Why War With China Is Inevitable


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.
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As you said, China has a problem feeding it's own people so as as result they've been buying up US Food producers and farmland as well as in other countries too. (That's why people need to start growing their own food, if they can)

But that also means that China cannot destroy US food and energy producing capacity because they would be cutting their own throats.

They wouldn't nuke us either as at least 1/3 of our ICBM's are based in the Wheat Belt. So an attack there would result in even MORE starvation for them.

A fact the former Soviet Union knew only too well.

1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Lemme guess, you're heavily invested in concrete (to make bomb shelters?)

While China's a concern, the great thing about the modern age is when your country needs more than it can provide itself with, you don't have to go to war to secure it any more, you just go on the international markets and buy it. Free trade stops wars. It's not the big country that needs things we should worry about, but the micro-actors like terror groups.

Warfare like in times past is hopefully gone forever. Asymmetric warfare is the mode today. But it's not going to be one nation's military in uniform on some empty field against another nation's military in uniform - that's gone. Now it's plainclothese irregular forces acting independently, or with support from a country waging small-scale war guerilla fashion.

Greatest threat facing the US over the next 30 years is the US itself. As foreign enemies come into their own technologically (in 30 years our enemies will be 30 years more advanced, whereas we've basicly hit the tech ceiling and can make things smaller, but not much else) they'll have similar capabilities militarily as we do now. Satellites, drones, CBNR-weapons, etc. So we'll be facing forces with equal or nearly-equal tech as we have now. But these wont be nations with return addresses we can bully and threaten, but individuals with advanced capabilities with nothing to loose acting as they're able.

As most realize making a crude 1950s era nuclear weapon isn't hard, the hard part is simply getting the fissionable material. MIT grad students are often tested by making such a device minus the fissionable component. And most of them can do so. I have no doubt, foreign nations like Iran that want nukes have the devices ready to receive the u-235 or plutonium. I imagine a long row of bombs and some guy with tongs in rad suits just waiting around for someone to deliver the fissionable material then walking down dropping a bit into each casing. Voila, nuclear weapons.

But unpleasant as that will be, it's not the primary threat. Iran, China, Pakistan, and DPRK aren't going to use nuclear weapons against the US (their immediate neighbors is another matter.) Because they know we'd spot the launch the moment is was airborne, or be able to determine where the radiological material originated from ala "Sum of All Fears." What they might opt to do is use a proxy and report they "lost" one or more weapons, and the next we hear about it will be when they go off in some major city somewhere.

As was stated well in the indy movie "Unthinkable" "if a nuke goes off on American soil, there will be no fucking Constitution." Meaning martial law will be imposed, personal liberties and rights go out the window as was seen after a relatively minor incident on Sept. 11th 2001 via the Patriot Act. And it wont be contested or reissted, but "So this is how democracy ends - to thunderous applause."
1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Lemme guess, you're heavily invested in concrete (to make bomb shelters?)

While China's a concern, the great thing about the modern age is when your country needs more than it can provide itself with, you don't have to go to war to secure it any more, you just go on the international markets and buy it. Free trade stops wars. It's not the big country that needs things we should worry about, but the micro-actors like terror groups.

Warfare like in times past is hopefully gone forever. Asymmetric warfare is the mode today. But it's not going to be one nation's military in uniform on some empty field against another nation's military in uniform - that's gone. Now it's plainclothese irregular forces acting independently, or with support from a country waging small-scale war guerilla fashion.

Greatest threat facing the US over the next 30 years is the US itself. As foreign enemies come into their own technologically (in 30 years our enemies will be 30 years more advanced, whereas we've basicly hit the tech ceiling and can make things smaller, but not much else) they'll have similar capabilities militarily as we do now. Satellites, drones, CBNR-weapons, etc. So we'll be facing forces with equal or nearly-equal tech as we have now. But these wont be nations with return addresses we can bully and threaten, but individuals with advanced capabilities with nothing to loose acting as they're able.

