Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Having been overweight for decades, I also find my attention caught by subject lines like this. “Lose weight the easy way.” Or so it seems.

But, read on.

It goes ahead to list 10 explanations, which I’m not about to list here. But,l I will give you a couple.

3) Exercise alone is almost useless for weight loss


9) The government and the food industry are doling out unscientific advice

Well, actually there were only 10.

10) So what actually works for weight loss?

If you embark on a weight loss journey that involves both adding exercise and cutting calories, Montclair's Thomas warned not to count those calories burned in physical activity toward extra eating.

"Pretend you didn't exercise at all," she said. "You will most likely compensate anyway, so think of exercising just for health improvement but not for weight loss."

All of this @ Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight, explained with 60+ studies - Vox - Pocket
Less intake of food is what will drop pounds exercise makes you hungry and causes you to eat more.....But if you are really wanting to lose weight and get healthy you should do both...workout and somehow keep from eating....I know its not easy...your stomach will growl and you will swear you are going to die if you don't get that bag of chips down from the cabinet.....I always tell people to keep sugarless gum on them at all times for that sudden urge to chow down....
My problem with food intake is my diabetes. If I don't eat snacks throughout the day, I end up with very low blood sugar. Finding it's 47 or 53 is pretty scary.
Weight loss is about 80% diet.
Exercise will improve your health and appearance.
I have fought the battle with fat for decades. I'm 70 years old and until fairly recently was a lifetime runner.

Here are a few things that I think I know:

(a) As a general proposition, weight loss is a function of consuming fewer calories than your body "needs," HOWEVER,

(b) Your body has a weight with which it is "happy," and it will (i) resist short-term caloric variations to lose or gain weight, and (ii) it will attempt to get back to its happy weight as soon as possible after the weight-loss diet ends.

This is why so many people on those Biggest Loser programs gain back all the weight within a year or two, even though they stick with their diets, more or less.

(c) On a weight-loss diet, you sometimes reach a plateau, where even though you have kept to your diet, you aren't losing any more weight. Exercise, especially vigorous, sweat-producing exercise, can help to get past those plateaus.

(d) It IS possible to lose weight through exercise, provided you control your calorie intake and not eat MORE because of the demands of the exercise regimen. But this is a slow way to lose. Months and months, in most cases.

(e) The type of exercise that loses weight is NOT running or swimming, but rather exercise that continues for a long time at a slightly elevated level of exertion: for example, walking faster than usual for an hour at a time, every day. Or walking on a treadmill set to, say, 4 degrees of elevation.

(f). Most commercial claims that you can lose weight with one or another exercise device are simply lies, and the models demonstrating those devices have NEVER been fat, never WILL BE fat, and have never used the device before they showed up that day to film the commercial.
When I'm bulking I'm taking in 4000 calories. When I'm cutting I'm taking in about 2500-3000 calories. Then working out for abot a half hour before supper.

I've no idea what life is gonna be like after 50, I know I don't wanna keep doing that in my older years.

I see a lot of the senior citizens ride their bikes through the development every evening depending on the weather. Nice people, too, they always wave. I'm thinking that might be in the cards for me in my older years.

Something like this...

Less intake of food is what will drop pounds exercise makes you hungry and causes you to eat more.....But if you are really wanting to lose weight and get healthy you should do both...workout and somehow keep from eating....I know its not easy...your stomach will growl and you will swear you are going to die if you don't get that bag of chips down from the cabinet.....I always tell people to keep sugarless gum on them at all times for that sudden urge to chow down....

Exercise makes you hungry? Maybe if you/re smoking dope during your exercise, which is walking to the end of your driveway and back
I have been exercising for decades, I don't recall wanting to eat mass quantities or even a little after a workout.. When I work out, I am staying hydrated. The water I hydrate up with, basically kills the desire to eat. Most people who are serious about working out and staying fit, know to how keep up the intensity by drinking plenty of water.
I know a lot of people who place great importance on "keeping hydrated." But I don't buy it. It is definitely not necessary - but is probably harmless. I remember having a conversation about "hydration" with my urologist many years ago. He wisely said, "If you are thirsty take a drink. Otherwise, what's the point?" Wise words.

