Why Would ANY Democrat Want Joe Biden to Run at This Point?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Seeing how badly he screwed up the country and how badly he's doing in the polls they have to know that Trump is going to crush him into dust in the competition. Especially since he already has and is frontrunner of the Republican party. The majority of the country (probably even a lot of democrats) can't stand Joe Biden as he truly is the worst president ever and more people love Trump than hate him. So it just doesn't make any sense.
Seeing how badly he screwed up the country and how badly he's doing in the polls they have to know that Trump is going to crush him into dust in the competition. Especially since he already has and is frontrunner of the Republican party. The majority of the country (probably even a lot of democrats) can't stand Joe Biden as he truly is the worst president ever and more people love Trump than hate him. So it just doesn't make any sense.
same reason Trump is ahead in the polls.

Seeing how badly he screwed up the country and how badly he's doing in the polls they have to know that Trump is going to crush him into dust in the competition. Especially since he already has and is frontrunner of the Republican party. The majority of the country (probably even a lot of democrats) can't stand Joe Biden as he truly is the worst president ever and more people love Trump than hate him. So it just doesn't make any sense.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all trailed a year out from the election.

This is less accurate polling and more polling companies trying to create buzz.

Most Americans aren't paying attention to just how unhinged Trump has become of late.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all trailed a year out from the election.

This is less accurate polling and more polling companies trying to create buzz.

Most Americans aren't paying attention to just how unhinged Trump has become of late.
No, Trump is ahead in the polls because he was an awesome president. Almost everything that's been happening underneath the Biden Harris Administration right now never happened and never would have happened underneath Trump.
I see no reason to reelect anyone that has held office in the last 20 years.

the debt is at 30 trillion plus, and they are responsible for the last 25 trillion being added.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all trailed a year out from the election.

This is less accurate polling and more polling companies trying to create buzz.

Most Americans aren't paying attention to just how unhinged Trump has become of late.

Three excuses in one post. LOL
I see no reason to reelect anyone that has held office in the last 20 years.

I see plenty of good reasons why. Right now this country is headed straight for world war III and we have a wide open border. Those are two great places to start and you can bet that Trump could handle both of them.
I see plenty of good reasons why. Right now this country is headed straight for world war III and we have a wide open border. Those are two great places to start and you can bet that Trump could handle both of them.
You have already declared that you have a mental disorder or mental disability.

There is no further need for you to continue emphasizing your mental disability.
Good Grief.

I gave up. I had enough straining my brain to try and figure out what this babbling idiot. I would blame it on my mental disability, but I always understand Trump just fine.

I might have mental disabilities but I'm not delusional. That's the difference between me and them. Leftists are delusional terrorists. It doesn't matter if it's against Israel or children. They're all after two things... Control and power.
He curbstompred Trump. And he'll do it again, easily.

That's why you're begging us not to run Biden, because you know he'll beat Trump easily again.

Yes, it is that obvious.
wow... you a bigfoot fan too?

Why Would ANY Democrat Want Joe Biden to Run at This Point?​

I feel none do .
But they have no alternative because who could raise one more vote than Piss Pants, unless they want to take a huge gamble with Bummer's husband and risk everything disintegrating when caught out .
As would happen . imho.

I seriously suspect that top Dumbos are debating their only possible solution --- Kill The Trump .

Made worse by double figure attempts having failed .
That's the narrative I gather .
Lesser, and lesser, and lesser, and lesser, and lesser, and lesser, and lesser ...
Seeing how badly he screwed up the country and how badly he's doing in the polls they have to know that Trump is going to crush him into dust in the competition. Especially since he already has and is frontrunner of the Republican party. The majority of the country (probably even a lot of democrats) can't stand Joe Biden as he truly is the worst president ever and more people love Trump than hate him. So it just doesn't make any sense.
Most Democrats would prefer someone else.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all trailed a year out from the election.

This is less accurate polling and more polling companies trying to create buzz.

Most Americans aren't paying attention to just how unhinged Trump has become of late.
You aren't paying attention.

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