Why Socialism Destroys Lives in One Sentence


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

There you have it. Thousands of good paying jobs are a bad thing and ‘the people’ have won making sure those jobs never appear.

So what was it that New York agreed to before hand that they didn't keep their word on? Didn't Amazon have an in depth debate about where to locate before they decided?

I don't agree with AOC's policies, but I dislike Crony Capitalism almost as much. Breaks should be given to jr. companies, not the biggest companies in the world.

Amazon gets breaks on Federal taxes and mail costs, they now want billions in further breaks from the state? Such decisions are going to rush in socialism faster than AOC or Bernie would.
So what was it that New York agreed to before hand that they didn't keep their word on? Didn't Amazon have an in depth debate about where to locate before they decided?

I don't agree with AOC's policies, but I dislike Crony Capitalism almost as much. Breaks should be given to jr. companies, not the biggest companies in the world.

Amazon gets breaks on Federal taxes and mail costs, they now want billions in further breaks from the state? Such decisions are going to rush in socialism faster than AOC or Bernie would.
Amazon moving in is not just Amazon jobs. It’s support jobs moving in. Maintaining buildings and machines, IT contracts, hotels, car rentals, housing going in, restaurants serving them, etc etc.

Many cities have turned around their downtown ghettos into high rent districts by offering tax incentives.
So what was it that New York agreed to before hand that they didn't keep their word on? Didn't Amazon have an in depth debate about where to locate before they decided?

I don't agree with AOC's policies, but I dislike Crony Capitalism almost as much. Breaks should be given to jr. companies, not the biggest companies in the world.

Amazon gets breaks on Federal taxes and mail costs, they now want billions in further breaks from the state? Such decisions are going to rush in socialism faster than AOC or Bernie would.
Amazon moving in is not just Amazon jobs. It’s support jobs moving in. Maintaining buildings and machines, IT contracts, hotels, car rentals, housing going in, restaurants serving them, etc etc.

Many cities have turned around their downtown ghettos into high rent districts by offering tax incentives.

Yes, but they have to engage in the same process regardless of where they go, the state shouldn't shoulder their costs of dong business.

I support tax incentives and preferably accounting methods for depreciation of equipment, R&D etc, but this gigantic company is asking for the state to essentially cover their costs and they will be happy to control the profits.

There is great danger here, not just in the perception of favouritism and potential State dependence, but, outright socialism. I appreciate that they will generate jobs, if they don't want to grow, then don't that's their call. Taxpayers need to stop propping up and essentially sending money into the pockets of mega wealthy people.

It is not good for capitalism or the incentive for others to risk their capital to try and build a business. They already have the best accountants in the world to avoid paying taxes they don't need grants, in my opinion.

I don't begrudge the wealthy, I begrudge wealthy beggars.
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There you have it. Thousands of good paying jobs are a bad thing and ‘the people’ have won making sure those jobs never appear.


When the richest corporation on earth asks for $3 billion in tax breaks to bring jobs into a working class neighbourhood, what happens to the people who already live in that neighbourhood who's taxes are going to pay for those tax breaks? What happens to those people when competition for housing close to work drives the prices beyond the reach of the people who paid those taxes.

Do you have any idea of the infrastructure needs required to get 50,000 people every day to one specific spot on the map - the roadways, subway lines, and transit systems needed to move all of those people to that campus? These infrastructure requirements will strain the budgets of this neighbourhood for decades to come, and the very people who are being asked to pay for this $3 billion gift to Amazon, are the also the ones who will have to pay for this infrastructure, and then, when the headquarters is up and running, will find themselves pushed right out of the neighbourhood they used to call home.

Amazon should NOT be getting tax breaks. They, and every other corporation like them, should be PAYING the communities they are moving into for the infrastructure they require, just like every other citizen of the country. If you buy a lot to build a house, you have to pay to the costs of hooking your water, power and gas lines to your property. If a builder builds a subdivision, they have to pay the municipality to install sewer lines, power lines, and utilties in that subdivision. They don't get a gift from the municipality because the new home owners are going to pay taxes.

The now cancelled Foxxcom deal was going to cost every citizen, not just taxpayers, but every citizen of the state $700 out of their own pockets to bring that company to their state. This is insanity on the hoof. Idiot municipal politicians are giving away billions of dollars of taxpayers' money to entice businesses already located in another state, to come to their state. Taxpayers know they're getting hosed by these practices but they do it anyway.

It wasn't that New Yorkers didn't want the jobs, they just want the richest company in the world to pay their own way. Isn't that what conservatives keep telling working people THEY have to do. Stop looking for "free shit" and pay your own way?
View attachment 246187

There you have it. Thousands of good paying jobs are a bad thing and ‘the people’ have won making sure those jobs never appear.


When the richest corporation on earth asks for $3 billion in tax breaks to bring jobs into a working class neighbourhood, what happens to the people who already live in that neighbourhood who's taxes are going to pay for those tax breaks? What happens to those people when competition for housing close to work drives the prices beyond the reach of the people who paid those taxes.

