Why Today's Colleges Don't Get No Respect (From RWer's)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Academic Demographics: Before the Baby Boom, colleges were very selective, AND college attrition was high (not people dropping out, people failing out). Consequently, it was difficult to get into college, difficult to STAY in college, and actually graduating from college was a significant accomplishment. The Baby Boom caused colleges to expand explosively and quickly, and the end of the baby boom meant that colleges had to fill those seats. In order to do so, entrance standards were lowered, bullshit majors were implemented, and students were given many options to avoid failing out. Hence, simply having a degree - especially a B.A. - means a great deal less today than it did pre-Vietnam.

Academic Cancer: Unfortunately for Academe, during the Vietnam draft era, tens of thousands of draft dodgers were able to avoid military service by becoming perpetual students. Eventually they maxed out with PhD's and became professors and department heads. They remain there. Aside from STEM, virtually all of today's college department heads are either women or Vietnam draft dodgers...not exactly a formula for a well-rounded teaching cadre. And it shows.

Academic $ inflation. The real cost of a college education has risen at many times the rate of inflation, while the value of that education has deteriorated dramatically. Because college is SO damned expensive, it is nearly impossible for anyone to "work their way through college," as was possible before Vietnam fucked everything up. So what happens is that rather than being financed by the student's hard work and sacrifice, it is financed by parents, bullshit-scholarships, and loans, and the perverse result is that the students are largely irresponsible, immature, snowflakes, with zero real life experience.

You might notice that these snowflakes bear a strong resemblance to the Vietnam War protesters of a couple generations ago. What is not often recognized is that those protesters were mainly the privileged children of upper-middle class parents, who paid for the whole thing. They were out smoking dope at Vietnam protests while the REAL students were busy studying and working part-time jobs to help pay their tuition. In no way were they a cross section of college students at the time, nor did their attitudes and childishness represent the majority of students at the time. They simply got the most notice in newsreels.

Leftists are shocked - SHOCKED - at the disdain with which Right Wingers disparage colleges, universities, and the engraved toilet paper that they provide their graduates. They shouldn't be shocked at all. The colleges largely deserve the disdain and disrespect.
Today’s college degree = a high school diploma from 50 years ago.

"Why Today's Colleges Don't Get No Respect (From RWer's)" - It's because most of then are either uneducated or poorly educated.
Today’s college degree = a high school diploma from 50 years ago.
Particularly when it comes to government jobs, the feds are the biggest education discriminator in existence. As far as they're concerned a two year degree is equivalent to a GED, it might get you a job taking the trash out.
Good, conservatives you be sure to have your children become ditch diggers and carpenters. You should shun college at all levels, I mean your children are young, what do they need with an education? Fer'git all that book lernin'. YOU didn't go to college and you are doing just fine at your Walmart greeter job. Hey, it may LOOK easy to run that milkshake machine at McDonald's but by god your kids are going to master it!

Organic chemistry, physics, calculus, biology. College students today don't need these things! They need to be taught to hate 'lubruls' and 'ferners'. How to build walls. And how to shoot 50 rounds into a watermelon in under 10 seconds. How to spot a 'real' incandescent light bulb. How to support self-admitted sexual predators and accused pedophiles for political office. How statues teach history better than some teacher with stacks of history books, maps, handwritten letters from the past, all that crap.

Colleges still teach reality. And by god no god-fearing conservative needs to live in reality! Jesus rode dinosaurs!
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Academic Demographics: Before the Baby Boom, colleges were very selective, AND college attrition was high (not people dropping out, people failing out). Consequently, it was difficult to get into college, difficult to STAY in college, and actually graduating from college was a significant accomplishment. The Baby Boom caused colleges to expand explosively and quickly, and the end of the baby boom meant that colleges had to fill those seats. In order to do so, entrance standards were lowered, bullshit majors were implemented, and students were given many options to avoid failing out. Hence, simply having a degree - especially a B.A. - means a great deal less today than it did pre-Vietnam.

Academic Cancer: Unfortunately for Academe, during the Vietnam draft era, tens of thousands of draft dodgers were able to avoid military service by becoming perpetual students. Eventually they maxed out with PhD's and became professors and department heads. They remain there. Aside from STEM, virtually all of today's college department heads are either women or Vietnam draft dodgers...not exactly a formula for a well-rounded teaching cadre. And it shows.

Academic $ inflation. The real cost of a college education has risen at many times the rate of inflation, while the value of that education has deteriorated dramatically. Because college is SO damned expensive, it is nearly impossible for anyone to "work their way through college," as was possible before Vietnam fucked everything up. So what happens is that rather than being financed by the student's hard work and sacrifice, it is financed by parents, bullshit-scholarships, and loans, and the perverse result is that the students are largely irresponsible, immature, snowflakes, with zero real life experience.

You might notice that these snowflakes bear a strong resemblance to the Vietnam War protesters of a couple generations ago. What is not often recognized is that those protesters were mainly the privileged children of upper-middle class parents, who paid for the whole thing. They were out smoking dope at Vietnam protests while the REAL students were busy studying and working part-time jobs to help pay their tuition. In no way were they a cross section of college students at the time, nor did their attitudes and childishness represent the majority of students at the time. They simply got the most notice in newsreels.

Leftists are shocked - SHOCKED - at the disdain with which Right Wingers disparage colleges, universities, and the engraved toilet paper that they provide their graduates. They shouldn't be shocked at all. The colleges largely deserve the disdain and disrespect.
It was the GI Bill not the Baby Boom that made college accessible to the masses
In 1930, only 25% of Americans had achieved a High School Diploma, I am old enough to remember adults looking you in the eye and stating with pride that they had graduated from high school.

The course material in high school a few generations ago was dramatically more rigorous than today, and at least as rigorous as it is in some college majors (e.g., Education, which isn't even a subject). One cannot exactly say that a diploma from 1930 is "equivalent" to a B.A in 2017, but would anyone seriously argue that someone with a degree today that ends in "Studies" is better educated than a HS Grad from then? Get serious.

And BTW, the myth of Trump's supporters being uneducated buffoons is about as accurate as the myth that HRC "really won" the election. In my upper-middle class neighborhood, populated mainly by professionals and entrepreneurs, Trump won with over 70% of the vote. I have a JD and an MBA.

"Why Today's Colleges Don't Get No Respect (From RWer's)" - It's because most of then are either uneducated or poorly educated.
Bullshit. ALL one need do is look at all the commie shit they are teaching today, unless like your self, one is a media fed commie.
Yup....we don't need doctors because they are indoctrinated. The only indoctrination my grandkids endure is saying the pledge every morning.
Originally colleges were to teach the sons of gentlemen how to be gentlemen. The classics were taught such as art, books, music and so on.
Lawyers taught the law in their law office, doctors, medicine in their clinic.
Today, colleges are trade-schools preparing one for a job.
Let's go back to the 60s, list out improvements to education by liberals from then to the present

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