Why Obama Will Not Be Re-elected.

Works for me, I hear Jimmy Carter is planning a big party in November when he will not longer the worst president in American history.
How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world’s largest economy, direct the world’s most powerful military, execute the world’s most consequential job?

After this..I decided this article was a bunch of partisan bullshit.

Conservatives loathe politicians and lawyers..yet they exploit them or become them every chance they get.

The hypocrisy is extreme.
Obama: The Affirmative Action President. WASHINGTON POST. Written by : Matt Patterson

My opinion didn't change on Obama.

More importantly to you perhaps... My opinion didn't change on Mitt either.

Nobody at this late date is changing their mind, or is likely to, on who they're going to vote for. The race will be decided on how many busloads of Mexicans the Democrats can move from the southern border into the Sanctuary cities for purposes of voting, how many bags of exclusively Democratic ballots the Democrats can get in place to be mysteriously discovered 36 hours after the polls have closed, and whether Eric Holder can build a substantial enough case on felony charges against Mitt Romney to have him arrested and held until after the election.
This will be the dirtiest, nastiest presidential election campaign ever. To his credit, Richard Nixon did not contest the election results in his contest against JFK for the "Good of The Country", even though it was both the city of Chicago and IL and California, both reknown for Democratic ballot box fraud that tipped the election to JFK.
It has always been about winning for Mr Obama. It has never been about America. Look what he's done to the country in the last 41 months.
"Whatever success you've achieved, you did not earn it by yourself."

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