Why should taxpayers be punished for violating laws the president has now been accused of breaking?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The four times Trump signed tax returns for his foundation that contained incorrect information

But a lawsuit filed last week by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood alleges that four of the tax returns Trump signed contained incorrect statements, confirming previous reports by The Washington Post.

In 2007, 2012, 2013 and 2014, the Donald J. Trump Foundation stated that none of its money had been used to benefit Trump or his businesses. But the New York attorney general found that, in each of those years, Trump had used his charity’s funds to help one of his businesses.

It is a felony to knowingly file a false tax return, with potential penalties of up to $100,000 in fines and up to three years in prison.

If the IRS does not take visible action on Trump’s false statements, he said, “it kind of calls into question, ‘If they don’t prosecute him, does everybody get a pass?’ ”


Well? How about it? If Trump is not going to get prosecuted for lying on his tax returns, why should anybody?
Is this the case he was talking about when he said that he could murder someone and he's so famous, he could get away with it no matter who witnessed the crime?
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Can we use "but Trump did it" as a defense for not paying taxes?
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Could Trump be found guilty of these four felonies while he's in office?
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Trump being found guilty of four felonies would make him even more popular among his base. Because that's what they are. Base.

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