Why Romney is embarrassed by Bain


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Romney and Bain Capital: Why he’s so afraid of talking about what he did at Bain. - Slate Magazine

Romney’s Bain career is a story about rising inequality. It’s telling that George Romney, Mitt’s father, made around $200,000 through most of the years he ran American Motors Corporation. Doing work that clearly created jobs, the elder Romney paid an effective tax rate that averaged 37 percent. His son made vastly more running a corporate chop shop in an industry that does not appear to create jobs overall. In 2010, Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent on $21.7 million in investment income—around 14 times as much as his father in inflation-adjusted terms. This difference encapsulates the change from corporate titans who lived in the same world as the people who worked for them, in an America with real social mobility, to a financial overclass that makes its own separate rules and has choked off social mobility. The elder Romney wasn’t embarrassed to explain what he’d done as a businessman or to release his tax returns.
Dear God - ANOTHER Bain thread?

Is this all you assholes have? Seriously?


Bain reminds everybody how rich Romney is, how different that makes him from ordinary people, and how this kind of advantage perpetuates itself. Five years ago, according to disclosure statements, he was already worth between $190 and $250 million, not counting another $70-100 million in trusts for his children and grandchildren, and not counting real estate worth tens of millions more. It’s not clear how he turned a maximum contribution of $450,000 over 15 years at Bain into an IRA worth between $21 and $102 million (where it grows tax free).
Romney and Bain Capital: Why he’s so afraid of talking about what he did at Bain. - Slate Magazine

Romney’s Bain career is a story about rising inequality. It’s telling that George Romney, Mitt’s father, made around $200,000 through most of the years he ran American Motors Corporation. Doing work that clearly created jobs, the elder Romney paid an effective tax rate that averaged 37 percent. His son made vastly more running a corporate chop shop in an industry that does not appear to create jobs overall. In 2010, Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent on $21.7 million in investment income—around 14 times as much as his father in inflation-adjusted terms. This difference encapsulates the change from corporate titans who lived in the same world as the people who worked for them, in an America with real social mobility, to a financial overclass that makes its own separate rules and has choked off social mobility. The elder Romney wasn’t embarrassed to explain what he’d done as a businessman or to release his tax returns.

You're lying and you know you're lying. You know as well as everyone else that all you want to do is put his tax returns under the microscope and talk about nothing else for the next 3 months. Romney would be a bigger fool than Obama is to do that.
This thread needs this...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czrj4yJm6z0]The Galloping Gourmet - Beer and Rump Pot Roast - YouTube[/ame]
Dear God - ANOTHER Bain thread?

Is this all you assholes have? Seriously?


Bain reminds everybody how rich Romney is, how different that makes him from ordinary people, and how this kind of advantage perpetuates itself. Five years ago, according to disclosure statements, he was already worth between $190 and $250 million, not counting another $70-100 million in trusts for his children and grandchildren, and not counting real estate worth tens of millions more. It’s not clear how he turned a maximum contribution of $450,000 over 15 years at Bain into an IRA worth between $21 and $102 million (where it grows tax free).

What laws has Romney broken?
Romney and Bain Capital: Why he’s so afraid of talking about what he did at Bain. - Slate Magazine

Romney’s Bain career is a story about rising inequality. It’s telling that George Romney, Mitt’s father, made around $200,000 through most of the years he ran American Motors Corporation. Doing work that clearly created jobs, the elder Romney paid an effective tax rate that averaged 37 percent. His son made vastly more running a corporate chop shop in an industry that does not appear to create jobs overall. In 2010, Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent on $21.7 million in investment income—around 14 times as much as his father in inflation-adjusted terms. This difference encapsulates the change from corporate titans who lived in the same world as the people who worked for them, in an America with real social mobility, to a financial overclass that makes its own separate rules and has choked off social mobility. The elder Romney wasn’t embarrassed to explain what he’d done as a businessman or to release his tax returns.

Keep preaching to the choir. Americans who understand business, could care less about this red herring. But do go on, it's cute.
Oh nose.....Not another Bain thread!

What else is Romney running on? He obviously is not running on his one term as Governor of Massachusetts where his only accomplishment was Romneycare

No. we can't have that ...so Republicans are pushing his business experience as a solution to solving our nations problems. But question the value of that experience and we get...

Not another Bain thread!
Romney’s Bain career is a story about rising inequality. It’s telling that George Romney, Mitt’s father, made around $200,000 through most of the years he ran American Motors Corporation. Doing work that clearly created jobs, the elder Romney paid an effective tax rate that averaged 37 percent. His son made vastly more running a corporate chop shop in an industry that does not appear to create jobs overall.

Lord Mitt suffers so much in the comparison to his father that sometimes I actually feel bad for him. Is it his fault that he represents everything that has gone wrong not only with our economy but with our politics over the last half century? I really don't know. But man, what a weight to be dragging around.
Liberals are walking around with a diaper full of crap and pointing fingers at everyone else and crying about something stinking.
Is this the best the liberals can do. Romeny paid the tax that the IRS said he should pay. Last time I check he had nothing to do with any IRS laws. Maybe next year. Obama and his crowd are nose deep in the water hoping that the wind does not come up.
Oh nose.....Not another Bain thread!

What else is Romney running on? He obviously is not running on his one term as Governor of Massachusetts where his only accomplishment was Romneycare

No. we can't have that ...so Republicans are pushing his business experience as a solution to solving our nations problems. But question the value of that experience and we get...

Not another Bain thread!

Explain this to us. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...s-in-charge-of-bain-during-gst-steel-layoffs/

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