Why Trump SHOULD have asked Ukraine for help investigating Biden


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Trump is the head of the Executive which is charged with enforcing the Laws---including the criminal laws...and sometimes, when some evidence of law-breaking is, or could be, in the hands of a foreign government, it takes more than an FBI Agent flying over for a look. Sometimes it takes a request for help from one government head to another.

That is the case with Trump and Ukraine and Biden.

Now, while Uncle Joe Biden has the Pravda-like Media shilling for him, using The Big Lie from Nazi Germany days, he is in fact on a video tape bragging about how he interfered in the private affairs of Ukraine and demanded and got a quid pro quo---the firing of Ukraine's equivalent of the Attorney General in exchange for U. S. Taxpayer Money.

He is on Tape. If you Bolshevik Numbskulls haven't seen, it is because you are watching one of the Pravda-like Shills in the Media. As they work for the Democrat/Socialists they would like to hide the tape.

Their other approaches, variations of The Big Lie are:

IT Has Been Debunked--- a Big Lie very often used by the New York Media

Any wrongdoing by Democrats more than 3 months old is always deemed DEBUNKED if not reported on night and day---and if it negatively affects Democrats---it is NEVER reported on!

Then there is:

Everybody wanted the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired, because he was corrupt, and he wasn't doing anything about investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt company.

This is repeatedly reported by the FAKE NEWS, but it is never proven.

However, John Solomon documents just the opposite in the below article:

Joe Biden’s ‘conspiracy theory’ memo to U.S. media doesn’t match the facts | John Solomon Reports

Solomon says:

"Here are the facts, with links to public evidence {in the article}, so you can decide for yourself.

Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokin’s firing in March 2016.

Fact: Shokin’s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

Fact: Burisma’s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his son’s role as a board member.

Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Trump was right to ask for help in further investigating the above possibly criminal conduct by then VP Joe Biden! It was his Job!

Truth: Joe Biden is cooked--assuming Alzheimer's doesn't get him first!
In gist:

1) Biden is NOT immune from investigation of possible criminal conduct while he served in a position of high trust---Vice President---just because he is now running for President.

2) There is more than enough evidence---in the form of Biden's on admissions ON TAPE of a quid pro quo---to start an investigation into possible criminal conduct while he served in said position of high trust.
In gist:

1) Biden is NOT immune from investigation of possible criminal conduct while he served in a position of high trust---Vice President---just because he is now running for President.

2) There is more than enough evidence---in the form of Biden's on admissions ON TAPE of a quid pro quo---to start an investigation into possible criminal conduct while he served in said position of high trust.

It would have been far better if Barr and Durham worked with Ukraine quietly, behind the scenes, and not announce anything until they have adequate proof of any crimes.
Ukraine IS doing an investigation. Just not the one that fat idiot Donnie wants.
Trump is the head of the Executive which is charged with enforcing the Laws---including the criminal laws...and sometimes, when some evidence of law-breaking is, or could be, in the hands of a foreign government, it takes more than an FBI Agent flying over for a look. Sometimes it takes a request for help from one government head to another.

That is the case with Trump and Ukraine and Biden.

Now, while Uncle Joe Biden has the Pravda-like Media shilling for him, using The Big Lie from Nazi Germany days, he is in fact on a video tape bragging about how he interfered in the private affairs of Ukraine and demanded and got a quid pro quo---the firing of Ukraine's equivalent of the Attorney General in exchange for U. S. Taxpayer Money.

He is on Tape. If you Bolshevik Numbskulls haven't seen, it is because you are watching one of the Pravda-like Shills in the Media. As they work for the Democrat/Socialists they would like to hide the tape.

Their other approaches, variations of The Big Lie are:

IT Has Been Debunked--- a Big Lie very often used by the New York Media

Any wrongdoing by Democrats more than 3 months old is always deemed DEBUNKED if not reported on night and day---and if it negatively affects Democrats---it is NEVER reported on!

Then there is:

Everybody wanted the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired, because he was corrupt, and he wasn't doing anything about investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt company.

This is repeatedly reported by the FAKE NEWS, but it is never proven.

However, John Solomon documents just the opposite in the below article:

Joe Biden’s ‘conspiracy theory’ memo to U.S. media doesn’t match the facts | John Solomon Reports

Solomon says:

"Here are the facts, with links to public evidence {in the article}, so you can decide for yourself.

Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokin’s firing in March 2016.

Fact: Shokin’s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

Fact: Burisma’s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his son’s role as a board member.

Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Trump was right to ask for help in further investigating the above possibly criminal conduct by then VP Joe Biden! It was his Job!

Truth: Joe Biden is cooked--assuming Alzheimer's doesn't get him first!

There is a very long thread about this topic already.

