Why Won't Willard Show His Papers?

Why Won't Willard Show 12 Years Of Tax Returns Like His Father And Obama?

  • Has committed federal tax evasion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It will show he has paid no taxes

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • It will show he pays less than the middle class, but wants more cuts to elitists like him

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • It will show he is a complete douchebag out of touch with reality

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • I love Willard because he has an (R) next to his name

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
Willard's own father said it best "Only one year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show"

Willard's father presented 12 years of tax returns to show transparency to the american people.

Obama also has done so for 12 years.

Why won't Willard? :eusa_think:
because he doesnt have to or want to and most people want to talk about the issues and not distractions.....
We don't discuss Moderator Actions XXXXX... I didn't see that coming!

Great thread by the way, solving the worlds problems I see!
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because he doesnt have to or want to and most people want to talk about the issues and not distractions.....

Romney addressed it...and thats Romneys problem.

Romney said put up or shut up...and thats Romneys ironic problem.
Why do those who gave Obama an automatic pass on questions about his past and his eligibility to hold the office, which had lingered since his Illinois State Senate days, give such a huge shit about Romney's money?

because he doesnt have to or want to and most people want to talk about the issues and not distractions.....

Romney addressed it...and thats Romneys problem.

Romney said put up or shut up...and thats Romneys ironic problem.

Well where's the proof? that's like me saying you stole something....anyone can make an accusation....and in politics, you should hold your politicians to a little bit of a standard
because he doesnt have to or want to and most people want to talk about the issues and not distractions.....

Romney addressed it...and thats Romneys problem.

Romney said put up or shut up...and thats Romneys ironic problem.

Well where's the proof? that's like me saying you stole something....anyone can make an accusation....and in politics, you should hold your politicians to a little bit of a standard

Romney wont give proof...and this is a big job interview. You can deny how it looks but you know how this looks...foreal foreal
Romney addressed it...and thats Romneys problem.

Romney said put up or shut up...and thats Romneys ironic problem.

Well where's the proof? that's like me saying you stole something....anyone can make an accusation....and in politics, you should hold your politicians to a little bit of a standard

Romney wont give proof...and this is a big job interview. You can deny how it looks but you know how this looks...foreal foreal

He shouldnt have to, Reid made the accusation....Romeny called...whatcha got harry?

The funny thing is you know this a political stunt....but anything for the cause eh comrade?
Willard's own father said it best "Only one year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show"

Willard's father presented 12 years of tax returns to show transparency to the american people.

Obama also has done so for 12 years.

Why won't Willard? :eusa_think:


"When you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
Well where's the proof? that's like me saying you stole something....anyone can make an accusation....and in politics, you should hold your politicians to a little bit of a standard

Romney wont give proof...and this is a big job interview. You can deny how it looks but you know how this looks...foreal foreal

He shouldnt have to, Reid made the accusation....Romeny called...whatcha got harry?

The funny thing is you know this a political stunt....but anything for the cause eh comrade?

Whats disturbing to me is this... its a political stunt played out on the Senate floor.

Quite disgarceful if ya ask me.

Reid needs to resign and get back on his meds. :cuckoo:
Romney wont give proof...and this is a big job interview. You can deny how it looks but you know how this looks...foreal foreal

He shouldnt have to, Reid made the accusation....Romeny called...whatcha got harry?

The funny thing is you know this a political stunt....but anything for the cause eh comrade?

Whats disturbing to me is this... its a political stunt played out on the Senate floor.

Quite disgarceful if ya ask me.

Reid needs to resign and get back on his meds. :cuckoo:

The Senate floor is the only place on earth that he is immune to being charged with slander for such baseless, rhetorical claims.
If i had to guess why it would be for a few reasons.

The first is that he has either paid little or no taxes. It is not too hard to get write offs or to hide tax money as a richer person. His tax returns would probably show a number of loopholes that we should close which allow the rich to get away without paying their share.

The dems will look over his tax returns and find every way he has avoided paying his fair share. They will make it an issue in a election where there is a real issue over the rich paying their fair share to the US for allowing them a good environment to make a lot of money. He is certainly not wrong in claiming that the dems will make an issue over it, but he is wrong that it is a distraction as this is part of his honesty and who he is as a person who can get this country, and not himself, in a better position.

There is probably evidence that he has outright lied about his time and income at bain capital. We already now the lie is out there because of bain filings, but when we see how much he was actually paid by them i am sure it will not look good for him, and it will bring back that issue.

This one is just a pure guess, but I am pretty sure he has done a lot of things for the mormon church and probably hidden some money in their pockets. Not illegal, but it will certainly bring up his mormon ties which the people in his party find to be one of the worst things about him. It probably won't make anyone switch sides, but it will mae them stay at home in an election that is very close.

I have a feeling the 77k in deductions for his wife's ballarina horse are not the only deductions we will find for the MS that doesn't seem to plague the woman at all. I have known some people with MS, and that bitch obviously has MS lite. Wouldn't it be funny if we found she gets some government health care money for her illness. That would certainly be a part of joint returns and look very bad for the inventor of Romneycare in the party who loves death panels.

We will probably find a much stronger attachment to certain rich businesses that will mae him loo more lie GWB with halliburton.

is there actual illegal activity in there? I would like to think Mitt is smart enough to keep on the right side of tax law, but it is possible. I thought a little better of him weeks ago before he got caught lying about his time at Bain, but I figure someone at the IRS has made sure the guy has not broken any big laws.

I do agree with his statements that nothing good can come out of his release of his tax returns for his chances at the presidency. The guy has lived in the shady area of right and wrong, and he knows he made a lot of money destroying others. He is doing the right thing for his campaign as it is probably less damaging for people to suggest he has paid little or no taxes than to open up his records and show every shady underhanded, but legal, thing he has done that he has made lots of money off of. But maybe he is a totally honest guy who has always done......no, we already know he is not that guy.

One thing i am pretty sure of, this is only the start of the real shit. It is way too soon for the Obama campaign to show their really good cards. I have a feeling october is going to be a bad month for mittens. Obama has already had his shit dragged before the country, and the reps pulled out everything they could on him. Unless he is eating babies in the white house there are few big surprises about obama and biden. Mittens still has to pull someone out of the republican shitpile and hope he can wash them off enough not to damage his campaign. We all know what happened last election with Palin. With Mittens already dropping battleground states, and the fact he cannot seem to stop his mouth from fucking things up for him, he is in deep shit.

It is funny how the republicans want to claim Obama is in big trouble like this is the guys first time in a presidential campaign. Obama may have been a newbie 4 years ago and made some stupid gaffes like claiming he was in 57 states, but this time the reps are having to make shit up about what he is saying. It is also good to see dems like reid taking the heat for Obama by drawing Mitt's fire and blasting his reputation with tactics that might damage Obama's rep.
Romney addressed it...and thats Romneys problem.

Romney said put up or shut up...and thats Romneys ironic problem.

Well where's the proof? that's like me saying you stole something....anyone can make an accusation....and in politics, you should hold your politicians to a little bit of a standard

Romney wont give proof...and this is a big job interview. You can deny how it looks but you know how this looks...foreal foreal

Very true, it makes you wonder what he is hiding :eusa_think:
Why Won't Willard Show His Papers?

Probably because Eric Holder told him he doesn't have to??? Hmm.
Willard's own father said it best "Only one year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show"

Willard's father presented 12 years of tax returns to show transparency to the american people.

Obama also has done so for 12 years.

Why won't Willard? :eusa_think:

Because low life like you are not entitled...

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