Why the "Golden Rule" will ALWAYS be more efficient then the Nanny State!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Golden Rule.."do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Will always be superior to the nanny state because the nanny state depends on tax revenue to pay for the cop on every corner!

Yet if more people were taught with the same intensity, saturation, advertising budgets that "global warming" the efficiency of the "Golden Rule" there would be trillions of Federal/State/Local taxes SAVED! Trillions just by adults being aware that the reason for driving 20mph in a school zone IS NOT that it is the law but the law of physics i.e. a car at 40mph can't stop as quick as at 20mph!

If more people obeyed the Laws of physics, economics,etc.,there would be less need for cops on every corner and less taxes!
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?

Damn boy!

There are plenty of jobs out thar if you would just get off yer ass and work
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?

Damn boy!

There are plenty of jobs out thar if you would just get off yer ass and work

Well, we have 20 million illegal aliens here that are doing jobs that the welfare people seem to think they are too good for, so I'd say, yeah. That's probably the case.
"the welfare people"

How many of these people are there? I mean, able-bodied, adults who choose to not work in favor of living 100% off of taxpayer subsidized assistance? HOW MANY ARE THERE?????????
"the welfare people"

How many of these people are there? I mean, able-bodied, adults who choose to not work in favor of living 100% off of taxpayer subsidized assistance? HOW MANY ARE THERE?????????

1 would be too many.

That's the problem with calling it an entitlement, guy.

Here's a solution. No more welfare. You get welfare payments, you have to show up for work, in public parks, cleaning up the sides of roads, whatever.

I'll betcha a lot of people just won't show up for those checks.
The Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold, makes the rules" is always more efficient than the nanny state. The nanny state gets in the way of Those who have the gold getting their way. Getting rid of that pesky nanny government will ensure that those with the gold can accumulate more

Except the government doesn't really do that. Those with the gold have pretty much bought out both parties.

What the nanny state has managed to do is pacify enough people with no ambition by making them dependent on the government.

Why work when you can collect welfare and watch Jerry Springer all day?



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXRjmyJFzrU]Idiocracy Intro (HR titlovi) - YouTube[/ame]​
The Golden Rule.."do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Will always be superior to the nanny state because the nanny state depends on tax revenue to pay for the cop on every corner!

Yet if more people were taught with the same intensity, saturation, advertising budgets that "global warming" the efficiency of the "Golden Rule" there would be trillions of Federal/State/Local taxes SAVED! Trillions just by adults being aware that the reason for driving 20mph in a school zone IS NOT that it is the law but the law of physics i.e. a car at 40mph can't stop as quick as at 20mph!

If more people obeyed the Laws of physics, economics,etc.,there would be less need for cops on every corner and less taxes!

LOL. Yet everyone understands what the golden rule is, and has been taught it from the cradle in this nation. Taught it and taught that hyporcracy concerning it is the best route.

This is about the most inane post I have seen yet. Were such things effective, we would not have the cops on the corner now. From the guy that robs the Seven Eleven, to the financiers that have brought down the world economy, we have the thieves and greedy with us always. Part of human nature.

You are one with Marx, Healthmyths. You seem to believe that you can educate out what is in our genes. Jefferson and our founding fathers, on the other hand, recognized that we are flawed and set up our government to work on the basis of those flaws. That is why the three competing branchs of government.
Fear the Nanny State....

The nanny state made car manufacturers put seat belt in their cars, the nanny state required air bags, the nanny state demanded safer roads and crash survivable cars

The nanny state required drivers to wear seat belts

Millions of Americans owe their lives to the nanny state

Or we could have relied on car manufacturers following the golden rule
Fear the Nanny State....

The nanny state made car manufacturers put seat belt in their cars, the nanny state required air bags, the nanny state demanded safer roads and crash survivable cars

The nanny state required drivers to wear seat belts

Millions of Americans owe their lives to the nanny state

Or we could have relied on car manufacturers following the golden rule

Well, as long as you brought the subject up, how about all those kids who were decapitated because air bags knocked their little heads off?

So now we have to put kids in the back seat where they don't benefit from the airbag at all.
Fear the Nanny State....

The nanny state made car manufacturers put seat belt in their cars, the nanny state required air bags, the nanny state demanded safer roads and crash survivable cars

The nanny state required drivers to wear seat belts

Millions of Americans owe their lives to the nanny state

Or we could have relied on car manufacturers following the golden rule

Yes and the costs have tripled. Screw the little guy while saying you are for them.

Very common, democrats were screwing you for your own good.
The Golden Rule.."do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Will always be superior to the nanny state because the nanny state depends on tax revenue to pay for the cop on every corner!

Yet if more people were taught with the same intensity, saturation, advertising budgets that "global warming" the efficiency of the "Golden Rule" there would be trillions of Federal/State/Local taxes SAVED! Trillions just by adults being aware that the reason for driving 20mph in a school zone IS NOT that it is the law but the law of physics i.e. a car at 40mph can't stop as quick as at 20mph!

If more people obeyed the Laws of physics, economics,etc.,there would be less need for cops on every corner and less taxes!

Every person that ever took driver education in school was taught about the stopping distance of motor vehicles. Are you suggesting that all of those people can thus be depended on to drive 20 mph where its appropriate, even if the speed limit signs are taken down and the penalties for speeding repealed?
Here's a solution. No more welfare. You get welfare payments, you have to show up for work, in public parks, cleaning up the sides of roads, whatever.

I'll betcha a lot of people just won't show up for those checks.

Welcome to 1996.

