Why would anyone from South Carolina actually vote for this guy?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?
APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?

Well obviously the mind tricks of the Republican Jedi masters fooled people. That and lots of republicans stuffing ballot boxes?

Or are you not one of those claiming with out a shred of evidence that he was a Republican plant?
By the way, Sometimes one gets back evals not because you are incompetent, but rather because the leadership does not like you. Though in this case sounds like he WAS incompetent because he got similar marks from two different sets of leaders.

But when compared to the incompetent buffoons of the Liberals, he would fit right in.
Dems voted for a Klansman and have Biden on the ticket why is Greene such a surprise?
Maybe they read his name and just assumed he was Al Green the soul singer.

APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?

Well obviously the mind tricks of the Republican Jedi masters fooled people. That and lots of republicans stuffing ballot boxes?

Or are you not one of those claiming with out a shred of evidence that he was a Republican plant?

It seems odd how this guy could have won. He sounds like he may be mildly retarded.

I don't see how the GOP could have swung the vote for this guy, there would be some evidence of mailings or an internet campaign to go out and vote for this guy. To stuff the ballot box would have meant you did it in every precinct.

The guy was totally unknown and there was no evidence of a groundswell of support for him. Somehow, the Democrats of South Carolina voted for him. Though it doesn't seem anyone admits it.

If this thing turns out to be fraud it will turn SC on its ear
APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?

He'sa mirror image of obama I guess it must be a democratic thing.
I don't know why this is so strange.

In the Pantheon of recent great Democrats we have a crack addict, a Klansman, a guy in NY living in 4 rent controlled apartments, a guy who drowned his girlfriend in his car and didn't report until he was sure she was dead, a President who can't tell the number of states in the US to the nearest 10 and a VP who is a certifiable retard.

If anything, Greene brings the Dem IQ up a few dozen points.
APNewsBreak: Records show Greene's military flops - Yahoo! News

From Alvin Greenes Military Record

In a performance report two years later, Greene received adequate marks for performing tasks assigned to him, complying with standards and training requirements. But Greene's reviewer marked him as an ineffective leader who lacked organization and was "unable to express thoughts clearly."

Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.

Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership "recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission."

A year later, Greene was evaluated again, this time in his new job as an analyst working with the weapons of mass destruction section. But Greene's job had little to do with intelligence analysis and more to do with shredding documents and escorting contractors around the base.

Again receiving low marks for ineffective leadership, Greene also was rated as not knowing much about his duties or performing them effectively and not complying with minimum training requirements.

The reviewer also wrote Greene "required a daily to-do list" to perform basic duties and had a "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge." Most seriously, the reviewer wrote that Greene would represent "a threat to others" because of his inability to grasp the basics of military training.

This thing gets stranger and stranger....how could he win a primary he didn't campaign in by a landslide?

Well obviously the mind tricks of the Republican Jedi masters fooled people. That and lots of republicans stuffing ballot boxes?

Or are you not one of those claiming with out a shred of evidence that he was a Republican plant?

It seems odd how this guy could have won. He sounds like he may be mildly retarded.

I don't see how the GOP could have swung the vote for this guy, there would be some evidence of mailings or an internet campaign to go out and vote for this guy. To stuff the ballot box would have meant you did it in every precinct.

The guy was totally unknown and there was no evidence of a groundswell of support for him. Somehow, the Democrats of South Carolina voted for him. Though it doesn't seem anyone admits it.

If this thing turns out to be fraud it will turn SC on its ear
It's not really surprising that this happened in South Carolina. Mark Sanford was 'hiking the Appalachian Trail" and it did not set the state on its ear. They think flying the Confederate battle flag over the state capitol is a symbol of freedom. The students at the largest university there attend "Cock Fest".

Electronic voting must be easily hacked in such an enlightened place.
sc is just an odd place...look at their politics....just plain odd...i remember when christians were flocking to sc to make it the beginning of a christian strong hold..etc....
Tell us how he found the 10,000 dollar filling fee?

Now tell me about the machines this state votes on?
Well obviously the mind tricks of the Republican Jedi masters fooled people. That and lots of republicans stuffing ballot boxes?

Or are you not one of those claiming with out a shred of evidence that he was a Republican plant?

It seems odd how this guy could have won. He sounds like he may be mildly retarded.

I don't see how the GOP could have swung the vote for this guy, there would be some evidence of mailings or an internet campaign to go out and vote for this guy. To stuff the ballot box would have meant you did it in every precinct.

The guy was totally unknown and there was no evidence of a groundswell of support for him. Somehow, the Democrats of South Carolina voted for him. Though it doesn't seem anyone admits it.

If this thing turns out to be fraud it will turn SC on its ear
It's not really surprising that this happened in South Carolina. Mark Sanford was 'hiking the Appalachian Trail" and it did not set the state on its ear. They think flying the Confederate battle flag over the state capitol is a symbol of freedom. The students at the largest university there attend "Cock Fest".

Electronic voting must be easily hacked in such an enlightened place.

This whole thing just doesn't pass the smell test
sc is just an odd place...look at their politics....just plain odd...i remember when christians were flocking to sc to make it the beginning of a christian strong hold..etc....
SC is murkas Haiti.
Slack jawed, slobbering, uneducated dupes, flying the flag on their trailer roofs.
sc is just an odd place...look at their politics....just plain odd...i remember when christians were flocking to sc to make it the beginning of a christian strong hold..etc....

Why is it odd? I think people are just tired of Politics as usual. Green won beacause they are tired of the shit. Green won because of obama.
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sc is just an odd place...look at their politics....just plain odd...i remember when christians were flocking to sc to make it the beginning of a christian strong hold..etc....

They may be odd....but there must have been some poll to idicate voters were going to swing to Greene

There was no indication that voters were even considering him and then he wins by a landslide

Also nobody in post election polling seems to indicate they voted for him

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