Why you have to dig deeper to get an understanding - for example the Uninsured!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Census Bureau also said about 28.5 million residents did not have health insurance in 2017, not statistically different from the previous year.
U.S. incomes rose but inequality widened in 2017: data

Remember this is the Census Bureau.
They ask prepared questions.
They asked these 28.5 million if they had health insurance.
Answer : No.

Now digging deeper...if you asked these 28.5 million
A) Are you an American citizen?
B) Are you gainfully employed?
C) If so does your employer offer health insurance?
D) Do you want health insurance?
E) If so why don't you sign up for health insurance?
F) If you are not employed for health reasons have you contacted Medicaid to see if you are eligible?

Now these are the deeper questions the Census Bureau doesn't ask BUT foolishly people use that number as SEE we need single payer health care!

So wrong... BECAUSE the below facts show that when Obama said there were " 46 million uninsured Americans"!
ACA was passed because of those erroneous NUMBERS!
So the Question A this person may have been part of the 10 million ILLEGALs
The Question B gainfully employed but no health insurance DOESN"T MEAN the person wanted health insurance!
As seen below 18 million under 34 making $50k don't want health insurance as they don't need it!
And then Question F.... again 14 million people DIDN"T know they were eligible for Medicaid!

BECAUSE not one single MSM dug deeper into that statement by Obama.. we have the morass we have now!
fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.

fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.


What article is FAKE?
Are you saying this article is "FAKE"
U.S. incomes rose but inequality widened in 2017: data

Are you calling the Census Bureau LIARS?
Remember this phrase came from the Census Bureau and I thought being a bureaucratic lover and democrat lover and Obama lover you'd find this a believable number?

I certainly do. I don't believe for a minute they made up the 28.5 million uninsured figure.

I have to speak loud to get through to you....
As I pointed out to you Obama lovers HE LIED!
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans! And you believed him.
As a result the guy who designed ACA said it took well here's his exact words:
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass


Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.
Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance

fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.


How about a study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.


How about a study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

View attachment 216262

I lost my company insurance thanks to Commie Care, so even at my age, I'm seeking a new job after spending 25 years of my life at the company I'm currently working at. What I found in contacting these potential employers is that they all dropped their health insurance.

Before Commie Care, very few if any didn't offer coverage of some sort. It may have not been the best coverage, or perhaps had employee contributions, but at least it was something.

As for myself, Commie Care presented plans that cost me more than my two mortgages combined. It was barely any coverage at all, and only good if you got hit by a bus.

So for the past several years, I've been uninsured, and every day is a gamble. Nobody seems to be seriously addressing the problem, and I know many people are in the same position as I am.
fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.


How about a study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

View attachment 216262

I lost my company insurance thanks to Commie Care, so even at my age, I'm seeking a new job after spending 25 years of my life at the company I'm currently working at. What I found in contacting these potential employers is that they all dropped their health insurance.

Before Commie Care, very few if any didn't offer coverage of some sort. It may have not been the best coverage, or perhaps had employee contributions, but at least it was something.

As for myself, Commie Care presented plans that cost me more than my two mortgages combined. It was barely any coverage at all, and only good if you got hit by a bus.

So for the past several years, I've been uninsured, and every day is a gamble. Nobody seems to be seriously addressing the problem, and I know many people are in the same position as I am.

Do you belong to any associations, clubs, etc.?
Association health plans have existed for decades under limited circumstances of small businesses banding together to buy insurance. The plans have not been widespread. They and related ones called multi-employer welfare arrangements have over the years been found to commit fraud and sometimes have become insolvent.

