Why social networks can be danger and a huge privacy issue for many who are unaware!


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Everyone is making more and more use of (these days) it seems, (in some form or another) these social networking sites, and they are heading headstrong IMHO (and might I say so very naievely and innocently), into these social media networks, forums, communities etc. where they are posting on them way to much info, thus giving out to much information about themselves and/or etc. without even considering what all can go wrong, especially when they (so many) are doing this in such huge numbers now these days.

Now what a person doesn't understand about all of this stuff that is being engaged in these days (or) rather what they aren't thinking through within this sort of information in which they are sharing so much of, is that it may not be a new friend or an old friend that would be involved directly as a threat against them while upon any site used, but rather the threats could come by way of a "third party" in which could later on indirectly pose as a serious danger into the situation (or) could even cause for a member or an indirectly affected innocent "a very serious breach of privacy" issue to arise out of it all, and this to be as a grave issue to then be found as a result of an indirect act that wasn't expected by the victims soon to be involved in such a thing, especially when engaging in these networks or communities in which so many are doing these days (giving up way to much information about themselves and about others).

I believe the horror stories right now are many, but they get washed away in a sea of numbers quickly, where as progress is so swift now, that you can become a victim, and no one will know or care about the many casulties that were afflicted by it all for years to come.

Now one might ask me right now, how can this be or do explain further ? Ok I will try to get the possible senario right.

You see, what a person doesn't realize, for whom may be hap-hazardly giving their real names, and laying their whole life story out these days on line, along with pictures and etc. and sadly while living upon these network sites as is joined by them now like they do. Is that when they are then posting, commenting and/or are doing everything else that one does upon these sites in which they do now daily in their lives, there can very easily be "another person" that may be lerking in the shadows so to speak (or) is in the same physical (not virtual) room at any given time with the person that one may have just made friends with (or) that one may have just accepted as an old friend, (i.e. in which one may have already known as a friend, yet hasn't been seen or heard from in years), who is then afterwards, and without ones knowledge of, allowing (mr. or mrs. anonymous), to now sit there with them (unknownst to the soon to be possible victim/member in trust there of) to make you a casualty, thus the accepted friend had allowed a third party person in such a situation (or) even an old enemy, to next begin learning, studying, stalking and/or finding out all that they want to know about you/a member, and this by way of the new or old friend's trust given when accepted as a friend or an old friend that is now in breach of ones trust, because of allowing a person who is within the room with him or her, the viewing of, and the study of a members information, life history if were added, daily routines if were added etc. and all without ones knowledge of, and why? It's because the anonymous person is not using an internet connection or joining anything at this point, but he or she is instead looking over his partners shoulder at a screen, and obtaining information through his partner or friend that is in the room allowing them to.

If a person had not been so wrecklace or had checked out better these kinds of things before diving into the mud head first, otherwise before joining these sites, and giving away their privacy in this way, one may have not joined them at all.

In Summary: Always beware of the third party situation, and always question your friend(s) very seriously, in order to make sure that their is no anonymous person(s), perp(s), enemy(s), etc. looking over your friend(s) shoulder, in which would somehow by this act, allow a bad person to then learn about you/stalk you without your knowledge of, and this because your friend is maybe wanting to show off his internet to a friend that you don't know, or is boasting about how many friends he or she has, in which he wants to show off to this person(s) that is currently in the room with, then showing him or her a private session to affirm these numbers to them for popularity reasons and/or etc. not knowing that they are showing this private area (or) maybe sharing this information with the devil himself.

This also could open the door to many types of stalkers if not careful... Always use an alias, and never your real name while on these sites, unless you truly know that the person you are friends with, and that you are absolutely sure that they are not sharing the physical room and/or internet space, with a friend that is not your friend, and instead is your enemy or worse. :eusa_pray:
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I can go online right now and get call up a description of your house, faucets, rooms, a sketch of the house, how much your property taxes are and have been over the years, how you paid and when and more.

This is just one site that is open to everyone. Here is a link for Alabama.
Beacon - City of Foley, AL

Surprising what info is out there if one wants to look.
I can go online right now and get call up a description of your house, faucets, rooms, a sketch of the house, how much your property taxes are and have been over the years, how you paid and when and more.

