Why won't the media call Trump a Racist?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.
On Sunday, Trump retweeted a graphic filled with made-up statistics about how blacks commit a majority of murders against whites in the United States. It was quickly debunked; the majority of murders of both whites and blacks are committed by people of the same race.

The fake statistics from a fake organization was accompanied by a racist graphic of a black man, face covered in bandanas, holding a gun sideways. The Hill called this "controversial." BuzzFeed said it was "questionable."
It was actually racist.
Trump spread a false statistic about black-on-white crime to drive up an unfounded fear of black criminals. He was trying to make white people afraid so they'll vote for him.
This is racist.
Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president. He has expressed outright racism against Latinos, Muslims, and African-Americans. His words have already had real-world consequences. Trump supporters kicked and beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally Saturday. The next day Trump said "maybe he should have been roughed up." Two men cited Trump when they beat a homeless Latino Boston man in August. Trump said his supporters were "passionate."
The America Trump promises to build is ugly: walled off, repressive, and racist. If the media fails to call racism what it is, if they fail to tell the full story, then that ugly fantasy might just become our ugly reality
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.

Isn't racism or bigotry to not like people you perceive as a threat to your personal safety. Might be in error, but the error doesn't make the view racist. Especially if there's some truth to it.
Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president. He has expressed outright racism against Latinos, Muslims, and African-Americans. His words have already had real-world consequences. Trump supporters kicked and beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally Saturday. The next day Trump said "maybe he should have been roughed up." Two men cited Trump when they beat a homeless Latino Boston man in August. Trump said his supporters were "passionate."
The America Trump promises to build is ugly: walled off, repressive, and racist. If the media fails to call racism what it is, if they fail to tell the full story, then that ugly fantasy might just become our ugly reality

How can Trump be a racist if he wants to have an immigration policy on par with Mexico's immigration policy? Better yet, how can Trump's immigration policy be racist against Latinos and Mexico's policy is not?
He's very racist, that's for sure. But, I don't believe its up to journalists to make that charge or observation. Op/eds are a different thing however and yes, I agree that he should be called out.

But Drumpf would only yell louder, swagger more and that's what ignorant RWNJs want.
boy is the left/democrats getting more desperate every day or what?

they tried everything else to bring Trump down and none of it has worked so far.

so they want to keep BUILDING his lead up keep up with your BS attacks. In fact we encourage you to whip it up, get it on:dance:

all it show's is how freaking Desperate you lib/left/progressive/socialist/commie/democrats all are. You can't run on ANYTHING POSITIVE because you have nothing positive. the people can't stand Obama so that means they can't STAND THAT PARTY he belongs in. tsk tsk for you:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president. He has expressed outright racism against Latinos, Muslims, and African-Americans. His words have already had real-world consequences. Trump supporters kicked and beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally Saturday. The next day Trump said "maybe he should have been roughed up." Two men cited Trump when they beat a homeless Latino Boston man in August. Trump said his supporters were "passionate."
The America Trump promises to build is ugly: walled off, repressive, and racist. If the media fails to call racism what it is, if they fail to tell the full story, then that ugly fantasy might just become our ugly reality

How can Trump be a racist if he wants to have an immigration policy on par with Mexico's immigration policy? Better yet, how can Trump's immigration policy be racist against Latinos and Mexico's policy is not?

Mexico's current immigration policy is nothing at all like Drumpf's yammering and swaggering. Nothing at all.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about Robert KKK Bird.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about the knock out game.
Anyone ever see rw complain about made up statistics about global warming.

why no, no you can't.
Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president. He has expressed outright racism against Latinos, Muslims, and African-Americans. His words have already had real-world consequences. Trump supporters kicked and beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally Saturday. The next day Trump said "maybe he should have been roughed up." Two men cited Trump when they beat a homeless Latino Boston man in August. Trump said his supporters were "passionate."
The America Trump promises to build is ugly: walled off, repressive, and racist. If the media fails to call racism what it is, if they fail to tell the full story, then that ugly fantasy might just become our ugly reality

The Black Lives Protestor refused to leave a private event that he was disrupting. Tell us how someone similarly disrupting a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders private event won't get roughed up.
Maybe they, on some level realize that they have horrifically abused the Race Card their whole lives to the point that they have zero credibility on the issue, and that if ONE person challenged it when too many people were listening that it would finally die the death it so richly deserves.

Then, they might not be able to use it in the future against normal, nice, meek Establishment Republicans to keep them in line.

Don't worry, RW, they haven't betrayed you. Trust in the media, they are doing the best they can to advance your shared agenda.
boy is the left/democrats getting more desperate every day or what?

they tried everything else to bring Trump down and none of it has worked so far.
Trying to bring trump down? No, I am hoping he gets the nomination. The ones that are trying to bring trump down are the sane people --- yes there are a few left --- in the republican party. You really are totally clueless.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about Robert KKK Bird.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about the knock out game.
Anyone ever see rw complain about made up statistics about global warming.

why no, no you can't.

Another spineless coward who can't defend Drumpf so desperately tries to change the subject.

Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president. He has expressed outright racism against Latinos, Muslims, and African-Americans. His words have already had real-world consequences. Trump supporters kicked and beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally Saturday. The next day Trump said "maybe he should have been roughed up." Two men cited Trump when they beat a homeless Latino Boston man in August. Trump said his supporters were "passionate."
The America Trump promises to build is ugly: walled off, repressive, and racist. If the media fails to call racism what it is, if they fail to tell the full story, then that ugly fantasy might just become our ugly reality

The Black Lives Protestor refused to leave a private event that he was disrupting. Tell us how someone similarly disrupting a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders private event won't get roughed up.

Racist bully Drumpf called on his audience to attack a protester.

No excuse for his constant attacks on the US Constitution.
Why won't the media call Obama a racist? He is one

Why is Classless Ass so afraid to discuss Drumpf's racism that she has to change the subject?

Stay on topic. If you want to like about President Obama, go start a thread.

Twenty years in REv. Wright's Black Liberation Theology Church.

The lack of outrage from the left on that undermines their credibility when they claim to be upset about Trump's supposedly racism.

Thus it is a relevant on topic question.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about Robert KKK Bird.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about the knock out game.
Anyone ever see rw complain about made up statistics about global warming.

why no, no you can't.

Another spineless coward who can't defend Drumpf so desperately tries to change the subject.

Why won't the media call Obama a racist? He is one

Why is Classless Ass so afraid to discuss Drumpf's racism that she has to change the subject?

Stay on topic. If you want to like about President Obama, go start a thread.

Get lost you daffy dumb ass, I don't take direction from some worn out old libturd. You're not nearly that improtant
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.

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