Why the poor should be taxed more heavily.

Yes lets tax everyone equally

A flat 15% tax on all income.
Your tax return would be a straight
How much did you make last year?
Pay the Government 15%

No exemptions for anyone. No tax code. No capital gains exemptions, no child exemptions, no mortgage exemptions.......the thousands of pages of exemptions claimed by the wealthy..... GONE

Who wants to sign up for it?? I will

First point? The Founders NEVER wanted to or MEANT for INCOME to be taxed, PERIOD. Does this escape you? That is a CREATURE of the DEMOCRATS.

The founders lived in an agrarian economy. There was no income. People made money off the land and taxes were based on the value of your land.

The founding fathers recognized the needs of the government to collect revenue. Once the Industrial Revolution started land became less of a revenue and personal income was where the revenue was
I just love that whole fallacious argument that tax cuts only benefit the wealthy. According to the percentages, the wealthy still pay a higher percentage in tax than the poor.
So tell me, who is benefiting? Who pays more in taxes, the guy that has his taxes cut from 12% to 10% or the guy that has his taxes cut from 35% to 30%. As far as I can tell, the guy that pays a 30% rate is still paying more in taxes than the guy that has a 10% rate. Seems like pretty simple math to me.

The guy who sees his taxes cut from 12% to 10% sees $600 savings

The guy who has his taxes cut from 35% to 30% sees $5 Million savings

The question was who pays more in taxes.
Try and keep up

Oh! Who pays more in taxes?

If you claim 90% of available wealth you get to claim 90% of the taxes on that wealth

If you are not happy with that situation, you are free to "trickle down" some of that wealth
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
-- Benjamin Franklin, November 1776

Just maybe, if the poor were taxed more heavily than the wealthy, it would encourage them to better their position in life so that they could avoid paying so much in taxes.
The government frequently taxes things to discourage it. Things like tobacco and alcohol come to mind. The cap and trade will be a tax to discourage certain types of energy usage the government doesn't want.

Obama most certainly believes they should be. That's why he does things like raising taxes on cigarettes and placing a 35 percent tariff on imports of vehicle tires from China.
The founders lived in an agrarian economy. There was no income. People made money off the land and taxes were based on the value of your land.

I guess I'd never thought of it like this...

When the country was founded and the Constitution was written, the majority of the populace could live their entire life completely independently from everyone else in society...just work the land and live off the land.

However, now that type of living is an extreme exception to the rule. The majority of people live and work and rely on other members of society to get by. We, as a whole, are not as independent as we used to be.
Tax the poor...

Take, for example, a single non-smoker without kids who earns $10 hour. That is $20,800 per year working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year.

Say they pay $500 per month on rent...$6000 annually. My single (oldest) daughter pays less than that in rent, my house payment is less than that.

Utilities, phone, cable: $200 per month...$2400 annually. Phone and cable are not necessities. I don't have cable TV and i make a lot more than $10 an hour.

Food would be $200 per month...$2400 annually. That is less than $7.00 a day, that seems low.

Clothes maybe $1000 per year. I work in a professional office for a Fortune 500 company and spend way less than $1000 a year on clothes.

Assuming used car without payments, probably $2000 for the year in maintenance and repairs. That's probably close to what I pay.

Car insurance: $1000 annually. Holy shit, I pay insurance for 3 drivers, 4 cars, and now that my youngest is 19 it's about $1400 annually. $1000 for one driver is beyond reality.

Fuel for the car (assuming 12,000 miles at 25 MPG) would be $1440 annually. That's sounds close, but don't forget, gasoline is taxed by the fed and the state.

So how much of their remaining $4560 would you like the Federal Government to take?

Remember...this person would be without health insurance. If they were able to get health insurance from their employer, they would likely be paying probably about $1200 annually for their premiums. Why do you assume they are without health insurance? I've had plenty of jobs in my life, every employer I've ever had offered health insurance. My oldest daughter chose to forgo college and her employer offers health insurance.