The new rules substantially expand the circumstances under which association health plans can be created and purchased. The regulations erase a requirement that any association must already have existed for a purpose unrelated to health insurance. And for the first time, individuals will be able to buy one of the plans.
Trump administration expands use of health plans that skirt ACA consumer protections

Plus have you looked into this? Medi-Share | Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share is a community of Christians who have agreed to live as the early church (Acts 2 & 4) when it comes to sharing each other’s burdens. Members share each other’s eligible medical bills and, most importantly, encourage and lift one another up in prayer.
What happens you pay a modest monthly fee. Then when a member has some extraordinary health expenses everyone kicks in.
Each month, your monthly share is matched with another’s eligible medical bills. Through a secure online portal, Medi-Share publishes the bills eligible for sharing and coordinates the direct sharing of medical costs between members. You will know every month whose bills you are paying, and when you have eligible bills, your fellow believers will be sharing those and praying for you.
fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.


How about a study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

View attachment 216262

I lost my company insurance thanks to Commie Care, so even at my age, I'm seeking a new job after spending 25 years of my life at the company I'm currently working at. What I found in contacting these potential employers is that they all dropped their health insurance.

Before Commie Care, very few if any didn't offer coverage of some sort. It may have not been the best coverage, or perhaps had employee contributions, but at least it was something.

As for myself, Commie Care presented plans that cost me more than my two mortgages combined. It was barely any coverage at all, and only good if you got hit by a bus.

So for the past several years, I've been uninsured, and every day is a gamble. Nobody seems to be seriously addressing the problem, and I know many people are in the same position as I am.

Do you belong to any associations, clubs, etc.?
Association health plans have existed for decades under limited circumstances of small businesses banding together to buy insurance. The plans have not been widespread. They and related ones called multi-employer welfare arrangements have over the years been found to commit fraud and sometimes have become insolvent.

The new rules substantially expand the circumstances under which association health plans can be created and purchased. The regulations erase a requirement that any association must already have existed for a purpose unrelated to health insurance. And for the first time, individuals will be able to buy one of the plans.
Trump administration expands use of health plans that skirt ACA consumer protections

Plus have you looked into this? Medi-Share | Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share is a community of Christians who have agreed to live as the early church (Acts 2 & 4) when it comes to sharing each other’s burdens. Members share each other’s eligible medical bills and, most importantly, encourage and lift one another up in prayer.
What happens you pay a modest monthly fee. Then when a member has some extraordinary health expenses everyone kicks in.
Each month, your monthly share is matched with another’s eligible medical bills. Through a secure online portal, Medi-Share publishes the bills eligible for sharing and coordinates the direct sharing of medical costs between members. You will know every month whose bills you are paying, and when you have eligible bills, your fellow believers will be sharing those and praying for you.

I'm not very religious and don't even belong to a church. I contacted insurance agents that all told me the same thing: because I have preexisting conditions, nobody will offer me insurance at any price unless I go to Commie Care.
fake article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing more than anti obama propaganda ....

pay no attention.


How about a study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

View attachment 216262

I lost my company insurance thanks to Commie Care, so even at my age, I'm seeking a new job after spending 25 years of my life at the company I'm currently working at. What I found in contacting these potential employers is that they all dropped their health insurance.

Before Commie Care, very few if any didn't offer coverage of some sort. It may have not been the best coverage, or perhaps had employee contributions, but at least it was something.

As for myself, Commie Care presented plans that cost me more than my two mortgages combined. It was barely any coverage at all, and only good if you got hit by a bus.

So for the past several years, I've been uninsured, and every day is a gamble. Nobody seems to be seriously addressing the problem, and I know many people are in the same position as I am.

Do you belong to any associations, clubs, etc.?
Association health plans have existed for decades under limited circumstances of small businesses banding together to buy insurance. The plans have not been widespread. They and related ones called multi-employer welfare arrangements have over the years been found to commit fraud and sometimes have become insolvent.

The new rules substantially expand the circumstances under which association health plans can be created and purchased. The regulations erase a requirement that any association must already have existed for a purpose unrelated to health insurance. And for the first time, individuals will be able to buy one of the plans.
Trump administration expands use of health plans that skirt ACA consumer protections

Plus have you looked into this? Medi-Share | Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share is a community of Christians who have agreed to live as the early church (Acts 2 & 4) when it comes to sharing each other’s burdens. Members share each other’s eligible medical bills and, most importantly, encourage and lift one another up in prayer.
What happens you pay a modest monthly fee. Then when a member has some extraordinary health expenses everyone kicks in.
Each month, your monthly share is matched with another’s eligible medical bills. Through a secure online portal, Medi-Share publishes the bills eligible for sharing and coordinates the direct sharing of medical costs between members. You will know every month whose bills you are paying, and when you have eligible bills, your fellow believers will be sharing those and praying for you.