As most realize making a crude 1950s era nuclear weapon isn't hard, the hard part is simply getting the fissionable material. MIT grad students are often tested by making such a device minus the fissionable component. And most of them can do so. I have no doubt, foreign nations like Iran that want nukes have the devices ready to receive the u-235 or plutonium. I imagine a long row of bombs and some guy with tongs in rad suits just waiting around for someone to deliver the fissionable material then walking down dropping a bit into each casing. Voila, nuclear weapons.

But unpleasant as that will be, it's not the primary threat. Iran, China, Pakistan, and DPRK aren't going to use nuclear weapons against the US (their immediate neighbors is another matter.) Because they know we'd spot the launch the moment is was airborne, or be able to determine where the radiological material originated from ala "Sum of All Fears." What they might opt to do is use a proxy and report they "lost" one or more weapons, and the next we hear about it will be when they go off in some major city somewhere.

As was stated well in the indy movie "Unthinkable" "if a nuke goes off on American soil, there will be no fucking Constitution." Meaning martial law will be imposed, personal liberties and rights go out the window as was seen after a relatively minor incident on Sept. 11th 2001 via the Patriot Act. And it wont be contested or reissted, but "So this is how democracy ends - to thunderous applause."

Stay tuned throughout the day.....I will add more to the thread that will obviate your complaints...

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

William Shakespeare, Hamlet
1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Lemme guess, you're heavily invested in concrete (to make bomb shelters?)

While China's a concern, the great thing about the modern age is when your country needs more than it can provide itself with, you don't have to go to war to secure it any more, you just go on the international markets and buy it. Free trade stops wars. It's not the big country that needs things we should worry about, but the micro-actors like terror groups.

Warfare like in times past is hopefully gone forever. Asymmetric warfare is the mode today. But it's not going to be one nation's military in uniform on some empty field against another nation's military in uniform - that's gone. Now it's plainclothese irregular forces acting independently, or with support from a country waging small-scale war guerilla fashion.

Greatest threat facing the US over the next 30 years is the US itself. As foreign enemies come into their own technologically (in 30 years our enemies will be 30 years more advanced, whereas we've basicly hit the tech ceiling and can make things smaller, but not much else) they'll have similar capabilities militarily as we do now. Satellites, drones, CBNR-weapons, etc. So we'll be facing forces with equal or nearly-equal tech as we have now. But these wont be nations with return addresses we can bully and threaten, but individuals with advanced capabilities with nothing to loose acting as they're able.

As most realize making a crude 1950s era nuclear weapon isn't hard, the hard part is simply getting the fissionable material. MIT grad students are often tested by making such a device minus the fissionable component. And most of them can do so. I have no doubt, foreign nations like Iran that want nukes have the devices ready to receive the u-235 or plutonium. I imagine a long row of bombs and some guy with tongs in rad suits just waiting around for someone to deliver the fissionable material then walking down dropping a bit into each casing. Voila, nuclear weapons.

But unpleasant as that will be, it's not the primary threat. Iran, China, Pakistan, and DPRK aren't going to use nuclear weapons against the US (their immediate neighbors is another matter.) Because they know we'd spot the launch the moment is was airborne, or be able to determine where the radiological material originated from ala "Sum of All Fears." What they might opt to do is use a proxy and report they "lost" one or more weapons, and the next we hear about it will be when they go off in some major city somewhere.

As was stated well in the indy movie "Unthinkable" "if a nuke goes off on American soil, there will be no fucking Constitution." Meaning martial law will be imposed, personal liberties and rights go out the window as was seen after a relatively minor incident on Sept. 11th 2001 via the Patriot Act. And it wont be contested or reissted, but "So this is how democracy ends - to thunderous applause."

Stay tuned throughout the day.....I will add more to the thread that will obviate your complaints...

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Gotta go eat more fear for brunch then come back here and throw it up in a cut-n-paste format?
1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Lemme guess, you're heavily invested in concrete (to make bomb shelters?)

While China's a concern, the great thing about the modern age is when your country needs more than it can provide itself with, you don't have to go to war to secure it any more, you just go on the international markets and buy it. Free trade stops wars. It's not the big country that needs things we should worry about, but the micro-actors like terror groups.

