Why Obama Loses: By The Numbers


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Barack Obama won, in 2008, by 7% of the vote.

2. The President now admits, albeit inadvertently, that he will lose this time. He tells his supporters:
"This election is going to be even closer than the last one," Obama told Iowa Democrats..."
Obama warns backers: This will be a close election

3. Would any like to argue that he is wrong...and Obama will get more votes this time than last?

4. Do you realize that George Bush actually did better the second time?

a. He went from 48% of the electorate the first time, to 51% the second time.

b. He received 11.5 million more votes the second time than the first.

5. Democrat Senator from Georgia, Zell Miller spoke for Bush at the Republican Convention. He was the keynote speaker. Text Of Zell Miller's RNC Speech - CBS News

a. Which Republican Senators have endorsed President Obama? Any?

6. New York City three time Mayor Ed Koch, "a Democrat, will for the first time in his life vote for a Republican presidential candidate..."...Bush. Ed Koch: I’m voting for Bush

a. Name a couple of major Republicans who have announced they will vote for Obama.

b. Then there is Arthur Davis, former Democratic Party member of the United States House of Representatives for Alabama's 7th congressional district, four termer, "' one of President Obama’s earliest supporters and a former co-chairman for his presidential campaign, announced Tuesday that he was leaving the Democratic Party for good."
Artur Davis, former prominent Obama backer, leaves Democratic Party - Los Angeles Times

7. Historically, how many Presidents have run for re-election and won with smaller percentages of the electorate?

8. Lots of Democrats voted for Bush in 2004. Are you expecting lots of Republicans to vote for Obama???

a. "Republicans hold an enthusiasm advantage over Democrats, as a majority of them say they are “more enthusiastic than usual about voting” for president, according to a new poll Thursday."
Republicans more excited to vote - POLITICO.com

Oh....one more piece of bad news for Obama?

"...But in the 12 battlegrounds — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin — ...in this late-June sample, the results were Obama, 47 percent, to Romney at 45 percent. In other words, after Obama spent an estimated $68 million or more over Romney in the battlegrounds on negative ads during this time period, Obama lost a net 7 points."


“According to the RealClearPolitics average of polling in 12 swing states, Obama has leads outside the margin of error in only Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Nevada, Romney leads in two (North Carolina and Missouri) and the rest are essentially tied, such as Obama’s 0.8 percent lead in Florida.”
Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread

Chill the champagne, Republicans!

Now...don't be too hard on those '08 Obama-voters....they knew not what they did.
" he will loose"

He didn't say that, he said it would be closer.

Stop lying, and last I saw obama is up in swing states.
POlitical Chic, that was all good news and very factual. I enjoyed reading all of it. Thanks for the hard work! :clap2:
Obama represents the far left wing of the Democratic Party, and it's a faction that has to be defeated. The US can't afford it. It's better, even for the democrats, that he loses. Next time they can run a more centrist candidate, like Clinton for instance, and then regain the trust of Americans.
" he will loose"

He didn't say that, he said it would be closer.

Stop lying, and last I saw obama is up in swing states.

1. You should know by now that I never lie.

2. Why is it always my job to attempt to bring the lesser among us up to a semblance of literacy???

OK....I suppose it is based on the concept that 'a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to lift up a Liberal....'

I'll try...but based on your innate intelligence, the result is doubtful.

From the OP:

"2. The President now admits, albeit inadvertently, that he will lose this time. He tells his supporters:
"This election is going to be even closer than the last one," Obama told Iowa Democrats..."
Obama warns backers: This will be a close election

"...albeit inadvertently..."

Although: "he was making progress, albeit rather slowly".

Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning; unintentional.
(of a mistake) Made through lack of care; negligent.

So...the phrase "...albeit inadvertently..." means he didn't mean to, but accidently did it...
Beginning to see why no one ever copied off your paper?

3. In English writing, quotation marks or inverted commas (informally referred to as quotes or speech marks)[1] are punctuation marks surrounding a quotation, direct speech,...
Quotation mark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, notice that quotation marks are found here: "This election is going to be even closer than the last one,"

See....that is telling you what Obama actually said.

Quotation marks, again: "You are a fool."
That was me who said that.
Don't mistake it for all the other folks who tell you that.
I remember that Zell Miller speech "What ya gonna shoot em with? Spitballs?"

In the Senate race, polling has The Republicans safely holding 46 seats and 3 leaning republican = 49;

and Democrates safely holding 39 seats with 7 leaning Democrat = 46.

Of the 5 toss ups, MT, NM, IN, VA, and MA, the chances of Republicans picking up MT and IN may be good.
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Obama represents the far left wing of the Democratic Party, and it's a faction that has to be defeated. The US can't afford it. It's better, even for the democrats, that he loses. Next time they can run a more centrist candidate, like Clinton for instance, and then regain the trust of Americans.

While, of course, you are essentially correct....the problem is that the far Left owns today's Democrat Party.

The saving grace for the rest of us is that Obama is so bad at the game, that he showed his cards.

Hillary, Panetta, Ickes, etc., etc., are cut from the same mold....just better at hiding same.

That's why Democrats are the candidates of the uninformed.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C58YAONY_hE]Zell Miller Speech Spitballs Excerpt 3 - YouTube[/ame]
" he will loose"

He didn't say that, he said it would be closer.

Stop lying, and last I saw obama is up in swing states.

Got that right, Obama is still leading in the polls, has a commanding lead in the electoral college, and is leading virtually every swing state.

Give it up right wingers, Willard isn't going to win.
Chill the champagne, Republicans!
....A Dem's cleaning-up after a(nother) Republican economic-debacle.....



POlitical Chic, that was all good news and very factual. I enjoyed reading all of it. Thanks for the hard work! :clap2:

"Talk of Wisconsin being a toss-up state in the presidential election seems premature, judging by two polls released Wednesday showing President Barack Obama with a lead in the high single digits.

Obama led Mitt Romney 51 percent to 43 percent among likely voters in the Marquette University Law School poll, a result that has now been stable for three months, according to the poll’s director, Charles Franklin.

Obama appears to be benefiting from one of the same dynamics that helped Walker — a sense among a significant group of Wisconsin voters that economic conditions in the state are getting better."

I predict Romney will carry Wisconsin this year, just like Scott Walker did. You dems were also overly confident Walker would lose.
I remember that Zell Miller speech "What ya gonna shoot em with? Spitballs?"


Nobody's gotten it more wrong more often than the two senators from Massachusetts (Kerry and Kennedy).

Miller had me rolling on the floor that night......it was a classic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVryCh7Pj-w]Part 2: Zell Miller 2004 RNC Speech - YouTube[/ame]
BizarroChick strikes again. She really needs to see someone about the OCD.

Here's why Obama will win.

1) Romney's a creep. And a Mormon. but I repeat myself.

2) The country has been trending Democratic since 1992, making the hill harder to climb for Republicans. Unless Republicans change the dynamic of the electorate, he'll win again.

3) Romney isn't likeable. Sorry, as Carl Rove once said, the guy who wins is the guy you'd want to have a beer with.

4) Incumbants are actually hard to beat. Number of incumbant presidents voted to repeat terms? 22. Number of incumbant presidents voted out? 9. Number of presidents who took a dirt nap while in office? 8.

He has about as good a chance of dying than being voted out.

5) Electoral College favors Obama.

6) Romney isn't half the man McCain was.

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