you scared to show your ID to vote?
There is no sanctity of our democracy. This is a republic.

This is what is fundamentally wrong with democrats. They believe this is a democracy.
The O. P. is the kind of post that most appalls and disgusts me---out of all the sophistries and child-like nonsense I read on this board.

The O.P. assumes that all Republicans are no more intelligent and/or educated than the group of rustics stumbled upon in the Movie "Deliverance" ---featuring an apparent idiot-savant brilliantly playing the banjo.

When, in fact, the Democrat Constituency is by far the poorest educated of the two major parties. Blacks are not less than 25%-30% of the Democratic Party. They are certainly the poorest educated of Americans---don't try to play the Race Card on me---Blacks say so themselves; they complain about it all the time---and they are proven correct when any notice is taken of the state of education in any of the Rotting Cities of the North which have been controlled for half a century by Democrats and their subsidiary the Teachers Unions. (Only about 50% can read in Detroit...the rest are functionally illiterate.)

And first and second generation Hispanics, who make up another huge proportion of the Democratic Party constituency are the second most poorly educated--in part for the same reasons the Blacks suffer from, and also because many cannot speak the National Language.

The Democratic Party literally survives by keeping its constituency uneducated*****...and thus largely dependent on the Welfare State which Democrats have created to keep their Folks dependent on the Federal Plantation...all while educated people have to endure the numb-skull insults of half-wit budding-bolshevik turds like the O. P.

The Hate which is rampant in this country comes from people like the O. P....they should grow up, and learn shame.

*****I just read tonight that the largest Spanish speaking television in the USA---Telemundo--is refusing to report that Unemployment for Hispanics is the LOWEST it has ever been in history. Anyone with a brain should be asking themselves WHY.

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