Do you have any idea of the infrastructure needs required to get 50,000 people every day to one specific spot on the map - the roadways, subway lines, and transit systems needed to move all of those people to that campus? These infrastructure requirements will strain the budgets of this neighbourhood for decades to come, and the very people who are being asked to pay for this $3 billion gift to Amazon, are the also the ones who will have to pay for this infrastructure, and then, when the headquarters is up and running, will find themselves pushed right out of the neighbourhood they used to call home.

Amazon should NOT be getting tax breaks. They, and every other corporation like them, should be PAYING the communities they are moving into for the infrastructure they require, just like every other citizen of the country. If you buy a lot to build a house, you have to pay to the costs of hooking your water, power and gas lines to your property. If a builder builds a subdivision, they have to pay the municipality to install sewer lines, power lines, and utilties in that subdivision. They don't get a gift from the municipality because the new home owners are going to pay taxes.

The now cancelled Foxxcom deal was going to cost every citizen, not just taxpayers, but every citizen of the state $700 out of their own pockets to bring that company to their state. This is insanity on the hoof. Idiot municipal politicians are giving away billions of dollars of taxpayers' money to entice businesses already located in another state, to come to their state. Taxpayers know they're getting hosed by these practices but they do it anyway.

It wasn't that New Yorkers didn't want the jobs, they just want the richest company in the world to pay their own way. Isn't that what conservatives keep telling working people THEY have to do. Stop looking for "free shit" and pay your own way?
Stop looking for free shit and pay your own way?

I had no idea you were for elimination of welfare and everyone paying taxes.

But yes, I see your point. No jobs should ever be added because roads would have to support people going to work.

Thanks for the socialism lesson.
View attachment 246187

There you have it. Thousands of good paying jobs are a bad thing and ‘the people’ have won making sure those jobs never appear.


When the richest corporation on earth asks for $3 billion in tax breaks to bring jobs into a working class neighbourhood, what happens to the people who already live in that neighbourhood who's taxes are going to pay for those tax breaks? What happens to those people when competition for housing close to work drives the prices beyond the reach of the people who paid those taxes.

Do you have any idea of the infrastructure needs required to get 50,000 people every day to one specific spot on the map - the roadways, subway lines, and transit systems needed to move all of those people to that campus? These infrastructure requirements will strain the budgets of this neighbourhood for decades to come, and the very people who are being asked to pay for this $3 billion gift to Amazon, are the also the ones who will have to pay for this infrastructure, and then, when the headquarters is up and running, will find themselves pushed right out of the neighbourhood they used to call home.

Amazon should NOT be getting tax breaks. They, and every other corporation like them, should be PAYING the communities they are moving into for the infrastructure they require, just like every other citizen of the country. If you buy a lot to build a house, you have to pay to the costs of hooking your water, power and gas lines to your property. If a builder builds a subdivision, they have to pay the municipality to install sewer lines, power lines, and utilties in that subdivision. They don't get a gift from the municipality because the new home owners are going to pay taxes.

The now cancelled Foxxcom deal was going to cost every citizen, not just taxpayers, but every citizen of the state $700 out of their own pockets to bring that company to their state. This is insanity on the hoof. Idiot municipal politicians are giving away billions of dollars of taxpayers' money to entice businesses already located in another state, to come to their state. Taxpayers know they're getting hosed by these practices but they do it anyway.

It wasn't that New Yorkers didn't want the jobs, they just want the richest company in the world to pay their own way. Isn't that what conservatives keep telling working people THEY have to do. Stop looking for "free shit" and pay your own way?
Stop looking for free shit and pay your own way?

I had no idea you were for elimination of welfare and everyone paying taxes.

But yes, I see your point. No jobs should ever be added because roads would have to support people going to work.

Thanks for the socialism lesson.
Amazon pulled out of NY because they couldn't GET corporate welfare dummy
So what was it that New York agreed to before hand that they didn't keep their word on? Didn't Amazon have an in depth debate about where to locate before they decided?

I don't agree with AOC's policies, but I dislike Crony Capitalism almost as much. Breaks should be given to jr. companies, not the biggest companies in the world.

Amazon gets breaks on Federal taxes and mail costs, they now want billions in further breaks from the state? Such decisions are going to rush in socialism faster than AOC or Bernie would.
AOC is into Crony Capitalism. Obama took over Netflix and offered $10 million for her documentary. She proudly claimed that she didn't have money for the right wardrobe to be in Congress, and for some strange reason she all of the sudden can afford expensive new clothes for the SOTU
She's just acting like she's a communist. She's really just a lying capitalist.
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Sorry guys, but I have to agree with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She's right about Amazon. Remember, her New Green Deal guarantees jobs to those unwilling to work. You don't need 25,000 jobs in your district that will clog up the streets and subways when your taking care of people that don't want to work.

Sorry guys, but I have to agree with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She's right about Amazon. Remember, her New Green Deal guarantees jobs to those unwilling to work. You don't need 25,000 jobs in your district that will clog up the streets and subways when your taking care of people that don't want to work.

Yep....no more steaks, air-conditioning, air travel, private vehicles, and no more jobs...things that she enjoys every single day of her life.
She's really fighting for the American people.

Personally I think she needs to be put in a padded room....along with the rest of the usual suspects like Mad Maxine and Nazi Pelosi.

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