Here’s the the problem Mr. Op. Coming from a conspirator creator John Solomon is not much to support your claim.

Let me repeat what I’ve posted and so are other members here that do not support Trump corruption and try to rape our democracy by asking a foreign leader to dig dirt against his political enemies.

Since when that is acceptable?

1. Biden fired Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor general in Ukraine. There was a Ukrainian rally against Shokin. Firing of Shokin was supported by IMF, Republicans and western allies.

2. Shokin never investigate Burisma or even actively when Hunter joined Burisma. Owner of Burisma was heavily involved in money laundering before Hunter joined Burisma.

3. Biden bragged firing Shokin. Where is the corruption committed?

So your claimed that Bidens committed any corruption is totally false. Except from a conspiracy creator John Solomon.

Talking about corruption? Biden tax returns are available. Trump hide his tax returns, he paid $25million for his fake Trump university and recently ordered to pay $2 millions for his fraudulent Trump foundation.
Any questions?
Trump is the head of the Executive which is charged with enforcing the Laws---including the criminal laws...and sometimes, when some evidence of law-breaking is, or could be, in the hands of a foreign government, it takes more than an FBI Agent flying over for a look. Sometimes it takes a request for help from one government head to another.

Garbage. Our Shakedown King offered no evidence when he tried to extort from the New President a public announcement of investigations into the DNC Server somehow being in Ukraine or that Hunter Biden broke any laws. It's all based on Russian propaganda.

His blanket obstruction should make Pense President in any case.
Ukraine IS doing an investigation. Just not the one that fat idiot Donnie wants.

Link please. Not sure what you're talking about.
Trump thinks Z is doing a good job?!

Ukraine probing possible surveillance of ex-US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, - CNNPolitics
Ukraine police investigating possible surveillance of Yovanovitch, Russian hacking

Mutually exclusive and you cited CNN...FAKE NEWS.

FAKE NEWS? Do you have anything to prove it’s fake?
In gist:

1) Biden is NOT immune from investigation of possible criminal conduct while he served in a position of high trust---Vice President---just because he is now running for President.

2) There is more than enough evidence---in the form of Biden's on admissions ON TAPE of a quid pro quo---to start an investigation into possible criminal conduct while he served in said position of high trust.

It would have been far better if Barr and Durham worked with Ukraine quietly, behind the scenes, and not announce anything until they have adequate proof of any crimes.

This is what happened when a leader operates like a dictator. His gangsters probably scared of him to go against his idea.

This could have been done very easily. Actually I’m very disappointed how these been handled from the start. It shows how inept and amateur these people are.
Trump is the head of the Executive which is charged with enforcing the Laws---including the criminal laws...and sometimes, when some evidence of law-breaking is, or could be, in the hands of a foreign government, it takes more than an FBI Agent flying over for a look. Sometimes it takes a request for help from one government head to another.

That is the case with Trump and Ukraine and Biden.

Now, while Uncle Joe Biden has the Pravda-like Media shilling for him, using The Big Lie from Nazi Germany days, he is in fact on a video tape bragging about how he interfered in the private affairs of Ukraine and demanded and got a quid pro quo---the firing of Ukraine's equivalent of the Attorney General in exchange for U. S. Taxpayer Money.

He is on Tape. If you Bolshevik Numbskulls haven't seen, it is because you are watching one of the Pravda-like Shills in the Media. As they work for the Democrat/Socialists they would like to hide the tape.

Their other approaches, variations of The Big Lie are:

IT Has Been Debunked--- a Big Lie very often used by the New York Media

Any wrongdoing by Democrats more than 3 months old is always deemed DEBUNKED if not reported on night and day---and if it negatively affects Democrats---it is NEVER reported on!

Then there is:

Everybody wanted the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired, because he was corrupt, and he wasn't doing anything about investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt company.

This is repeatedly reported by the FAKE NEWS, but it is never proven.

However, John Solomon documents just the opposite in the below article:

Joe Biden’s ‘conspiracy theory’ memo to U.S. media doesn’t match the facts | John Solomon Reports

Solomon says:

"Here are the facts, with links to public evidence {in the article}, so you can decide for yourself.

Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokin’s firing in March 2016.

Fact: Shokin’s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

Fact: Burisma’s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his son’s role as a board member.

Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Trump was right to ask for help in further investigating the above possibly criminal conduct by then VP Joe Biden! It was his Job!

Truth: Joe Biden is cooked--assuming Alzheimer's doesn't get him first!

There is a very long thread about this topic already.

Here’s the the problem Mr. Op. Coming from a conspirator creator John Solomon is not much to support your claim.

Let me repeat what I’ve posted and so are other members here that do not support Trump corruption and try to rape our democracy by asking a foreign leader to dig dirt against his political enemies.

