Why the Double Standard?


Tommy Vercetti Fan Club
Jul 17, 2013
So I was in my garage when I noticed some blue-haired types coming up my driveway. Turns put they're put peddling their god in the neighborhood and thought I might appreciate the Good News. Now I didn't solicit them in the least, but there they were asking to regale me with their fairy tales. I told them we could have a discussion where they could lay the Bible on me and when they were done, I could have the same amount of time to tell them why Jehovah is a psychopath and belief in the supernatural is just nonsense. We could have a dialog, maybe exchange some ideas. The look on their faces told me they weren't interested, and they declines and left.

Now why is it when religious types want to spread their viewpoints, they just get to show up uninvited, but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
Well I thank Jesus that he is answering my prayers and sending His laborers right to your house but I can see now I am going to have to ask the LORD to make you hush until He gets the message to you and you hear it, Steven.

You know the LORD loves you and if you would just give Him an opportunity to speak to you - you never know how you might feel about it. What are you so afraid of? If you are so salvation proofed as you think you are you shouldn't mind someone coming to you to talk to you about Jesus. If the LORD didn't love you He wouldn't be sending people to your house to talk to you about Him!! Did you ever think about that?

If you had crossed the line - if you had gone to far - if you had committed the unpardonable sin - if you were no longer a candidate for returning to the LORD God wouldn't have sent them to your house and He wouldn't have people praying for you! The devil is a liar! You're not too far gone! You're ripe for the picking! Next time just hold your peace and see what God has to say to you, Steven. You have nothing to lose.
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So I was in my garage when I noticed some blue-haired types coming up my driveway. Turns put they're put peddling their god in the neighborhood and thought I might appreciate the Good News. Now I didn't solicit them in the least, but there they were asking to regale me with their fairy tales. I told them we could have a discussion where they could lay the Bible on me and when they were done, I could have the same amount of time to tell them why Jehovah is a psychopath and belief in the supernatural is just nonsense. We could have a dialog, maybe exchange some ideas. The look on their faces told me they weren't interested, and they declines and left.

Now why is it when religious types want to spread their viewpoints, they just get to show up uninvited, but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?

1. I find it is pretty mutual. When people, even secular salespeople, go door to do being "obnoxious" and pushy, then they get the doors slammed in their faces also. The same people who are polite and may entertain a religious proselytizer tend to be equally polite to sales people or anyone else and kindly say "no thanks"

2. As for showing up in church, that depends how it is done also.
I know churches who have invited atheists to study regularly with their Bible groups, a number of prolife and prochoice activists who agreed to visit each other's groups and share presentations back and forth in a civil manner knowing they had deep differences in beliefs and political opinions,
and look at the church that opened their doors and let their own killer in because they embraced all people.

If you go into the situation, already geared and planning to "mutual reject and attack" each other,
you set yourself up to fail.

If people agree to hear each other as individuals and equals, then anyone can interact with anyone
and it does not have to become some combative situation. Like the 6 men who showed up at Lakewood to deliberately heckle and disrupt the pastor's presentation. Sure, if you come in like that, and disrupt the
assembly, you will be made to leave.

People have a natural right to assemble and petition or present and share what they want to express.
But it must be done in the spirit of "peace and security" respecting each other as equals.
If it is done in a disruptive spirit, whoever is the trespassing guest may be asked to leave so the
people who are choosing to assemble peaceably may continue exercising their right of assembly in peace.

This is INDEPENDENT of which person/group is secular, religious, nonreligious or which political group.

Either the people agree to assemble and include each other as equals peaceably, or if people get divisive, then it disrupts the service or presentation and those parties will be asked or made to leave instead of disrupting others.
Why the Double Standard?

it is written:

in government we trust ... what they tried to do in writing the Constitution.

So I was in my garage when I noticed some blue-haired types coming up my driveway. Turns put they're put peddling their god in the neighborhood and thought I might appreciate the Good News. Now I didn't solicit them in the least, but there they were asking to regale me with their fairy tales. I told them we could have a discussion where they could lay the Bible on me and when they were done, I could have the same amount of time to tell them why Jehovah is a psychopath and belief in the supernatural is just nonsense. We could have a dialog, maybe exchange some ideas. The look on their faces told me they weren't interested, and they declines and left.