I'm not very religious and don't even belong to a church. I contacted insurance agents that all told me the same thing: because I have preexisting conditions, nobody will offer me insurance at any price unless I go to Commie Care.

And you don't have to be a Christian.

AGAIN look at the growing associations health plans. That's a major reason MOST company health plans DIDN"T have pre-existing conditions i.e. you were eligible regardless.
Same thing will hold true with the associations plans.
See health insurance sold to an individual means just that... a sales person requires commission to sell that insurance and that's a cost built into the premiums.
BUT if you belong to a health insurance GROUP plan like your employer had or you find an association you can join and therefore get group health insurance it will take
in most cases people with pre-existing conditions.
Did you go to college? Check out your alumni association. The Alumni Insurance Program
Do you hunt? Check out NRA? NRA Endorsed Member Insurance - nraportal
Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 10.17.11 PM.png

do you bowl? Bowling Insurance
How about a study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

View attachment 216262

I lost my company insurance thanks to Commie Care, so even at my age, I'm seeking a new job after spending 25 years of my life at the company I'm currently working at. What I found in contacting these potential employers is that they all dropped their health insurance.

Before Commie Care, very few if any didn't offer coverage of some sort. It may have not been the best coverage, or perhaps had employee contributions, but at least it was something.

As for myself, Commie Care presented plans that cost me more than my two mortgages combined. It was barely any coverage at all, and only good if you got hit by a bus.

So for the past several years, I've been uninsured, and every day is a gamble. Nobody seems to be seriously addressing the problem, and I know many people are in the same position as I am.

Do you belong to any associations, clubs, etc.?
Association health plans have existed for decades under limited circumstances of small businesses banding together to buy insurance. The plans have not been widespread. They and related ones called multi-employer welfare arrangements have over the years been found to commit fraud and sometimes have become insolvent.

The new rules substantially expand the circumstances under which association health plans can be created and purchased. The regulations erase a requirement that any association must already have existed for a purpose unrelated to health insurance. And for the first time, individuals will be able to buy one of the plans.
Trump administration expands use of health plans that skirt ACA consumer protections

Plus have you looked into this? Medi-Share | Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share is a community of Christians who have agreed to live as the early church (Acts 2 & 4) when it comes to sharing each other’s burdens. Members share each other’s eligible medical bills and, most importantly, encourage and lift one another up in prayer.
What happens you pay a modest monthly fee. Then when a member has some extraordinary health expenses everyone kicks in.
Each month, your monthly share is matched with another’s eligible medical bills. Through a secure online portal, Medi-Share publishes the bills eligible for sharing and coordinates the direct sharing of medical costs between members. You will know every month whose bills you are paying, and when you have eligible bills, your fellow believers will be sharing those and praying for you.

I'm not very religious and don't even belong to a church. I contacted insurance agents that all told me the same thing: because I have preexisting conditions, nobody will offer me insurance at any price unless I go to Commie Care.

And you don't have to be a Christian.

AGAIN look at the growing associations health plans. That's a major reason MOST company health plans DIDN"T have pre-existing conditions i.e. you were eligible regardless.
Same thing will hold true with the associations plans.
See health insurance sold to an individual means just that... a sales person requires commission to sell that insurance and that's a cost built into the premiums.
BUT if you belong to a health insurance GROUP plan like your employer had or you find an association you can join and therefore get group health insurance it will take
in most cases people with pre-existing conditions.
Did you go to college? Check out your alumni association. The Alumni Insurance Program
Do you hunt? Check out NRA? NRA Endorsed Member Insurance - nraportal
View attachment 216295

