Why Trump supporters won't listen

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It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

Sure they, just ask you.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
The only "racism" I see in America is Affirmative Action, and its not coming from Trump or his supporters.

Of course that's all you see. See my original point #1.
The OP is correct, but only a very small portion of Trumpers are real evangelical Christians.

The rest of the so-called Christians are fakes, and they are only about power.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

I guess you want more Trump, because this is how you get MOAR TRUMP.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.

Says the guy that uses the little girls bathroom

Why isn't this thread in the Badlands yet?


Thanks for proving my point #2
In spite of all the filthy language, lies, shady business deals, behaving like Putin's lap dog, jumping into bed with playmates and pornstars, racist comments, and his ceremonial gift of highly classified intelligence information to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, Trump supporters love and adore him for one reason: They believe with all their hearts that Donald J Trump is GOD's chosen instrument to lead America back to the shining path of Christian values, and that period of the late 40's and 50's when they believe America was at its best. A time when women were kept pregnant and barefoot, Jews were barely tolerated, and the "darkies" knew their place. Present any evidence to the contrary to Trump supporters, and they get a glazed over look in their eyes and look to the heavens and think to themselves "but he's a GOD fearing man, how dare you!" As a Christian myself, I find it repulsive that right wing evangelicals and politicians like Trump twist the true meaning of scripture, cherry pick only the verses that suit their needs, and use them as a political tools, but this is the reality we're faced with. So don't waste your time arguing with Trump supporters, they don't know what you're talking about, and worse, they don't want to know.

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

An evangelical university is helping make a film that implies God chose Trump

Projection of the week has arrived!

You didn't listen to half of America and Trump won. You also don't "listen" the bible, because if you are indeed a Christian, you sure as shit aren't living like one.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

I guess you want more Trump, because this is how you get MOAR TRUMP.

I want to make America Great Again. Which means removing Trump from office and rolling back the damage he has done.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

Uhm how am I an idiot when Trump is going to have another right wing Sumpreme Court Justice and maybe three?

How am I an idiot when he got rid of the Obama care mandate and saved me money?

How am I an idiot when my payroll taxes went down?

.. .
In spite of all the filthy language, lies, shady business deals, behaving like Putin's lap dog, jumping into bed with playmates and pornstars, racist comments, and his ceremonial gift of highly classified intelligence information to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, Trump supporters love and adore him for one reason: They believe with all their hearts that Donald J Trump is GOD's chosen instrument to lead America back to the shining path of Christian values, and that period of the late 40's and 50's when they believe America was at its best. A time when women were kept pregnant and barefoot, Jews were barely tolerated, and the "darkies" knew their place. Present any evidence to the contrary to Trump supporters, and they get a glazed over look in their eyes and look to the heavens and think to themselves "but he's a GOD fearing man, how dare you!" As a Christian myself, I find it repulsive that right wing evangelicals and politicians like Trump twist the true meaning of scripture, cherry pick only the verses that suit their needs, and use them as a political tools, but this is the reality we're faced with. So don't waste your time arguing with Trump supporters, they don't know what you're talking about, and worse, they don't want to know.

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

An evangelical university is helping make a film that implies God chose Trump

Actually they are very correct. God DID appoint Trump as President...…..read the Bible sometime. It's in Romans 13

1. Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

I guess you want more Trump, because this is how you get MOAR TRUMP.

I want to make America Great Again. Which means removing Trump from office and rolling back the damage he has done.

What damage did he do????

.erase obamas legacy of EOs?

It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

I guess you want more Trump, because this is how you get MOAR TRUMP.

I want to make America Great Again. Which means removing Trump from office and rolling back the damage he has done.

What "damage"?

Sorry, but some of us don't want your Democratic Socialist "utopia".
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.

Says the guy that uses the little girls bathroom

Why isn't this thread in the Badlands yet?


Thanks for proving my point #2

And you prove my point you want to turn America into sodom and gormorah, anything goes and pure anarchy.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.
My friend. I suggest you type in my name and look at my posts. You will notice that I'm not exactly a fan. I was making an observation about how your post is indicative of the attitude of some people on the left. An attitude that I feel did more to elect Trump then any hacker. I'm just the messenger and the message is that if you don't want Trump to get reelected you better come of that high horse of yours.
A marriage that results in adultery and divorce is, by definition, not successful. And most of those businesses you cited were disasters and outright fraudulent.

Trump is a huckster. He's very good at getting people to drink his brand of Kool-Aid.
Easy to see the left has got YOU programmed. How are those skyscrapers of yours doing ? Keeping up the maintainance on your 757 ?


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It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.

"There are good people on both sides... both sides."
He was running against this. Of course he won.

Clinton does not explain why the dipshits chose Trump over Cruz or Kasich or Walker or Perry.

Only mental retardation and the desire to bleev a huckster explains it.

Donald Trump had the most impressive resume of any of the 17 competitors for the Republican nomination.

His name was synonymous with "Success" for generations. His experiences in reality TV, pro football, pro wrestling, casinos, meat sales, real estate development,education, hospitality, vodka sales, fashion, the airlines business, made uniquely well rounded to toil as our President. His masterpiece "the Art of the Deal" has been compared to the Holy Bible.

His personal life as well, is outstanding. 3 successful marriages, his children are all astounding successes, the older 3 are all millionaires in their own right.

His medical condition is tremendous. Dr. Harold Bornstein, his personal physician, personally guaranteed the Trump is the healthiest man ever to run. Trump's lab results are almost unbelievably superb.

A lot of good people in the 2016 field, but none half as ready for leadership than Donald J Trump.
A marriage that results in adultery and divorce is, by definition, not successful. And most of those businesses you cited were disasters and outright fraudulent.

Trump is a huckster. He's very good at getting people to drink his brand of Kool-Aid.
Also. most of those businesses he listed went bankrupt.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
No it boils down to posts like this. I believe in all liberal ideas, the problem is in this day and age it seems to be impossible to be a liberal and not hate those who don't share my ideas. With ideas and post like this you reinforce the ideas that a lot of people that voted for Trump have about liberals. Elitist, smug and quick to judge. Let me tell you, Trump understands something that people like you don't. Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you. If people don't like you they might do things for no better reason then to piss you of. Like for instance elect someone who says he's a right winger and even is more blatantly smug and arrogant. He doesn't have to be right or even good, he just has to be not you.

Quick to judge? It's been 18 months since he became president. If you're a Trump supported even now, you're either a millionaire or an idiot. Really only two options.

Uhm how am I an idiot when Trump is going to have another right wing Sumpreme Court Justice and maybe three?

How am I an idiot when he got rid of the Obama care mandate and saved me money?

How am I an idiot when my payroll taxes went down?

.. .

Thanks for proving my point.
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