Now why is it when religious types want to spread their viewpoints, they just get to show up uninvited, but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?

You said they asked you first. You had a condition. Presumably this means you asked them if the condition was acceptable. They said no.

In this particular case, I do not see a double standard. You didn't want to hear their message; you wanted time for them to hear yours. In essence neither party wanted to listen to the other, and so both moved on.
If you dropped your pants, pulled it out, you wouldn't have to tell the little blue haired ladies another thing... You atheists are known for that!...Perhaps, grab their bible and piss on it, also!
If you dropped your pants, pulled it out, you wouldn't have to tell the little blue haired ladies another thing... You atheists are known for that!...Perhaps, grab their bible and piss on it, also!

Well, maybe not go THAT far.

But you could try to chase away unwanted solicitors by
selling them Amway, or recruiting them to join your Crossfit club.
So I was in my garage when I noticed some blue-haired types coming up my driveway. Turns put they're put peddling their god in the neighborhood and thought I might appreciate the Good News. Now I didn't solicit them in the least, but there they were asking to regale me with their fairy tales. I told them we could have a discussion where they could lay the Bible on me and when they were done, I could have the same amount of time to tell them why Jehovah is a psychopath and belief in the supernatural is just nonsense. We could have a dialog, maybe exchange some ideas. The look on their faces told me they weren't interested, and they declines and left.

Now why is it when religious types want to spread their viewpoints, they just get to show up uninvited, but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?

Oh I don't know. Maybe because you were unnecessarily being an asshole.
... but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
the christians apparently think nothing of not being invited ...

... but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
the christians apparently think nothing of not being invited ...


Yeah...cause you know...forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them is a uniquely Christian thing. It never happens with anyone else. Gimmie a break
... but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
the christians apparently think nothing of not being invited ...


Yeah...cause you know...forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them is a uniquely Christian thing. It never happens with anyone else. Gimmie a break

and your signature ^ is not the christian example - " forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them " ...

... but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
the christians apparently think nothing of not being invited ...


Yeah...cause you know...forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them is a uniquely Christian thing. It never happens with anyone else. Gimmie a break

and your signature ^ is not the christian example - " forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them " ...


Oh bugger off. All people are allow to state what they stand for or against. That's my way of identifying my political views. You don't like it, go wank off.
All you had to say was not interested.

Yep, that's what I always tell the Mormon boys in my neighborhood. They're always trying to get in my house. They're like vampires. Once you invite them in you can never get rid of them.
... but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
the christians apparently think nothing of not being invited ...


Yeah...cause you know...forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them is a uniquely Christian thing. It never happens with anyone else. Gimmie a break

and your signature ^ is not the christian example - " forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them " ...


Oh bugger off. All people are allow to state what they stand for or against. That's my way of identifying my political views. You don't like it, go wank off.
it is the christian's standard that is the issue of the OP, such that when they are of such a despicable level as yours ...


who gives you a right to intrude on an individuals homestead ?

... but if I showed up at a church uninvited and started telling them my point of view on their mindsets I'd be labels an asshole?
the christians apparently think nothing of not being invited ...


Yeah...cause you know...forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them is a uniquely Christian thing. It never happens with anyone else. Gimmie a break

and your signature ^ is not the christian example - " forcing your views on someone who doesn't want to hear them " ...


Oh bugger off. All people are allow to state what they stand for or against. That's my way of identifying my political views. You don't like it, go wank off.
it is the christian's standard that is the issue of the OP, such that when they are of such a despicable level as yours ...


who gives you a right to intrude on an individuals homestead ?


There is no law against knocking on someone's door to see if they want to talk about anything. We get people asking if we want to buy shit all the time. Sure you can be an asshole about it if you wish, but a simple "no thanks" will usually do the trick. Quite frankly, people selling shit are usually more pushy than Christians in my experience.

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