You may say "Why don't they get a better job that pays more than $10 per hour?"

Okay...how do you do that?

Likely they will need to get training in another field, maybe college. Where do they get the money for that? I was married and had a child and worked and still managed to go to school for my degree, my wife was doing the same thing, school and work. It's possible.

Maybe they just apply for a job that pays more...where are those jobs?

Start a business? With what capital? I ran my own business for a while to (while i was married, and in school and my wife was in school and we had a child). It was s service business and didn't require capital. I will admit, the business didn't make enough money, so I quit doing it.

So this is the dilemma of many hard working Americans that just aren't as well off as others. And you want to tax them to teach them some kind of lesson? I never said anything about "teaching them a lesson", take that comment and shove it up your ass where it belongs.

P.S. I think I was pretty conservative on my estimated expenses...maybe, maybe not. If you have other thoughts on my numbers, please discuss.

My comments in red.
How many immigrants come to this country and manage to be successful? Why is it that so many people born in this country fail? Taxing success doesn't make people successful.
The guy who sees his taxes cut from 12% to 10% sees $600 savings

The guy who has his taxes cut from 35% to 30% sees $5 Million savings

The question was who pays more in taxes.
Try and keep up

Oh! Who pays more in taxes?

If you claim 90% of available wealth you get to claim 90% of the taxes on that wealth

If you are not happy with that situation, you are free to "trickle down" some of that wealth

You still haven't answered the question.
Cat got your tongue? Honesty escape you?
Who pays more in taxes?
The question was who pays more in taxes.
Try and keep up

Oh! Who pays more in taxes?

If you claim 90% of available wealth you get to claim 90% of the taxes on that wealth

If you are not happy with that situation, you are free to "trickle down" some of that wealth

You still haven't answered the question.
Cat got your tongue? Honesty escape you?
Who pays more in taxes?

Are you that thick??

It is an INCOME Tax

If you make 90% of the INCOME you pay 90% of the tax

You make 10% of the income, you pay 10% of the tax

Anyone who doesn't like the situation is welcome to "Trickle Down" some of that income...its tax free!
The founders lived in an agrarian economy. There was no income. People made money off the land and taxes were based on the value of your land.

I guess I'd never thought of it like this...

When the country was founded and the Constitution was written, the majority of the populace could live their entire life completely independently from everyone else in society...just work the land and live off the land.

However, now that type of living is an extreme exception to the rule. The majority of people live and work and rely on other members of society to get by. We, as a whole, are not as independent as we used to be.

They helped out each other and were loosely dependent on each other to provide various products and services. They didn't expect government to do a thing for them but fully expected government to take things from them.
Oh! Who pays more in taxes?

If you claim 90% of available wealth you get to claim 90% of the taxes on that wealth

If you are not happy with that situation, you are free to "trickle down" some of that wealth

You still haven't answered the question.
Cat got your tongue? Honesty escape you?
Who pays more in taxes?

Are you that thick??

It is an INCOME Tax

If you make 90% of the INCOME you pay 90% of the tax

You make 10% of the income, you pay 10% of the tax

Anyone who doesn't like the situation is welcome to "Trickle Down" some of that income...its tax free!

That simple?

Rich could afford not to have any income for a couple of years. Could government afford it?
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
-- Benjamin Franklin, November 1776

Just maybe, if the poor were taxed more heavily than the wealthy, it would encourage them to better their position in life so that they could avoid paying so much in taxes.
The government frequently taxes things to discourage it. Things like tobacco and alcohol come to mind. The cap and trade will be a tax to discourage certain types of energy usage the government doesn't want.

By all means tax the poor.......you might add an additional .01% to the economy

If the wealth in the US were looked at as a pie cut into ten pieces...