The new law contains three provisions requiring work or work preparation by adults in welfare families:

1. Adults receiving assistance through the block grant are required to "engage in work'' (as defined by the State) after 2 years (or less at State option); otherwise, their assistance under the block grant is ended. Unless States opt out, adult recipients not working must participate in community service employment with hours and tasks set by the State after receiving benefits for 2 months. This requirement does not apply to single parents of a child under 6 who are unable to obtain needed child care. Further, States may exempt parents of a child under age 1 from this or any other work requirement.

2. States are required to have a specific and gradually increasing percentage of their caseload in work activities. Work activities are tightly defined to include actual work in the private or public sector plus, to a limited degree, education, vocational education training, and job search. (See below.) The participation requirement begins at 25 percent in 1997 and increases by 5 percentage points a year to 50 percent in 2002. In calculating required participation rates, States are given credit for reducing their welfare rolls, provided the decrease is not due to changed eligibility criteria (the required participation rate is adjusted down one percentage point for each percentage point that the State's welfare caseload is below fiscal year 1995 levels). As noted above, States may exempt single parents of a child under age 1 from the work requirement. If they do so, these families are omitted from the calculation of work participation rates (for no more than a total of 12 months for any single family). At least one adult in 75 percent of two-parent families must be working in 1997 and 1998, as under previous law, but the rate rises so that adults in at least 90 percent of two-parent families on welfare must be working in 1999 and thereafter. States not meeting these work participation rates for single-parent or two-parent families face a reduction in TANF block grant funds: 5 percent the first year and then 7 percent, 9 percent, 11 percent and so forth in subsequent consecutive years of failure; the maximum penalty for failing to meet State work requirements is the loss of 21 percent of the State's block grant.

3. Cash payments and other benefits from the block grant are forbidden for a family with a member who has received aid as an adult for 5 years. States may set a shorter time limit. The maximum time limit of 5 years requires families to become independent of TANF block grant assistance at that point (eligibility for other programs such as food stamps and Medicaid would continue, subject to program income limits). States may make exceptions to the 5-year limit for up to 20 percent of their caseload if the State judges that special circumstances (for example, family violence or borderline disabilities) justify an extension of benefits. In addition, States may use their own funds to assist families made ineligible by the 5-year time limit; States also may use title XX social services block grant funds (including amounts transferred out of the cash welfare block grant into the title XX block grant) to provide assistance to these families.
Fear the Nanny State....

The nanny state made car manufacturers put seat belt in their cars, the nanny state required air bags, the nanny state demanded safer roads and crash survivable cars

The nanny state required drivers to wear seat belts

Millions of Americans owe their lives to the nanny state

Or we could have relied on car manufacturers following the golden rule

Well, as long as you brought the subject up, how about all those kids who were decapitated because air bags knocked their little heads off?

So now we have to put kids in the back seat where they don't benefit from the airbag at all.

How many children have been saved by the nanny state requiring carseats?
Here's a solution. No more welfare. You get welfare payments, you have to show up for work, in public parks, cleaning up the sides of roads, whatever.

I'll betcha a lot of people just won't show up for those checks.

Welcome to 1996.

The new law contains three provisions requiring work or work preparation by adults in welfare families:

1. Adults receiving assistance through the block grant are required to "engage in work'' (as defined by the State) after 2 years (or less at State option); otherwise, their assistance under the block grant is ended. Unless States opt out, adult recipients not working must participate in community service employment with hours and tasks set by the State after receiving benefits for 2 months. This requirement does not apply to single parents of a child under 6 who are unable to obtain needed child care. Further, States may exempt parents of a child under age 1 from this or any other work requirement.

2. States are required to have a specific and gradually increasing percentage of their caseload in work activities. Work activities are tightly defined to include actual work in the private or public sector plus, to a limited degree, education, vocational education training, and job search. (See below.) The participation requirement begins at 25 percent in 1997 and increases by 5 percentage points a year to 50 percent in 2002. In calculating required participation rates, States are given credit for reducing their welfare rolls, provided the decrease is not due to changed eligibility criteria (the required participation rate is adjusted down one percentage point for each percentage point that the State's welfare caseload is below fiscal year 1995 levels). As noted above, States may exempt single parents of a child under age 1 from the work requirement. If they do so, these families are omitted from the calculation of work participation rates (for no more than a total of 12 months for any single family). At least one adult in 75 percent of two-parent families must be working in 1997 and 1998, as under previous law, but the rate rises so that adults in at least 90 percent of two-parent families on welfare must be working in 1999 and thereafter. States not meeting these work participation rates for single-parent or two-parent families face a reduction in TANF block grant funds: 5 percent the first year and then 7 percent, 9 percent, 11 percent and so forth in subsequent consecutive years of failure; the maximum penalty for failing to meet State work requirements is the loss of 21 percent of the State's block grant.

3. Cash payments and other benefits from the block grant are forbidden for a family with a member who has received aid as an adult for 5 years. States may set a shorter time limit. The maximum time limit of 5 years requires families to become independent of TANF block grant assistance at that point (eligibility for other programs such as food stamps and Medicaid would continue, subject to program income limits). States may make exceptions to the 5-year limit for up to 20 percent of their caseload if the State judges that special circumstances (for example, family violence or borderline disabilities) justify an extension of benefits. In addition, States may use their own funds to assist families made ineligible by the 5-year time limit; States also may use title XX social services block grant funds (including amounts transferred out of the cash welfare block grant into the title XX block grant) to provide assistance to these families.

Sounds like that nanny stater Bill Clinton
I never thought of speed limits as an evil consequence of the nanny state. That sounds like something the Tim McVeighs of the world believe(d) in.

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