Warfare like in times past is hopefully gone forever. Asymmetric warfare is the mode today. But it's not going to be one nation's military in uniform on some empty field against another nation's military in uniform - that's gone. Now it's plainclothese irregular forces acting independently, or with support from a country waging small-scale war guerilla fashion.

Greatest threat facing the US over the next 30 years is the US itself. As foreign enemies come into their own technologically (in 30 years our enemies will be 30 years more advanced, whereas we've basicly hit the tech ceiling and can make things smaller, but not much else) they'll have similar capabilities militarily as we do now. Satellites, drones, CBNR-weapons, etc. So we'll be facing forces with equal or nearly-equal tech as we have now. But these wont be nations with return addresses we can bully and threaten, but individuals with advanced capabilities with nothing to loose acting as they're able.

As most realize making a crude 1950s era nuclear weapon isn't hard, the hard part is simply getting the fissionable material. MIT grad students are often tested by making such a device minus the fissionable component. And most of them can do so. I have no doubt, foreign nations like Iran that want nukes have the devices ready to receive the u-235 or plutonium. I imagine a long row of bombs and some guy with tongs in rad suits just waiting around for someone to deliver the fissionable material then walking down dropping a bit into each casing. Voila, nuclear weapons.

But unpleasant as that will be, it's not the primary threat. Iran, China, Pakistan, and DPRK aren't going to use nuclear weapons against the US (their immediate neighbors is another matter.) Because they know we'd spot the launch the moment is was airborne, or be able to determine where the radiological material originated from ala "Sum of All Fears." What they might opt to do is use a proxy and report they "lost" one or more weapons, and the next we hear about it will be when they go off in some major city somewhere.

As was stated well in the indy movie "Unthinkable" "if a nuke goes off on American soil, there will be no fucking Constitution." Meaning martial law will be imposed, personal liberties and rights go out the window as was seen after a relatively minor incident on Sept. 11th 2001 via the Patriot Act. And it wont be contested or reissted, but "So this is how democracy ends - to thunderous applause."

Stay tuned throughout the day.....I will add more to the thread that will obviate your complaints...

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Gotta go eat more fear for brunch then come back here and throw it up in a cut-n-paste format?

1. The so disingenuous complaint 'cut and paste' ignores the content, and attempts to obfuscate by pointing to the method of presentation.

2. Your peripheral suggestion that the seven or eight points made do not lead to the conclusion stated in the title is.....vacuous...and the product of a lazy mind.

3. Again....where is the substance??
Explain why the points are inconsequential.....if you can.
1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Sounds like a conservative utopia

Foul your air and water, use up all your resources, burn out your workforce
Then invade somewhere elase and start over
1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Lemme guess, you're heavily invested in concrete (to make bomb shelters?)

While China's a concern, the great thing about the modern age is when your country needs more than it can provide itself with, you don't have to go to war to secure it any more, you just go on the international markets and buy it. Free trade stops wars. It's not the big country that needs things we should worry about, but the micro-actors like terror groups.

Warfare like in times past is hopefully gone forever. Asymmetric warfare is the mode today. But it's not going to be one nation's military in uniform on some empty field against another nation's military in uniform - that's gone. Now it's plainclothese irregular forces acting independently, or with support from a country waging small-scale war guerilla fashion.

Greatest threat facing the US over the next 30 years is the US itself. As foreign enemies come into their own technologically (in 30 years our enemies will be 30 years more advanced, whereas we've basicly hit the tech ceiling and can make things smaller, but not much else) they'll have similar capabilities militarily as we do now. Satellites, drones, CBNR-weapons, etc. So we'll be facing forces with equal or nearly-equal tech as we have now. But these wont be nations with return addresses we can bully and threaten, but individuals with advanced capabilities with nothing to loose acting as they're able.

