

Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Why do conservatives consistently take actions that inevitably contradict their misinformed beliefs? Why? When this occurs, as it so often does, conservatives must rely on their denial of facts and truth to regain their uneasy relationship with reality.

Understanding this to be true, since it is seen every day in news articles and their posts on these message boards, why would those conservatives, who insist they are 100% WHITE, risk that self-assurance by submitting to a DNA test? Why?

For many conservatives who have spit-in-the-cup, they now must face the fact there is some ā€œsubstandardā€ DNA in their whiteness.

To deal with their disappointment, conservatives have two choices, their typical denial of facts and truth, or, dismiss the DNA findings as more scientific hogwash like climate change, evolution, that the age of the cosmos is over 10 billion years, etc.

However, for all you brown-eyed white nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis, take some advice from blue-eyed progressives. That being, continue to live in you fantasy world where facts, truth, and physical laws are whatever you want them to be.

On the rare occasions when you folks do you sally forth into the real world, and you enter an environment where your self-loathing already overwhelms you, so donā€™t do anything that rocks your conservative boat. Such as, taking a DNA test that proves your whiteness is less than total. You people just canā€™t handle the truth, so for your own peace of mind, remember, it's foolish to go asking for trouble and discovering truth you don't want to know.




Here we have conservatives impressing other conservatives.

Why do conservatives consistently take actions that inevitably contradict their misinformed beliefs?

Do you mean like assuming anyone who didn't vote for Hillary is a racist troglodyte?
Why do conservatives consistently take actions that inevitably contradict their misinformed beliefs? Why? When this occurs, as it so often does, conservatives must rely on their denial of facts and truth to regain their uneasy relationship with reality.

Understanding this to be true, since it is seen every day in news articles and their posts on these message boards, why would those conservatives, who insist they are 100% WHITE, risk that self-assurance by submitting to a DNA test? Why?

For many conservatives who have spit-in-the-cup, they now must face the fact there is some ā€œsubstandardā€ DNA in their whiteness.

To deal with their disappointment, conservatives have two choices, their typical denial of facts and truth, or, dismiss the DNA findings as more scientific hogwash like climate change, evolution, that the age of the cosmos is over 10 billion years, etc.

However, for all you brown-eyed white nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis, take some advice from blue-eyed progressives. That being, continue to live in you fantasy world where facts, truth, and physical laws are whatever you want them to be.

On the rare occasions when you folks do you sally forth into the real world, and you enter an environment where your self-loathing already overwhelms you, so donā€™t do anything that rocks your conservative boat. Such as, taking a DNA test that proves your whiteness is less than total. You people just canā€™t handle the truth, so for your own peace of mind, remember, it's foolish to go asking for trouble and discovering truth you don't want to know.



View attachment 144649 View attachment 144650

Here we have conservatives impressing other conservatives.


Love the broad brush.
Why do conservatives consistently take actions that inevitably contradict their misinformed beliefs? Why? When this occurs, as it so often does, conservatives must rely on their denial of facts and truth to regain their uneasy relationship with reality.

Understanding this to be true, since it is seen every day in news articles and their posts on these message boards, why would those conservatives, who insist they are 100% WHITE, risk that self-assurance by submitting to a DNA test? Why?

For many conservatives who have spit-in-the-cup, they now must face the fact there is some ā€œsubstandardā€ DNA in their whiteness.

To deal with their disappointment, conservatives have two choices, their typical denial of facts and truth, or, dismiss the DNA findings as more scientific hogwash like climate change, evolution, that the age of the cosmos is over 10 billion years, etc.

However, for all you brown-eyed white nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis, take some advice from blue-eyed progressives. That being, continue to live in you fantasy world where facts, truth, and physical laws are whatever you want them to be.

On the rare occasions when you folks do you sally forth into the real world, and you enter an environment where your self-loathing already overwhelms you, so donā€™t do anything that rocks your conservative boat. Such as, taking a DNA test that proves your whiteness is less than total. You people just canā€™t handle the truth, so for your own peace of mind, remember, it's foolish to go asking for trouble and discovering truth you don't want to know.



View attachment 144649 View attachment 144650

Here we have conservatives impressing other conservatives.


White racists are not conseratives. They are left wingers...they believe in using a powerful central government to push their racist agenda.

You don't understand conservatism......it has nothing to do with race. Please read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....that would be a good starting point to actually know what you are talking about. Racism is an inherent aspect of the left wing.....grouping people into categories is a left wing thing...Conservatives see individual humans......

Here......you will see that marxism believes in mass murder......of "racial trash"....racism is a core aspect of the left....

The OP is a prime example kids of why not to do drugs..........................

Perhaps the OP needs to check into a Rehab Center.
The OP is a prime example kids of why not to do drugs..........................

Perhaps the OP needs to check into a Rehab Center.

No, you need to be naked and drunk to understand what the OP'er is conveying, so does anyone have some hooch and bud!?!

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