Why Tracy Lords should not be given a Public Hearing

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Traci Lords - Wikipedia

1.) Plain and simple, The Democrats showed their hand when prior to President Trump even announcing who he was going to nominate stated EMPHATICALLY that they were going to pull all stops out to stop ANY NOMINEE from being seated in SCOTUS.

2.) Diane Feinstein and The Dems tried to derail the proceeding with George Soros Funded Protestors, and she sat on this letter which had NO MERIT btw, for over two months, and did not reveal it until the 12th hour, so this is a last ditch smear attempt.

3.) A public hearing with endless questions, grandstanding and delay tactic after delay tactic is not what The Demotards should be given. These people hate America, and hate the President, and are Globalist who think The Constitution is worth nothing more than used toilet paper. They are using this for The Midterms and should not be allowed to drag Kavanaugh through the mud over a false allegation simply for politics.

4.) The New SCOTUS session starts in just 10 days. The Evil Marxist Libtards want to stop Kavanaugh from taking his seat so they can have a 4-4 court. They should not be allowed to manipulate the process this way.

5.) The accusation itself is not a credible one. It hasn't a shred of credibility. Even the senile Feinstein tried to distance herself from it. The accuser herself is a radical leftist who furiously deleted her venomous and hate filled rants on social media directed towards Christians, Conservatives and Donald Trump. She is also an Anti Semite who has made numerous racist remarks and hateful comments towards Israel. For someone that alleges she endured a traumatic event, she cannot remember the year, the month, the day, the time, the house, or who's party this was nor who she went with. Both her and Kavanaugh were also minors, and no crime was committed, and even people she alleges were there with her, stated under oath that Kavanaugh was not there.

6.) Her attorney works for George Soros and that right there is enough to disqualify giving her or her attorney any public venue with which to trash an honorable man's reputation.

The Left does not deserve to Bork Kavanaugh or to allow a hate filled leftist Lunatic to drag a good man's name through the mud like the slimy Anita Hill did.
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