Why the Tax compromise might actually be beneficial.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:
Go play on the tracks and find out


I'll be by later to pick up my burger and fries dave. Please make sure you don't over cook them this time..will ya?

And that uniform you wear looks damn spiffy.

As long as you don't mind the black angus and veal burger I make with muenster cheese on a hard roll with zucchini pickles, slaw, and homemade pepper relish... and fresh cut sweet potato fries with horseradish mayo... but you are getting charged for the cost of the components plus my typical $250/hr wage that I would charge for contracted consultation outside of my normal job

And as for the uniform... it may not fit like it used to.... but I am as proud of it with my US Army Patch over my left side/heart side pocket as ever.... a little more important to me than your Burger King paper hat is to you
The economy will improve.

The 1%ers can not make more money if it doesnt.

They will invest in the economy soon because they have already banked the money the crash gained them and now they must move to profit further.

They own our asses and the republicans FOUGHT for them to own a bigger chunk of your ass.
Go play on the tracks and find out


I'll be by later to pick up my burger and fries dave. Please make sure you don't over cook them this time..will ya?

And that uniform you wear looks damn spiffy.

WHo died and made you manager?

Your post is filled with the usual leftist claptrap half truths, mis truths, and lies, all of it along the theme of "sticking it to da man."
Go play on the tracks and find out


I'll be by later to pick up my burger and fries dave. Please make sure you don't over cook them this time..will ya?

And that uniform you wear looks damn spiffy.

As long as you don't mind the black angus and veal burger I make with muenster cheese on a hard roll with zucchini pickles, slaw, and homemade pepper relish... and fresh cut sweet potato fries with horseradish mayo... but you are getting charged for the cost of the components plus my typical $250/hr wage that I would charge for contracted consultation outside of my normal job

And as for the uniform... it may not fit like it used to.... but I am as proud of it with my US Army Patch over my left side/heart side pocket as ever.... a little more important to me than your Burger King paper hat is to you

Fantasy is not your strong suit.
Go play on the tracks and find out


I'll be by later to pick up my burger and fries dave. Please make sure you don't over cook them this time..will ya?

And that uniform you wear looks damn spiffy.

WHo died and made you manager?

Your post is filled with the usual leftist claptrap half truths, mis truths, and lies, all of it along the theme of "sticking it to da man."

Aspirin is good if you feel that left shoulder getting numb..

I'll be by later to pick up my burger and fries dave. Please make sure you don't over cook them this time..will ya?

And that uniform you wear looks damn spiffy.

As long as you don't mind the black angus and veal burger I make with muenster cheese on a hard roll with zucchini pickles, slaw, and homemade pepper relish... and fresh cut sweet potato fries with horseradish mayo... but you are getting charged for the cost of the components plus my typical $250/hr wage that I would charge for contracted consultation outside of my normal job

And as for the uniform... it may not fit like it used to.... but I am as proud of it with my US Army Patch over my left side/heart side pocket as ever.... a little more important to me than your Burger King paper hat is to you

Fantasy is not your strong suit.

Never worried about fantasy in my Army career nor my civilian career.... I deal in reality... hence why I am successful
When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:

Condensed to one sentence...."Crap, the Republicans were probably right."
As long as you don't mind the black angus and veal burger I make with muenster cheese on a hard roll with zucchini pickles, slaw, and homemade pepper relish... and fresh cut sweet potato fries with horseradish mayo... but you are getting charged for the cost of the components plus my typical $250/hr wage that I would charge for contracted consultation outside of my normal job

And as for the uniform... it may not fit like it used to.... but I am as proud of it with my US Army Patch over my left side/heart side pocket as ever.... a little more important to me than your Burger King paper hat is to you

Fantasy is not your strong suit.

Never worried about fantasy in my Army career nor my civilian career.... I deal in reality... hence why I am successful

Oh sorry..you're a socialist.

Now I get it.

You're on my dime.
When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:

Condensed to one sentence...."Crap, the Republicans were probably right."

Not really..

Republicans wanted to give all the cake without getting anything back.
When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:
When you say the Bush tax cuts are history in two more years if they don't produce jobs, is it likely Republicans or Democrats will vote to "raise taxes" during the 2012 presidential campaign?
- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. l:



So individuals have no right to retain THEIR money. The fascist state should only allow them the "privilege" of holding on to THEIR money if the state benefits, right?!?!?!?!?!

When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:
When you say the Bush tax cuts are history in two more years if they don't produce jobs, is it likely Republicans or Democrats will vote to "raise taxes" during the 2012 presidential campaign?

Not sure really. Historically..I don't think it's been done.

However..if the deficit explodes and there is a very lax economy..that might change.
When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:

If the economy improves, and if the unemployment crisis lessens, the Republicans will claim it is the result of tax cuts. If the economy tanks, and unemployment rises, the Republicans will claim it's becasue the tax cuts weren't make permanent and so business and industry are uncertain.
If inflation becomes too great, the Republicans will blame Obama (or Clinton or Carter) and demand taxes be cut; if deflation is still a concern the Republicans will demand the income tax be eliminated as well as all regulatory agencies of the Federal Government (then they'll call for more and more privatization).
The current divide is between those with ideas and those with ideology. For a conservative Republican of the investment class - or those who want to be - tax cuts are the panacea for all economic ills and no evidence will ever overcome their belief in this fantasy.
Dems are funny, first its "blame Bush" now it's "Blame the Tea Party" even for stuff that gets passed BEFORE they takeover Congress.

I'm going to miss you idiots when you go extinct.

Nah, not really, I won't miss you at all.
Tax cuts need to go even further. We have had this burdensome yolk wrapped around our neck while DC spends us into bankruptcy. Government needs to do without.....not us.

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