Consider that for most of human history, drinking water was a very questionable thing to do, because people pissed and shat into the same place where the water came from. This is why Europeans historically drank wine or beer whenever possible - because the alcohol content made it safer than water.

Look at the populations around the world where lifespans are the longest, and none of them are known for drinking more than a minimal amount of water.

If you are working out and sweating profusely on a regular basis, then "hydrating" might be appropriate, but otherwise it's a silly waste of effort.

Anyone who drinks bottled water as a routine thing is kind of an idiot. In my opinion.
Less intake of food is what will drop pounds exercise makes you hungry and causes you to eat more.....But if you are really wanting to lose weight and get healthy you should do both...workout and somehow keep from eating....I know its not easy...your stomach will growl and you will swear you are going to die if you don't get that bag of chips down from the cabinet.....I always tell people to keep sugarless gum on them at all times for that sudden urge to chow down....

Exercise makes you hungry? Maybe if you/re smoking dope during your exercise, which is walking to the end of your driveway and back
I have been exercising for decades, I don't recall wanting to eat mass quantities or even a little after a workout.. When I work out, I am staying hydrated. The water I hydrate up with, basically kills the desire to eat. Most people who are serious about working out and staying fit, know to how keep up the intensity by drinking plenty of water.

Exercise actually makes me crave water and salad. Go figure.

Having been overweight for decades, I also find my attention caught by subject lines like this. “Lose weight the easy way.” Or so it seems.

But, read on.

It goes ahead to list 10 explanations, which I’m not about to list here. But,l I will give you a couple.

3) Exercise alone is almost useless for weight loss


9) The government and the food industry are doling out unscientific advice

Well, actually there were only 10.

10) So what actually works for weight loss?

If you embark on a weight loss journey that involves both adding exercise and cutting calories, Montclair's Thomas warned not to count those calories burned in physical activity toward extra eating.

"Pretend you didn't exercise at all," she said. "You will most likely compensate anyway, so think of exercising just for health improvement but not for weight loss."

All of this @ Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight, explained with 60+ studies - Vox - Pocket
Weight is based upon what and how much you stuff into the hole in your face.


Having been overweight for decades, I also find my attention caught by subject lines like this. “Lose weight the easy way.” Or so it seems.

But, read on.

It goes ahead to list 10 explanations, which I’m not about to list here. But,l I will give you a couple.

3) Exercise alone is almost useless for weight loss


9) The government and the food industry are doling out unscientific advice

Well, actually there were only 10.

10) So what actually works for weight loss?

If you embark on a weight loss journey that involves both adding exercise and cutting calories, Montclair's Thomas warned not to count those calories burned in physical activity toward extra eating.

"Pretend you didn't exercise at all," she said. "You will most likely compensate anyway, so think of exercising just for health improvement but not for weight loss."

All of this @ Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight, explained with 60+ studies - Vox - Pocket
Weight is based upon what and how much you stuff into the hole in your face.


Well, yes, but your body does a crap job of converting that stuff to energy, rather than fat, if you never move off the couch. Our bodies are designed to move, and they do everything better, including metabolizing food, if we keep some regular activity in our schedules.
I recommend looking into Intermittant Fasting. What you eat counts, but when you eat is key.

He can’t intermittently fast because he has diabetes. In general intermittent fasting is a great way to drop pounds. Also cardio fasting can help you lose weight quickly. He also can’t do that. My advice to him is eat plenty of eggs, steak, and spinach. About 1800 calories a day. Cardio is important, however you burn calories for longer after lifting. Ultimately it’s not rocket science. Burn more than you eat and you’ll lose weight.
Less intake of food is what will drop pounds exercise makes you hungry and causes you to eat more.....But if you are really wanting to lose weight and get healthy you should do both...workout and somehow keep from eating....I know its not easy...your stomach will growl and you will swear you are going to die if you don't get that bag of chips down from the cabinet.....I always tell people to keep sugarless gum on them at all times for that sudden urge to chow down....

Exercise makes you hungry? Maybe if you/re smoking dope during your exercise, which is walking to the end of your driveway and back
I have been exercising for decades, I don't recall wanting to eat mass quantities or even a little after a workout.. When I work out, I am staying hydrated. The water I hydrate up with, basically kills the desire to eat. Most people who are serious about working out and staying fit, know to how keep up the intensity by drinking plenty of water.