do you bowl? Bowling Insurance

I don't bowl, I don't attend church, I never went to college. No offense, but most of what you listed says "unavailable."
And from that same study the below link and this CHART backing up what I said earlier!
14 million were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
At Investor's Business Daily, John Merline writes that "the entire decline in the uninsured rate for non-retirees since 2007 is due to the expansion of government health programs—mostly Medicaid" (italics in original).
The Uninsured Rate Falls, But Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit? | Investor's Business Daily
Again.. when people spout off about "46 million uninsured" They really have to know what comprises that number and yet most people and definitely the MSM NEVER dug deeper. The deepest was Politifact.org that showed Obama was sloppy using 46 million when 10 million he said were NOT legal citizens.
Then as I went and this proved it... THERE WAS NO NEED for ACA i.e. 36 million uninsured when 14 million were eligible for Medicaid again as this article shows.
Finally AGAIN as those 18 million under 34 that make over $50,000 why don't they have insurance?
They don't need to spend the money for company health care because they pay out of pocket!

So thanks for validation of my 2nd point that 14 million come from MEDICAID a government program!

View attachment 216262

I lost my company insurance thanks to Commie Care, so even at my age, I'm seeking a new job after spending 25 years of my life at the company I'm currently working at. What I found in contacting these potential employers is that they all dropped their health insurance.

Before Commie Care, very few if any didn't offer coverage of some sort. It may have not been the best coverage, or perhaps had employee contributions, but at least it was something.

As for myself, Commie Care presented plans that cost me more than my two mortgages combined. It was barely any coverage at all, and only good if you got hit by a bus.

So for the past several years, I've been uninsured, and every day is a gamble. Nobody seems to be seriously addressing the problem, and I know many people are in the same position as I am.

Do you belong to any associations, clubs, etc.?
Association health plans have existed for decades under limited circumstances of small businesses banding together to buy insurance. The plans have not been widespread. They and related ones called multi-employer welfare arrangements have over the years been found to commit fraud and sometimes have become insolvent.

The new rules substantially expand the circumstances under which association health plans can be created and purchased. The regulations erase a requirement that any association must already have existed for a purpose unrelated to health insurance. And for the first time, individuals will be able to buy one of the plans.
Trump administration expands use of health plans that skirt ACA consumer protections

Plus have you looked into this? Medi-Share | Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share is a community of Christians who have agreed to live as the early church (Acts 2 & 4) when it comes to sharing each other’s burdens. Members share each other’s eligible medical bills and, most importantly, encourage and lift one another up in prayer.
What happens you pay a modest monthly fee. Then when a member has some extraordinary health expenses everyone kicks in.
Each month, your monthly share is matched with another’s eligible medical bills. Through a secure online portal, Medi-Share publishes the bills eligible for sharing and coordinates the direct sharing of medical costs between members. You will know every month whose bills you are paying, and when you have eligible bills, your fellow believers will be sharing those and praying for you.

I'm not very religious and don't even belong to a church. I contacted insurance agents that all told me the same thing: because I have preexisting conditions, nobody will offer me insurance at any price unless I go to Commie Care.

And you don't have to be a Christian.

AGAIN look at the growing associations health plans. That's a major reason MOST company health plans DIDN"T have pre-existing conditions i.e. you were eligible regardless.
Same thing will hold true with the associations plans.
See health insurance sold to an individual means just that... a sales person requires commission to sell that insurance and that's a cost built into the premiums.
BUT if you belong to a health insurance GROUP plan like your employer had or you find an association you can join and therefore get group health insurance it will take
in most cases people with pre-existing conditions.
Did you go to college? Check out your alumni association. The Alumni Insurance Program
Do you hunt? Check out NRA? NRA Endorsed Member Insurance - nraportal
View attachment 216295

do you bowl? Bowling Insurance

I don't bowl, I don't attend church, I never went to college. No offense, but most of what you listed says "unavailable."

Then you are just too damn lazy! I took some time and found those three associations.
Figure it out because you aren't evidently worth enough then to do something on your own!
Enough wasting time on you. Figure it out!

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