Why we have a "problem" with guns un the US

(This topic assumes for the moment that we do, indeed, have a 'gun problem" in the US, regardless as to how absurd reality demonstrates that notion to be.}

Q: Why do we have a "gun problem" in the us?
A: 318.9 million people is a HUGE sample size; with such a huge sample size, tiny percentages turn into anecdotally noticeable numbers.

Q: What's the solution to that problem?
A: There is no sound solution to statistical anomalies.


If you take any other nation as a sample size, are the percentages the same? Show your work.

We don't have a "gun problem"; we have a people problem. Americans must be innately more violent than any other people. Because, after all:

Anti-gun illogic.
That picture shows a world without knives. Pretty stupid. The same logic applies to guns. People with knives cut tomatoes, people with guns shoot people.
Put a knife next to that tomato and see what happens. Add a person and see what happens.

That knife won't cut by itself just like that gun won't pull it's own trigger.
Be careful. A lefty might bludgeon you to death with the side of his hand.
(This topic assumes for the moment that we do, indeed, have a 'gun problem" in the US, regardless as to how absurd reality demonstrates that notion to be.}

Q: Why do we have a "gun problem" in the us?
A: 318.9 million people is a HUGE sample size; with such a huge sample size, tiny percentages turn into anecdotally noticeable numbers.

Q: What's the solution to that problem?
A: There is no sound solution to statistical anomalies.
We don't have a "gun problem"; we have a people problem.
Huh. That's what I said.
And, that problem is tiny.
As long as you're not the one getting shot.
"You'd think differently if it happened to you" isn't a sound argument for anything.
Maybe if the government passed out guns to everybody for free like they do with condoms, leftists would start to see guns as a right.
With federal subsidies for those that cannot afford them,.
After all, what's a right that you cannot afford to exercise?
Geez, I know that! My point is that freebies are the only thing some people respond to as "rights".

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