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Sep 23, 2010
Aaron Alexis: Washington navy yard gunman 'obsessed with violent video games'
By Nick Allen, Los Angeles11:30AM BST 17 Sep 2013

Aaron Alexis: Washington navy yard gunman 'obsessed with violent video games' - Telegraph

The implication is that video games contributed to the shooting. At least Mr. Allen did not blame the gun.

If anybody checks, I’ll wager they will find that 34 year old Aaron Alexis watched a lot of movies as a kid; either on television or in movie theaters. For centuries every priesthood knew that a young mind is far more susceptible to suggestion than is the mind of an adult. ‘Get ‘em while they’re young’ has been the rule throughout the history of organized religions. If I’m right about this the violent black characters depicted in movies would have done the damage 25 or so years ago.

Three theories as to Alexis’ mindset are already emerging:

1. Racist.

2. Nut job.

3. Terrorist.

I’d like to add a fourth possibility: Religion. Not Muslim-style terrorism but religion itself. Here’s my take for the time being:

Historically, Buddhists are not known for violence; whereas, throughout Islam’s history Muslims propagated the religion of peace with wars, conquest, brutality, and intimidation.

Early reports say that Alexis converted to Buddhism. That’s the only thing about him that captured my attention.

NOTE: Had Alexis converted to Islam most Americans would call him a homegrown terrorist. The administration would find a way to call it workplace violence.

As far as I know this is the first time one of Boo’s boys went on a killing spree in the US. My fear is that Buddhist monks are beginning to adopt Islam’s methods. It’s certainly more profitable than shaking tambourines in airports.

Question: Will Buddhism become a violent import like Islamic fundamentalism? See this thread for a possible answer:

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George Neumayr’s piece puts Aaron Alexis and Buddhism in perspective in the modern world:

So what does any of this have to do with Aaron Alexis? More than one might think.


This is not to say that exposure to Buddhism radicalized him. He was obviously wicked and twisted before joining it. But at the same time Buddhism lacked the power and substance to civilize him.

I see no contradiction there. Being somewhat of a cynic, I imagine Boo as a lazy bugger even though he was born to privilege much like America’s limousine liberals. Human nature never changes; so it is safe to say that Boo was no stranger to Eric Hoffer’s true believer:

A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding, When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business.

This next one applies to Boo’s monks:

The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause.

In practice, Boo hit upon meditation as a way to transform sloth into a virtue. So it comes as no surprise that Buddhist monks emulate The Enlightened One; hence, Buddhism is the only major religion where the priesthood expects to be paid for doing so little.

Also, my understanding of Buddhism tells me that Buddhist monks were the first practitioners of “That’s not my job.” Neumayr puts it this way:

As a non-judgmental, navel-gazing religion, it asks little of its adherents and accommodates all sorts of wild contradictions, producing not a holy fear of God but sometimes just emboldened self-indulgence and a frantic search for fulfillment through willy-nilly negation. There is a reason why nihilistic and hedonistic Hollywood stars love Buddhism.

Follow the money

Every priest, and every priesthood, long to earn their daily bread by telling everyone else what to do. That’s standard operating procedure. Socialism’s priesthood lives the ancient dream compliments of the tax on income.

Speaking of Socialism, Joseph Ratzinger connected Buddhism to Marxism:

Joseph Ratzinger called popular versions of Buddhism “autoerotic spirituality” that offer “transcendence without imposing concrete religious obligations.” He boldly predicted that “Buddhism would replace Marxism as the church’s biggest foe by 2000.” He was wrong on that score — Islam proved the bigger threat by that year — but he had a point: as a more cushy false religion than Islam, Buddhism was sure to snatch more western souls over time.

Aaron Alexis and the Costs of False Religion
By George Neumayr on 9.18.13 @ 6:09AM
Why didn’t Buddhism civilize him?

The American Spectator : Aaron Alexis and the Costs of False Religion

My point: Buddhism, more than every other religion except Socialism, is designed for parasites governed by a self-aggrandizing priesthood.

No one can prove which religion is growing the fastest. I give Buddhism a big edge for one reason. Parasites the world over professing a belief in Buddhism does a better job of disguising their sloth than does a belief in Communism.

Bottom line: Every parasite, and wannabe parasite, turns to religion and/or government for one reason. Above all else they believe that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Buddhism’s seemingly warm & cuddly crapola follows the methods parasites employed throughout history in order to tear down a country from within.

The Navy Yard shooter was alleged to be paranoid schizophrenic. The feds were warned and they disregarded it. Maybe the feds are guilty of watching too many video games.

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