Why The Homeless like CNN


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
This homeless guy loves CNN so much he leaves a present.

This homeless guy loves CNN so much he leaves a present.

To be fair, I usually want to move my bowels after watching CNN as well. :thup:
This homeless guy loves CNN so much he leaves a present.

Looked like a homeless woman. Your signature says the fat lady hasn't sung yet, but it looks like that crack head at least cleared her throat! :auiqs.jpg:
A common practice among street crack cocaine dealers is to cut the cocaine with powdered laxatives to add bulk to the product.

The funny thing is that some stupid crackheads think that it is some really good quality awesome shit if they suddenly have to take a shit when they smoke a hit of crack.

They don't understand that they are getting ripped off and ingesting a laxative.

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