As most realize making a crude 1950s era nuclear weapon isn't hard, the hard part is simply getting the fissionable material. MIT grad students are often tested by making such a device minus the fissionable component. And most of them can do so. I have no doubt, foreign nations like Iran that want nukes have the devices ready to receive the u-235 or plutonium. I imagine a long row of bombs and some guy with tongs in rad suits just waiting around for someone to deliver the fissionable material then walking down dropping a bit into each casing. Voila, nuclear weapons.

But unpleasant as that will be, it's not the primary threat. Iran, China, Pakistan, and DPRK aren't going to use nuclear weapons against the US (their immediate neighbors is another matter.) Because they know we'd spot the launch the moment is was airborne, or be able to determine where the radiological material originated from ala "Sum of All Fears." What they might opt to do is use a proxy and report they "lost" one or more weapons, and the next we hear about it will be when they go off in some major city somewhere.

As was stated well in the indy movie "Unthinkable" "if a nuke goes off on American soil, there will be no fucking Constitution." Meaning martial law will be imposed, personal liberties and rights go out the window as was seen after a relatively minor incident on Sept. 11th 2001 via the Patriot Act. And it wont be contested or reissted, but "So this is how democracy ends - to thunderous applause."

Stay tuned throughout the day.....I will add more to the thread that will obviate your complaints...

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Gotta go eat more fear for brunch then come back here and throw it up in a cut-n-paste format?

1. The so disingenuous complaint 'cut and paste' ignores the content, and attempts to obfuscate by pointing to the method of presentation.

2. Your peripheral suggestion that the seven or eight points made do not lead to the conclusion stated in the title is.....vacuous...and the product of a lazy mind.

3. Again....where is the substance??
Explain why the points are inconsequential.....if you can.
MoonGoon never adds any substance to the topic of a thread.

He thinks his posts are somehow funny.......but most are just idiotic. ...... :cuckoo:
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1. China is dying.

a. Their air is polluted
"China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists...Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking havoc on country's food supply, experts warn"China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

b. Their water is polluted.
"China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted...Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says" China says more than half of its groundwater is polluted Environment theguardian.com

c. They have cut down their timber.
"China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. " China s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests by William Laurance Yale Environment 360

d. Only a small area of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture.

"China eats about 20 percent of the world’s food, reasonably expected for its 1.3 billion people. But the country only has nine percent of the world’s farmland." Why China Wants and Needs Foreign Farm Land 8211 News Watch

e. 'Their investments in North Africa have been a complete bust, and many have taken a substantial loss: the mines there didn't produce a faction of what they had projected.'

China Failed Mining Deals Top 45 Billion on Hanlong Bungle - Bloomberg

f. China's population has continued to expand while its economy has continued to slow.
" China's leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically" China s leaders refuse to blink as economy slows drastically - Telegraph

g. There are riots and social unrest that never make it into international news.
"In 2010, China was rocked by 180,000 protests, riots and other mass incidents—more than four times the tally from a decade earlier. That figure, reported by Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, rather than official sources, doesn't tell the whole story on the turmoil in what is now the world's second-largest economy." http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903703604576587070600504108

h. Deteriorating conditions have made China a hotbed of new, drug-resistant diseases.
"Experts have warned of the growing risk of travelers to India, China and South East Asia bringing home E.coli infections that are immune to treatment with a normal course of antibiotic tablets."

China India travel boosts risk of antibiotic resistant cystitis

To survive they must not only defeat the US...but take it over....inhabit it.

But take it over- not by traditional warfare: unrestricted, unconventional warfare.
Anything goes: bombs in movie theatres, collapsing America's electrical grid, taking down the internet, poisoning food and water supplies, dirty bombs, chemical and biological attacks.

Planes, soldiers, tanks, ....obsolete.

Sounds like a conservative utopia

Foul your air and water, use up all your resources, burn out your workforce
Then invade somewhere elase and start over

Funny, considering governments that consider themselves communist, socialist, or "worker's states" have the worst track record when it comes to the environment.

The government is the producer AND the regulator. Evidently that is fine, while including private producers when it comes to regulation is somehow "bad"

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