Since when that is acceptable?

1. Biden fired Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor general in Ukraine. There was a Ukrainian rally against Shokin. Firing of Shokin was supported by IMF, Republicans and western allies.

2. Shokin never investigate Burisma or even actively when Hunter joined Burisma. Owner of Burisma was heavily involved in money laundering before Hunter joined Burisma.

3. Biden bragged firing Shokin. Where is the corruption committed?

So your claimed that Bidens committed any corruption is totally false. Except from a conspiracy creator John Solomon.

Talking about corruption? Biden tax returns are available. Trump hide his tax returns, he paid $25million for his fake Trump university and recently ordered to pay $2 millions for his fraudulent Trump foundation.
Any questions?

No proof of any of your allegations--that is No. 1 & 2. Just YOUR allegations. Solomon backed his up. You don't.

No. 3. He interfered in the internal affairs of another country. You assume he had a good reason, but nothing has been supplied other than your uncorroborated allegations. There must be more, and better---such as Solomon has supplied, and he gives reasons why Biden's were corrupt.

You do get to believe what you want. So do I. Solomon is far more believable than you, an obvious dumb-ass---because he backs his allegations up. You are not.

The Pussy Hat World is only for those with Trump Derangement Syndrome. You can live in it, but you look very foolish...and you really look foolish when you expect others to abandon Reality just because your biases have led you to do so.


The President has an obligation to ask about corruption in any country we are giving aid to. Since Biden and his son appear to have been involved in corrupt dealings with Ukraine, it was perfectly appropriate to ask that country to look into it. Since when does being a "political rival" confer immunity from investigation?
Trump is the head of the Executive which is charged with enforcing the Laws---including the criminal laws...and sometimes, when some evidence of law-breaking is, or could be, in the hands of a foreign government, it takes more than an FBI Agent flying over for a look. Sometimes it takes a request for help from one government head to another.

That is the case with Trump and Ukraine and Biden.

Now, while Uncle Joe Biden has the Pravda-like Media shilling for him, using The Big Lie from Nazi Germany days, he is in fact on a video tape bragging about how he interfered in the private affairs of Ukraine and demanded and got a quid pro quo---the firing of Ukraine's equivalent of the Attorney General in exchange for U. S. Taxpayer Money.

He is on Tape. If you Bolshevik Numbskulls haven't seen, it is because you are watching one of the Pravda-like Shills in the Media. As they work for the Democrat/Socialists they would like to hide the tape.

Their other approaches, variations of The Big Lie are:

IT Has Been Debunked--- a Big Lie very often used by the New York Media

Any wrongdoing by Democrats more than 3 months old is always deemed DEBUNKED if not reported on night and day---and if it negatively affects Democrats---it is NEVER reported on!

Then there is:

Everybody wanted the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired, because he was corrupt, and he wasn't doing anything about investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt company.

This is repeatedly reported by the FAKE NEWS, but it is never proven.

However, John Solomon documents just the opposite in the below article:

Joe Biden’s ‘conspiracy theory’ memo to U.S. media doesn’t match the facts | John Solomon Reports

Solomon says:

"Here are the facts, with links to public evidence {in the article}, so you can decide for yourself.

Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokin’s firing in March 2016.

Fact: Shokin’s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

Fact: Burisma’s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his son’s role as a board member.

Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Trump was right to ask for help in further investigating the above possibly criminal conduct by then VP Joe Biden! It was his Job!

Truth: Joe Biden is cooked--assuming Alzheimer's doesn't get him first!

No- it is not his job. If it was his job- then he would have been obligated to ask Ukraine to investigate Paul Manafort- which of course the President never did.

Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing the firing of Shokin in March 2016- openly- as part of official U.S. foriegn policy.
Fact: Donald Trump made a secret call to Ukraine asking them to investigate his political rival.
Fact: Donald Trump had his personal attorney pressure Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Trump's political rival
Fact: There was no ongoing investigation of Burisma when Shoken was fired.
Fact: Not only was the U.S. pressuring Ukraine to fire Shokin- but so was the European Union and the International Monetary Fund along with thousands of Ukrainians.
Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified that they were deeply disturbed by Trump's linking of Ukrainian aid to Ukraine investigating his political rival.
Fact: The GAO announced that the Trump Administration's withholding of funds broke the law.
Fact: John Solomon hasn't produced any evidence of any crimes by any Biden.
Fact: If a President suspects an American of crimes- he has the FBI and the Justice Department to ask to investigate the crimes- not a foreign government.
The President has an obligation to ask about corruption in any country we are giving aid to. Since Biden and his son appear to have been involved in corrupt dealings with Ukraine, it was perfectly appropriate to ask that country to look into it. Since when does being a "political rival" confer immunity from investigation?

