Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Amanda Marcotte, Alternet

Here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012.

Has there been a more sustained assault on women's rights in recent memory as what we saw in 2011? Republicans swept the House and many state governments in the 2010 election, and made attacking reproductive rights a major priority, right next to destroying union power and making it harder for students, poor people and people of color to vote. Republicans waged war on women’s ability to pay for an abortion, get an abortion without being needlessly hassled, get an abortion at a location within a day’s drive, or access affordable contraception. It seemed like not a week passed without another outrageous attack on women’s rights. It’s tempting to think that 2012 has to be better, on the grounds that it can’t be much worse.

But I wouldn’t breathe easy just yet. At the end of 2009, we also thought we’d seen the worst, between the Stupak Amendment to the Affordable Health Care Act that eventually will end private insurance coverage of abortion and the murder of Dr. George Tiller, an abortion provider who had survived decades of harassment at the hands of anti-choice extremists. Little did we know that 2011 was around the corner. With that in mind, here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012:

Much More: 5 Dirty Tricks Right-Wing Zealots Will Likely Try Next in Their Battle to Control Women | Gender | AlterNet
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.
Why do blacks vote for Dems when Dems have oppressed them for so long?

Supplement what you want more of… So simple, so true.
republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or wall street.

death to polar bears!!!​
Why do blacks vote for Dems when Dems have oppressed them for so long?

Supplement what you want more of… So simple, so true.

Very misleading. The black vote has been always been against the southern whites and their history of rascism. When the white southerners were democrats trying to limit black rights, the blacks were republicans. When the white southerns switched to be republicans, then the blacks switched to being democrats.
By Bob Cesca

To paraphrase the eminently quotable Barney Frank: the Republicans want smaller government -- small enough to fit into your uterus.

When the Republicans gained a majority with a 48-seat margin in the House of Representatives, they did so with the promise that they were planning to shrink the size of government, to reduce federal spending and to repeal health care.

Good job, so far, Republicans.

You've managed to do none of that.

In fact, your votes and initiatives lately prove that you're doing the exact opposite. You voted to repeal health care, but it was an empty, futile gesture which, had it managed to pass the Senate, would have increased the federal budget deficit by $230 billion, according to the CBO. And now, this week, you're resuming your decades-long effort to inject big government into personal health care decisions of millions of American women.

Let's rewind. In 2009, James O'Keefe orchestrated a deceitful undercover hidden-video scam that managed to disband and destroy ACORN, an organization that hasn't been indicted or convicted of anything. ACORN, despite the videos, had done nothing wrong, other than helping poor people -- a mortal trespass in the ass-backwards world of far-right conservatives who, like their self-proclaimed spiritual guide, Jesus of Nazareth, are evidently opposed to helping poor people.

The tapes, produced and financed by Andrew Breitbart and O'Keefe, were proved to be selectively edited and intentionally deceptive. They weren't the smoking gun against ACORN the two claimed. Breitbart recently admitted to the game, "So I'm going to have to stage a series of tricks to get the mainstream media to have to pay attention to it. So that's what I did. I admit it, I tricked you."

But ACORN is gone. And James O'Keefe's pimp-drag sting operation lives on.

This year, it was carried out by an anti-choice, anti-woman group called Live Action. The mission: to dismantle Planned Parenthood with the same tactics used against ACORN. So they dressed up one of their people like a pimp, equipped him with a hidden camera and tasked him with hunting down a variety of Planned Parenthood locations. The "pimp" apparently told Planned Parenthood workers that he was looking for STD treatment, birth control and possibly abortion services for his "underage prostitutes."

Much More: Bob Cesca: The Republican War Against Women
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

:lol:.. see, you're a nut..
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXSOD1N5lR4]Happy Happy Joy Joy Song - YouTube[/ame]
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?

The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?


Prosperity? No, that was President William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton.
I hope the American Taliban are removed from power.

They're here?!?!


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