Of course it does! You’re expending energy when you excercise. Your body is going to need more carbs or fats to make up for the energy expended
I recommend looking into Intermittant Fasting. What you eat counts, but when you eat is key.

He can’t intermittently fast because he has diabetes. In general intermittent fasting is a great way to drop pounds. Also cardio fasting can help you lose weight quickly. He also can’t do that. My advice to him is eat plenty of eggs, steak, and spinach. About 1800 calories a day. Cardio is important, however you burn calories for longer after lifting. Ultimately it’s not rocket science. Burn more than you eat and you’ll lose weight.

Also eat fats for energy, however don’t overdo it. Try to eliminate carbs and sugars for a couple of months
My problem with food intake is my diabetes. If I don't eat snacks throughout the day, I end up with very low blood sugar. Finding it's 47 or 53 is pretty scary.
What are you eating as snacks. Are you eating say nuts and granola? Or are you eating empty calories. The first thing you should do when looking to get healthy is start looking at the quality of foods you are eating. Many people are able to drop 20 thirty pounds by just eliminating soda and never eating empty calories. High protien snacks in your case and then start looking at sides of packages and ditch those with high sodium and fat. I never eat a box meal or TV dinner. Look at the side of thatr package, no nutritional value. Many times people over eat because their body is telling them they are lack of on nutrient or another and if what you are eating does not satisfy that need many times you will still fell hungry.
My problem with food intake is my diabetes. If I don't eat snacks throughout the day, I end up with very low blood sugar. Finding it's 47 or 53 is pretty scary.
What are you eating as snacks. Are you eating say nuts and granola? Or are you eating empty calories. The first thing you should do when looking to get healthy is start looking at the quality of foods you are eating. Many people are able to drop 20 thirty pounds by just eliminating soda and never eating empty calories. High protien snacks in your case and then start looking at sides of packages and ditch those with high sodium and fat. I never eat a box meal or TV dinner. Look at the side of thatr package, no nutritional value. Many times people over eat because their body is telling them they are lack of on nutrient or another and if what you are eating does not satisfy that need many times you will still fell hungry.

Also a lot of the processed foods we eat have addictive chemicals, causing people to crave more and more. The key is to avoid the processed stuff as much as you can for your diet
I recommend looking into Intermittant Fasting. What you eat counts, but when you eat is key.

He can’t intermittently fast because he has diabetes. In general intermittent fasting is a great way to drop pounds. Also cardio fasting can help you lose weight quickly. He also can’t do that. My advice to him is eat plenty of eggs, steak, and spinach. About 1800 calories a day. Cardio is important, however you burn calories for longer after lifting. Ultimately it’s not rocket science. Burn more than you eat and you’ll lose weight.

Doing cardio right after you do the weights, increases how many calories you'll burn because when you start the cardio, your heart rate is already elevated from doing the weights. So naturally, a better burn of the calories.

Also, from your post 14: "Of course it does! You’re expending energy when you excercise. Your body is going to need more carbs or fats to make up for the energy expended"

That may apply to some people. I eat a 6 ounce portion of yogurt after I'm done working out. Even though I am usually not hungry, thanks to the water I down before and during working out.
I recommend looking into Intermittant Fasting. What you eat counts, but when you eat is key.

He can’t intermittently fast because he has diabetes. In general intermittent fasting is a great way to drop pounds. Also cardio fasting can help you lose weight quickly. He also can’t do that. My advice to him is eat plenty of eggs, steak, and spinach. About 1800 calories a day. Cardio is important, however you burn calories for longer after lifting. Ultimately it’s not rocket science. Burn more than you eat and you’ll lose weight.

Doing cardio right after you do the weights, increases how many calories you'll burn because when you start the cardio, your heart rate is already elevated from doing the weights. So naturally, a better burn of the calories.

Also, from your post 14: "Of course it does! You’re expending energy when you excercise. Your body is going to need more carbs or fats to make up for the energy expended"

That may apply to some people. I eat a 6 ounce portion of yogurt after I'm done working out. Even though I am usually not hungry, thanks to the water I down before and during working out.
And after 30 minutes of extreme cardio workout you’ve burned the equivalent to 6 M&M’s.

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