Why Obama Killed the Keystone Pipeline

Been thinking about this ever since he did it. Seems odd doesn't it, to turn down a project that the unions wanted, thousands of new, good-paying jobs, and importing oil from a freindly neighbor rather than an unfriendly country elsewhere.

You really ought to try and keep up. The pipeline wasn't killed. It's moving forward.
Guess, AGAIN!!


Stewardship Of The Environment;
Last edited:
October 19, 2012


"Eleanor Fairchild, 78, a great-grandmother and retired homemaker, became an alleged "eco-terrorist" in the early hours of Oct. 4, crawling through brush on her farm about 100 miles east of Dallas in jeans and a button-down shirt to stop work on the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline.

Her companion? The actress Daryl Hannah.

Fairchild is one of several local landowners-turned-activists joining outside protesters in the fight to stop a Canadian company from building the pipeline across their properties. Some protesters have holed up in "tree sits" 80 feet above ground or bound themselves to construction equipment to block TransCanada from finishing the Texas portion of the 1,660-mile project by next year."

Obamination knows there are more eco-terrorists than union workers building the pipeline in RED states, so he chose the eco-terrorist side over creating jobs in RED states.

He will only choose unions when they are going up against conservatives or big business....and some BLUE state votes are at stake (see GM in Michigan, Boeing in Washington).

Carter created Petrophobia? The Alaskan Pipeline was built during the Carter administration despite many protests. And..it wasn't the big money maker it was suppose to be. Add in..it cost and still costs the US big. Seems that big oil forgot the little clause that they were supposed to check and repair..or decommission damaged or unused pipe. It's now up to the Federal Government to do that.

Clinton? Why didn't he give those Oil companies huge tax breaks to find new sources of oil? Well yeah..he did. And it's tax breaks conservatives are now fighting tooth and nail to preserve..even though it's no longer needed.

Obama? He basically gave big oil a free pass up until the BP oil spill. Then after a very short Moratorium..which conservatives had a baby about..it was BAU.


Carter instituted the Windfall Profits Tax that was neither a tax nor was it based on profits. I used to work with the formula. It was a confiscation of personal property.
Tens of thousands lost their jobs and hundreds of companies went out of business. Domestic production fell, imports rose. "Big Oil" and "Obscene Profits" are a couple of Carter's catch-phrases.

Clinton presided over one of the biggest crashes in the Petroleum industy. While oil languished at $10/barrel he allowed foreign countries to dump their product on our market at below production cost. Again, companies went belly up and even more industry workers lost their jobs.

Obama has no credit to his name for any of the advances in domestic production contrary to his lies. He's keeping offshore acreage locked up as well as federal lands. In his proposed budget still sits $40- $80 billion in taxes on oil and natural gas.
He's a flunky who flunked out the day he took office.

1. Well given that since the discovery of oil in the Middle East, the "invisible hand" of the "free market" has been influencing US foreign policy in the region ever since. From such notable luminary operations..like "Operation Ajax" which co-opted a Democratically elected government to further the interest of Big Oil as well as the billions we spend today to keep the oil flowing from the region..a little pay back shouldn't be a big deal. And it's constitutionally mandated.

2. Presided doesn't mean created. That's the thing about the "Free Market". It's volatile. And generally..it becomes less "free" when Big interests run into big trouble. Then all of a sudden..Socialism is "good".

3. Of course he does. He appointed one of the most oil friendly Secretaries of the Interior in memory. Had Ken Salazar been more strict on off shore oil, the BP disaster might never have happened. And big oil should see more taxes. And that should be used to fund new green energy to get off big oil.

I wondered where this thread went. It's been in the back of my mind to reply...

Salazar will effectively shut down hydraulic fracturing on public lands via the BLM's rulemaking process. Industry characterizes it as "...unnecessary, excessive and requiring actions that no state currently regulating oil and natural gas production deems necessary, based on their decades of regulatory experience. The effort will also place undue economic burdens and time delays on independent producers that will inevitably drive many smaller companies away from exploring for oil and natural gas on federal lands."



"In 2010, Virginia was ready to take its place as the first state ever permitted on the East Coast to produce oil and natural gas offshore. Yet in November of 2011, the current administration dropped Virginia from the government’s leasing plan, sacrificing jobs and development for the state with little explanation. This week, Governor McDonnell wrote in the Wall Street Journal about the negative impact this arbitrary decision has had on his state and the practice of offshore oil and natural gas drilling...".


I know, cut/paste jobs. I could paraphrase but the hangover dosen't currently warrent the effort. :D

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