One American would be taking nine pieces
The other nine Americans would be fighting over the remaining piece

The poor would only have a crumb and the republicans would be griping that they have that much

and the Dems would want the guy with the crumb to pay a tax on it.....
Oh! Who pays more in taxes?

If you claim 90% of available wealth you get to claim 90% of the taxes on that wealth

If you are not happy with that situation, you are free to "trickle down" some of that wealth

You still haven't answered the question.
Cat got your tongue? Honesty escape you?
Who pays more in taxes?

Are you that thick??

It is an INCOME Tax

If you make 90% of the INCOME you pay 90% of the tax

You make 10% of the income, you pay 10% of the tax

Anyone who doesn't like the situation is welcome to "Trickle Down" some of that income...its tax free!
Dodge shuck and jive, you still haven't answered the questioned. Who pays more in taxes, the guy taxed at 30% or the guy taxed at 10%? Is it really that hard for you to figure out?
Say they pay $500 per month on rent...$6000 annually. My single (oldest) daughter pays less than that in rent, my house payment is less than that.

$500/month is cheap rent around here. It'll get you a shack. A $500 house payment is like a thing from the 60's.:doubt:
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
-- Benjamin Franklin, November 1776

Just maybe, if the poor were taxed more heavily than the wealthy, it would encourage them to better their position in life so that they could avoid paying so much in taxes.
The government frequently taxes things to discourage it. Things like tobacco and alcohol come to mind. The cap and trade will be a tax to discourage certain types of energy usage the government doesn't want.
Better yet, let's give them two years to get out of poverty and then shoot them if they don't. That will teach them.

Extreme argument.
Like yours isn't. Way to take Franklin out of context. :clap2:
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
-- Benjamin Franklin, November 1776

Just maybe, if the poor were taxed more heavily than the wealthy, it would encourage them to better their position in life so that they could avoid paying so much in taxes.
The government frequently taxes things to discourage it. Things like tobacco and alcohol come to mind. The cap and trade will be a tax to discourage certain types of energy usage the government doesn't want.

By all means tax the poor.......you might add an additional .01% to the economy

If the wealth in the US were looked at as a pie cut into ten pieces...

One American would be taking nine pieces
The other nine Americans would be fighting over the remaining piece

The poor would only have a crumb and the republicans would be griping that they have that much

and the Dems would want the guy with the crumb to pay a tax on it.....

And somehow, teabaggers will scream to defend the guy who is claiming nine out of ten slices of the pie and blaim the poor guy who gets a crumb
By all means tax the poor.......you might add an additional .01% to the economy

If the wealth in the US were looked at as a pie cut into ten pieces...

One American would be taking nine pieces
The other nine Americans would be fighting over the remaining piece

The poor would only have a crumb and the republicans would be griping that they have that much

and the Dems would want the guy with the crumb to pay a tax on it.....

And somehow, teabaggers will scream to defend the guy who is claiming nine out of ten slices of the pie and blaim the poor guy who gets a crumb

I think the OP was an encouragement to venture outside the box with your thinking process. Can you accomplish that ?
and the Dems would want the guy with the crumb to pay a tax on it.....

And somehow, teabaggers will scream to defend the guy who is claiming nine out of ten slices of the pie and blaim the poor guy who gets a crumb

I think the OP was an encouragement to venture outside the box with your thinking process. Can you accomplish that ?
I thought it was encouragement to think so far outside the box that you'd fall off the planet.

Tis better, though more difficult, to think inside the box.
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
-- Benjamin Franklin, November 1776

Just maybe, if the poor were taxed more heavily than the wealthy, it would encourage them to better their position in life so that they could avoid paying so much in taxes.
The government frequently taxes things to discourage it. Things like tobacco and alcohol come to mind. The cap and trade will be a tax to discourage certain types of energy usage the government doesn't want.

Do the wealthy seek out poverty to avoid taxes? Do you seek out poverty to avoid taxes? What makes you think the level of taxation the impetus to the creation of wealth, or lack of it?

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