Why Liberals Feel Entitled to be Racist


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Liberals like to squawk about racism as if it couldn't possibly apply to them. They indulge in racism, sexism, and hateful bigotry of every kind because they are convinced that by their very nature they are immune to such things no matter what they actually do or say. Shameless, unreflected hypocrisy is fundamental to their unquestioning obedience to liberal dogma.

Liberals Should Not Get a Free Pass to Be Racist. Griffwood Post

5 Uncomfortable Truths About Liberals - John Hawkins - Page full
Excellent observation of them. they are the WORST of all those. look how they treat any woman republican, a black conservative, etc etc

but they Believe themselves to the saviors and saints of all mankind because they push to use other people monies to save the poor, the middle class, the black people, etc

all I see them as: is two faced hypocrites and nasty ones at that
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Now you know some mealy mouthed liberal will be by momentarily to accuse you of being a liar and then do one hell of a drive by while character assassinating you .....................

ROFLMAO ............................
John Hawkins :rofl: 'Nuff said. The blogosphere's boy blunder. No accident that the article's reader ratings call this piece "Ridiculous".

What a clusterfuck of cum hoc and biased sample fallacies. In view of the fact that Liberalism invented the concept "all men are created equal", racism is anathema to Liberalism. No wonder Hawkins and his ilk need all the fallacies they can get their hands on.
... racism is anathema to Liberalism.....

There you have it, folks. Just as advertised. It is as impossible for them to grasp as Kierkegaard's paradoxical rationality, despite how patently obvious it is to those not yet 'programmed.'
John Hawkins :rofl: 'Nuff said. The blogosphere's boy blunder. No accident that the article's reader ratings call this piece "Ridiculous".

What a clusterfuck of cum hoc and biased sample fallacies. In view of the fact that Liberalism invented the concept "all men are created equal", racism is anathema to Liberalism. No wonder Hawkins and his ilk need all the fallacies they can get their hands on.

There you have it, folks. Just as advertised. It is as impossible for them to grasp as Kierkegaard's paradoxical rationality, despite how patently obvious it is to those not yet 'programmed.'

Feel free to employ actual logic instead of your clusterfuck of discredited association, cum hoc, biased sample and hasty generalization-polluted fallacy bucket brigade.

Splain what tenet of Liberalism condones racism. If you can. Go ahead -- turn two hundred forty years of history on its ear on a message board on Wednesday. Something with slightly more substance than just going "is not!".

Splain [sic] what tenet of Liberalism condones racism.

The primary one; the one that holds anyone who deviates from or questions in any way any facet of liberal dogma is not only wrong (for that reason alone) but morally corrupt and therefore deserving of any form of attack available. The virtue that liberals like to imagine of themselves does not apply to such heretics. Therefore, any kind of racism, sexism, bigotry or physical assault is justified according to that most prominent tenet of liberalism.
Feel free to employ actual logic instead of your clusterfuck of discredited association, cum hoc, biased sample and hasty generalization-polluted fallacy bucket brigade.

Splain what tenet of Liberalism condones racism. If you can. Go ahead -- turn two hundred forty years of history on its ear on a message board on Wednesday. Something with slightly more substance than just going "is not!".


The primary one; the one that holds anyone who deviates from or questions in any way any facet of liberal dogma is not only wrong (for that reason alone) but morally corrupt and therefore deserving of any form of attack available. The virtue that liberals like to imagine of themselves does not apply to such heretics. Therefore, any kind of racism, sexism, bigotry or physical assault is justified according to that most prominent tenet of liberalism.

---- which tenet does not even exist. I knew you'd fail at this. Nor apparently do you have the ability to distinguish personal traits from philosophical tenets. Once again you came unarmed. Stop the presses.

You will cease and desist editing my posts, freako.
Liberals like to squawk about racism as if it couldn't possibly apply to them. They indulge in racism, sexism, and hateful bigotry of every kind because they are convinced that by their very nature they are immune to such things no matter what they actually do or say. Shameless, unreflected hypocrisy is fundamental to their unquestioning obedience to liberal dogma.

Liberals Should Not Get a Free Pass to Be Racist. Griffwood Post

5 Uncomfortable Truths About Liberals - John Hawkins - Page full
Not my uncles crap again.....
To busy painting with a broad brush and not itemizing the accusations..
You have to look no farther than "All lives matter" and the liberal jerks pushing "Black Lives matter"............

You only had to watch as a white man advocated "all lives matter" over the "black lives matter" to see them froth at the mouth and set all the attack dogs / war wagons in motion.
Feel free to employ actual logic instead of your clusterfuck of discredited association, cum hoc, biased sample and hasty generalization-polluted fallacy bucket brigade.

Splain what tenet of Liberalism condones racism. If you can. Go ahead -- turn two hundred forty years of history on its ear on a message board on Wednesday. Something with slightly more substance than just going "is not!".


The primary one; the one that holds anyone who deviates from or questions in any way any facet of liberal dogma is not only wrong (for that reason alone) but morally corrupt and therefore deserving of any form of attack available. The virtue that liberals like to imagine of themselves does not apply to such heretics. Therefore, any kind of racism, sexism, bigotry or physical assault is justified according to that most prominent tenet of liberalism.

---- which tenet does not even exist. ...

It's painfully obvious to everyone but those of you wandering lost in the far left desert.
Excellent observation of them. they are the WORST of all those. look how they treat any woman republican, a black conservative, etc etc

but they Believe themselves to the saviors and saints of all mankind because they push to use other people monies to save the poor, the middle class, the black people, etc

all I see them as: is two faced hypocrites and nasty ones at that
Did you fail high school?
Feel free to employ actual logic instead of your clusterfuck of discredited association, cum hoc, biased sample and hasty generalization-polluted fallacy bucket brigade.

Splain what tenet of Liberalism condones racism. If you can. Go ahead -- turn two hundred forty years of history on its ear on a message board on Wednesday. Something with slightly more substance than just going "is not!".


The primary one; the one that holds anyone who deviates from or questions in any way any facet of liberal dogma is not only wrong (for that reason alone) but morally corrupt and therefore deserving of any form of attack available. The virtue that liberals like to imagine of themselves does not apply to such heretics. Therefore, any kind of racism, sexism, bigotry or physical assault is justified according to that most prominent tenet of liberalism.

---- which tenet does not even exist. ...

It's painfully obvious to everyone but those of you wandering lost in the far left desert.

Excellent. Not content with hasty generalizations, cum hocs, biased samples, red herrings, gainsaying and ad homs, he throws in the "everybody knows" fallacy too. It's like a logical black hole up in here. :eusa_dance:

How nice of this lefty ^^^ to volunteer to prove the OP.
And kudos to this wag ^^ who apparently doesn't know the difference between "Liberal" and "left", for its ample demonstration that making a post and making an effective post are two vastly different things.
This thread should be moved to the "Race Realism" forum. lol
Liberals like to squawk about racism as if it couldn't possibly apply to them. They indulge in racism, sexism, and hateful bigotry of every kind because they are convinced that by their very nature they are immune to such things no matter what they actually do or say. Shameless, unreflected hypocrisy is fundamental to their unquestioning obedience to liberal dogma.

Liberals Should Not Get a Free Pass to Be Racist. Griffwood Post

5 Uncomfortable Truths About Liberals - John Hawkins - Page full
That's your problem. You are swallowing ignorant right wing bloggers bs. LOL.

It's ok to be racist. I found Jesus. I just ask for forgiveness and hey, we are all sinners, right? LOL

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