Why Obama Cabal is Supporting Beto O’Rourke


May 23, 2014
The Democratic Party has gone even farther to the left than Obama can tolerate. That’s almost impossible to fathom. Axelrod (Obama’s two time campaign manager/consultant) is supporting O’Rourke and they have already hit Kamala over her affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. They see Sanders and Ocasio Cortez as a threat. Obama will be rejected by the new DNC. The core of Democratic Party ate hard core socialist/communist.
Obama Defends Capitalism and Free Trade in 'Economist' Essay
The Democratic Party has gone even farther to the left than Obama can tolerate. That’s almost impossible to fathom. Axelrod (Obama’s two time campaign manager/consultant) is supporting O’Rourke and they have already hit Kamala over her affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. They see Sanders and Ocasio Cortez as a threat. Obama will be rejected by the new DNC. The core of Democratic Party ate hard core socialist/communist.
Obama Defends Capitalism and Free Trade in 'Economist' Essay

I havent researched your topic at all, but 2 things occur to me.

I always believed the hard core Leftists and the stealthy covert Jihadist bedfellows would come to an eventual parting of the ways.

This MIGHT be the first sign of that. Maybe.

Secondly, this documentary, "The Agenda," will inform the opinions of the posters to this thread better than any video I can think of.

You will know how good it is in the first 7 minutes.

The Agenda: Grinding America Down

The Democratic Party has gone even farther to the left than Obama can tolerate. That’s almost impossible to fathom. Axelrod (Obama’s two time campaign manager/consultant) is supporting O’Rourke and they have already hit Kamala over her affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. They see Sanders and Ocasio Cortez as a threat. Obama will be rejected by the new DNC. The core of Democratic Party ate hard core socialist/communist.
Obama Defends Capitalism and Free Trade in 'Economist' Essay

The media was touting O’Rourke as a white version of Obama. Now they're pushing Kamala as a black female version of Obama.

They sure do miss him. :laugh:
Yes! Keep the focus on Beto. He has that "it" factor none of the other candidates have
His name is ROBERT, ROBERT, ROBERT, MOTHERFUCKING-ROBERT!!!!! I fucking REFUSE to play that self-hating-white, fake-other-race bullshit game, FOR CHRISSAKES!!!! It is so sickening, infantile and disgusting! ROBERT O'ROURKE IS EVERY BIT THE 100% WHITE, WHITE, WHITE PLASTIC PADDY CAUCASIAN I AM! His name is NOT that stupid, asshole, sniveling, babyish, motherfucking, BETO shit I am SO MOTHERFUCKING TIRED OF HEARING!

Beto is NOT a real name, ladies and gents; repeat after me, Beto is not a real name. I wouldn't even name a pet something as stupid as "Beto." Beto is NOT a name; it's more like a dumb sound an animal would make. That's all the more reason why Robert O'Rourke - like all liberals - should be considered the Jerry Springer non-human animals they are. If I have to hear that loathsome, repulsive NOISE "Beto" again I'm pretty sure there will be tons of glowing-yellow-hot metal blowing out of my ears, melting through concrete walls.
But Beto is a cisgender white guy. How could they possibly make him the nominee?
Beto would have two major advantages if he jumps into the presidential race: a virtuoso feel for social media that has made him a viral sensation, and an eye-popping ability to raise massive amounts of money.
from the atlantic:

While there continues to be major interest both among supporters and rival presidential campaigns about what he will do, O’Rourke has struck many people in the political world as notably hesitant to make the leap into the race. Some have wondered if a stealth operation that would surprise people with its strength is under way—but at least in terms of money, the juice is not there.

“Recurring gifts stopped on Election Day. Additionally, our ActBlue account has been turned off since then and, therefore, donations have not continued to come in,” said the O’Rourke spokesman Chris Evans, referring to Democrats’ favored online-fundraising tool.

But O’Rourke, if he runs, would also have to compete with his own history: None of the other candidates would dream of raising anywhere near $38 million in a quarter. That’s how much O’Rourke raised in the final quarter of his Senate race. Though he would likely be able to instantly activate a huge online-fundraising response if he ran, falling short of his performance in the Senate race could be interpreted as demonstrating less actual enthusiasm among the public than all the chatter about him would suggest.

O’Rourke’s online engagement has also been dipping. A Facebook Live chat he did in response to President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address on immigration earlier this month began with about 2,600 viewers. By the end, after an hour of him walking around his El Paso neighborhood trying to show the calm reality of a border town, and looking at the decorations in friends’ homes, and then sitting on a couch and chatting at length, the viewers steadily dropped to just over 1,000.

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