This is just one site that is open to everyone. Here is a link for Alabama.
Beacon - City of Foley, AL

Surprising what info is out there if one wants to look.
Nope not mine you won't, because I have never used my real name on the internet... That is the key.. And if you havn't used your real name, and then someone, somehow finds out all that info about you, then they have then committed a crime...
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Hello? Anyone out there at all concerned about their privacy upon the internet? Look at Google now, and what it has been getting caught doing?...Privacy can exist on the net, just like it did for millions of landline phone users over the years, but we must start to understand what or how all this is affecting us in a bad way first, and this won't be understood until all the happenings are dicussed or the ideas are then put out there by we the people, in order to find out what our rights are or should be in this new world of chaos that is now the norm for so many people who are losing their privacy in record numbers now. Doesn't anyone really care anymore?
The internet is one of the most life changing tools of my lifetime. I envy students today who can Google a question and find lots of information to work through and puzzle through. I remember too well the days of library searches for books that were out or unavailable, or cumbersome encyclopedias that cost lots. But it has a downside, too much information is pure nonsense, and connectivity to everyone all the time can take us away from nature and even the literature that helps move us from our narrow existence to other times and places. Social media is a tool we can use wisely or stupidly, I know personally people who have divorced because of it, or fight with family to the point of no resolution. What can you say, some people use tools wisely others screw up. The internet can assist either way. Since I lived in technology from the mechanical to the magical, it has made life good for us, so I can't complain. Below are a few pieces to further the discussion. The TED talk argues it helps intimacy. I am not so sure.


Stefana Broadbent: How the Internet enables intimacy | Video on TED.com

Paul Conneally: Digital humanitarianism | Video on TED.com
I can go online right now and get call up a description of your house, faucets, rooms, a sketch of the house, how much your property taxes are and have been over the years, how you paid and when and more.

This is just one site that is open to everyone. Here is a link for Alabama.
Beacon - City of Foley, AL

Surprising what info is out there if one wants to look.
Nope not mine you won't, because I have never used my real name on the internet... That is the key.. And if you havn't used your real name, and then someone, somehow finds out all that info about you, then they have then committed a crime...

LOL - you really think that your name means anything??? Your information is out there. If you have a credit card, a utility bill, a phone or a million other things, your info is out there.
That's alright if it is out there, just let someone who wasn't authorized to be in possession of that information, let me know that they have my information, and that they would use that information against me (identity theft) or in a crminal way somehow, then they will have a huge problem on their hands, because they will have committed a crime by having my personal info on their person or in their possession, thus willing to use (for what ever reason?), and also how did they obtain that information (and for what ever reason?).

I garantee you, that a person who is unauthorized to have your personal information, will never let you know that they have it, because it is a crime to have such information without a persons permission and/or if a company sold your information, and it is later found out that they did, they are in trouble as well, that's if you find this out also.

The bad guy's are able to be tracked down alot easier than they use to be on the net (i.e. Identity theives), where as it was that this once wide open net was taken advantage of in the past badly, but is fast becoming a net that can catch a fly these days quickly, instead of letting it go like it use to.

All I can say, is that they better not let me know they have my personal information, because I will turn them in, and then take them to court in a heart beat afterwards.
I can go online right now and get call up a description of your house, faucets, rooms, a sketch of the house, how much your property taxes are and have been over the years, how you paid and when and more.

This is just one site that is open to everyone. Here is a link for Alabama.
Beacon - City of Foley, AL

Surprising what info is out there if one wants to look.
Nope not mine you won't, because I have never used my real name on the internet... That is the key.. And if you havn't used your real name, and then someone, somehow finds out all that info about you, then they have then committed a crime...

LOL - you really think that your name means anything??? Your information is out there. If you have a credit card, a utility bill, a phone or a million other things, your info is out there.
The net has been for a thief among other shady characters, a freaking dream come true for quite sometime now, but I think people have finally got over the honeymoon of this thing (their gaurd down), and they are awoken to the dangers, unauthorized use of personal info without ones knowledge of, the abitual abuse, and the stealing that has gone on (especially with copyrighted materials), and people are not just sitting back and taking it anymore like they thought they had to in the past. It's amazing how we have this young lost generation for whom have thought to become thieves and bad people in some kind of twisted allowance of, and all by way of this internet that was like the wild west in it's early days, and still is to some extent, where as many now have since become marked men who are on borrowed time, and for which it is all just a matter of, as the drag net closes in on them while they look over their shoulders daily now for what they do and/or have done within their criminal past on this thing, and especially while in association with.

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