Why leftist Harry Potter fans have started to hate J.K. Rowling......it's not just that she knows what a woman is...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
An interesting take on why left wing nut, Harry Potter fans, have begun to hate J.K. Rowling......

“The reason a lot of young progressives are so mad at JK Rowling is that they read the books as kids, and they thought they were Harry or Hermione. But they grew up into people like Percy or Dolores Umbridge or Cornelius Fudge or Rita Skeeter,” Friedman began, naming characters who either actively denied reality or dutifully tattled on friends, neighbors, and even family members who refused to do the same. “And they know it. And on some level, they’re ashamed.”
“I’m reading the fifth book with my niece and it’s kind of astonishing how well it tracks to contemporary controversies. And Rowling is on the same side now that she was when she wrote it. Which is the side of people who tell the truth, against people who suppress and deny the truth in service of their ideology,” Friedman continued.

The author went on to explain that some characters, “unprepared” do deal with a reality they did not particularly like, simply denied it was happening — and because they held powerful political positions, they then insisted that everyone else participate in their delusions.

LOL. That's hysterical. Yeah, I can kinda see Trump and MAGA being Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. If Voldemort were orange and fat. :auiqs.jpg:

This article isn't a defense of JK Rowling. In fact, the only reason her name appears is she wrote the books. She opened her mouth and expressed an unpopular opinion. And her fan market punished her for it. Again, as I've stated so many times, you are free to express your opinion. You are NOT free from the repercussions that come from that speech.

Now, that being said, this is the funniest use of contemporary fiction I've seen to justify a long and winding rant about conservative and alt-right victimhood. When did the right wing become whiny little bitches? :) Is this idiot seriously drawing a comparison between a fascist denying the rise of an authoritarian dictator to being able to own firearms???? Because that's what it reads like. :auiqs.jpg:

It's a work of fiction. A children's book.
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Just part of the campaign to influence and control younger minds .
Deliberate tripe and onions to fool uneducated youngsters and those whose backgrounds lack general comprehension skills and are gullible .
More of the usual .
This article isn't a defense of JK Rowling. In fact, the only reason her name appears is she wrote the books. She opened her mouth and expressed an unpopular opinion.

That men are not women, and women are not men.

That's not “an unpopular opinion”; that's undeniable scientific fact.

And for as much noise as you fucked-up mental cases make, who deny basic biology, you never have been, and never will be anything more than a tiny, freakish minority of fucked-up mental cases. The degree to which society tolerates your fucked-up kind at all is an absurd fad, that will pass soon enough.
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That men are not women, and women are not men.

That's not “an unpopular opinion”; that's undeniable scientific fact.

And for as much noise as you fucked-up mental cases make, who deny basic biology, you never have been, and never will be anything more than a tiny, freakish minority of fucked-up- mental cases. The degree to which society tolerates your fucked-up kind at all is an absurd fad, that will pass soon enough.
I'm not weighing in on your obsession with minutia, Bobby. I'll let you and the rest of Alt-Right Nation concern yourselves with definitions. Your bigotry is well expressed on these boards. That isn't what the OP or the linked article is about. Rowling is only mentioned because she expressed an opinion...and got slammed for it. The consequences of free speech. The linked article is about using a series of children's book to infer oppression of conservatives and their victim mentality. :)
That men are not women, and women are not men.

That's not “an unpopular opinion”; that's undeniable scientific fact.

And for as much noise as you fucked-up mental cases make, who deny basic biology, you never have been, and never will be anything more than a tiny, freakish minority of fucked-up mental cases. The degree to which society tolerates your fucked-up kind at all is an absurd fad, that will pass soon enough.

Is that what people like you said about the Civil Rights Movement?
And Feminism?
And gay rights?

I mean, I guess the trans community is an easy target because they make up less than 1% of the population, but your side is already losing the argument. Used to be dressing a dude up like a lady was a way to get a cheap laugh. Now it's considered as offensive as blackface.
Is that what people like you said about the Civil Rights Movement?
And Feminism?
And gay rights?

I mean, I guess the trans community is an easy target because they make up less than 1% of the population, but your side is already losing the argument. Used to be dressing a dude up like a lady was a way to get a cheap laugh. Now it's considered as offensive as blackface.

I guess it is no surprised that someone who is as fucked up in the head as you are thinks that all these things are comparable.

“Transgenderism” is a fucked-up mental disease, nothing more or less. People who think that they are the opposite of their actual sex are batshit crazy, as are freaks like you who believe them

You want to elevate severe, delusional mental illness to the status of a civil right. That's just crazy. Of course, you want to do the same with fucked-up sexual perversions in general, but that's a different, albeit closely-related topic.
I guess it is no surprised that someone who is as fucked up in the head as you are thinks that all these things are comparable.

“Transgenderism” is a fucked-up mental disease, nothing more or less. People who think that they are the opposite of their actual sex are batshit crazy, as are freaks like you who believe them

You want to elevate severe, delusional mental illness to the status of a civil right. That's just crazy. Of course, you want to do the same with fucked-up sexual perversions in general, but that's a different, albeit closely-related topic.
50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness. Now it's not.

120 years ago, women who had silly ideas like being able to work and voting were called "hysterical" - from the Greek word for uterus. Their sex organs were making them crazy.

Transgender people hold down jobs, distinguish themselves in their careers, and frankly, it sounds like it's more your hangup than theirs.
That men are not women, and women are not men.

That's not “an unpopular opinion”; that's undeniable scientific fact.

And for as much noise as you fucked-up mental cases make, who deny basic biology, you never have been, and never will be anything more than a tiny, freakish minority of fucked-up mental cases. The degree to which society tolerates your fucked-up kind at all is an absurd fad, that will pass soon enough.
Your bigotry is the result of your ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Your unwarranted fear of gay and transgender Americans has become hate.

You’re what’s wrong with America, not those gay or transgender.
Your bigotry is the result of your ignorance and unwarranted fear.

Your unwarranted fear of gay and transgender Americans has become hate.

You’re what’s wrong with America, not those gay or transgender.
God decides what you are atheist....no changing that.
Except maybe in your case Mrs. Jones. But whatever you are, its hard to belirve you are so stupid.

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