Wow- isn't it amazing that the only corruption in the only country that President Trump has asked about happens to involve his political rival?

If as you say Trump is obligated to ask about corruption in every country we provide aid to- why hasn't he asked about any others? Why didn't he ask Ukraine about Paul Manafort?

And why did he ask a foreign country to publicly announce an investigation into his political rival- rather than just investigating.

I mean really- after watching Trump all of these years- do you really type with a straight face that Trump cares about corruption? Here or abroad?

Ukraine IS doing an investigation. Just not the one that fat idiot Donnie wants.

Link please. Not sure what you're talking about.
Trump thinks Z is doing a good job?!

Ukraine probing possible surveillance of ex-US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, - CNNPolitics
Ukraine police investigating possible surveillance of Yovanovitch, Russian hacking

Mutually exclusive and you cited CNN...FAKE NEWS.

FAKE NEWS? Do you have anything to prove it’s fake?
I do
No. 3. He interfered in the internal affairs of another country.

That's fucking awesome! Good God, interfering in another countries internal affairs is not impeachable. We do that shit all the time. What we don't do is to strong arm another country( by using the bipartisan foreign aid Congress approved and allocated as a bribe) into interfering in our internal affairs. That's what Trumpybear tried to do. It's why he is impeached, and it's why the Trumpublicans will be shellacked in the fall.

Good luck with your propaganda peddling.
In gist:

1) Biden is NOT immune from investigation of possible criminal conduct while he served in a position of high trust---Vice President---just because he is now running for President.

2) There is more than enough evidence---in the form of Biden's on admissions ON TAPE of a quid pro quo---to start an investigation into possible criminal conduct while he served in said position of high trust.

It would have been far better if Barr and Durham worked with Ukraine quietly, behind the scenes, and not announce anything until they have adequate proof of any crimes.

This is what happened when a leader operates like a dictator. His gangsters probably scared of him to go against his idea.

This could have been done very easily. Actually I’m very disappointed how these been handled from the start. It shows how inept and amateur these people are.
Name one policy that shows he is a “dictator” is he nationalizing industries, banning people from speaking, anything? Oh no that would be Sanders and Warren.
No. 3. He interfered in the internal affairs of another country.

That's fucking awesome! Good God, interfering in another countries internal affairs is not impeachable. We do that shit all the time. What we don't do is to strong arm another country( by using the bipartisan foreign aid Congress approved and allocated as a bribe) into interfering in our internal affairs. That's what Trumpybear tried to do. It's why he is impeached, and it's why the Trumpublicans will be shellacked in the fall.


You Moron.

It was Biden being discussed in that comment...and YES to use your words BIDEN did:

"...strong arm another country( by using the bipartisan foreign aid Congress approved and allocated as a bribe"

And BIDEN Admitted it! On Tape.

Trump is the head of the Executive which is charged with enforcing the Laws---including the criminal laws...and sometimes, when some evidence of law-breaking is, or could be, in the hands of a foreign government, it takes more than an FBI Agent flying over for a look. Sometimes it takes a request for help from one government head to another.

That is the case with Trump and Ukraine and Biden.

Now, while Uncle Joe Biden has the Pravda-like Media shilling for him, using The Big Lie from Nazi Germany days, he is in fact on a video tape bragging about how he interfered in the private affairs of Ukraine and demanded and got a quid pro quo---the firing of Ukraine's equivalent of the Attorney General in exchange for U. S. Taxpayer Money.

He is on Tape. If you Bolshevik Numbskulls haven't seen, it is because you are watching one of the Pravda-like Shills in the Media. As they work for the Democrat/Socialists they would like to hide the tape.

Their other approaches, variations of The Big Lie are:

IT Has Been Debunked--- a Big Lie very often used by the New York Media

Any wrongdoing by Democrats more than 3 months old is always deemed DEBUNKED if not reported on night and day---and if it negatively affects Democrats---it is NEVER reported on!

Then there is:

Everybody wanted the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired, because he was corrupt, and he wasn't doing anything about investigating Hunter Biden's corrupt company.

This is repeatedly reported by the FAKE NEWS, but it is never proven.

However, John Solomon documents just the opposite in the below article:

Joe Biden’s ‘conspiracy theory’ memo to U.S. media doesn’t match the facts | John Solomon Reports

Solomon says:

"Here are the facts, with links to public evidence {in the article}, so you can decide for yourself.

Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokin’s firing in March 2016.

Fact: Shokin’s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

Fact: Burisma’s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his son’s role as a board member.

Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Trump was right to ask for help in further investigating the above possibly criminal conduct by then VP Joe Biden! It was his Job!

Truth: Joe Biden is cooked--assuming Alzheimer's doesn't get him first!
Because Biden and Ukraine are horribly corrupt?

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