Why Isn't "Russia" an Aircraft Carrier Superpower?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Putler´s Nigeria with snow goes down down down :lamo
"Current State of Russia’s Carrier Force

At the moment, Russia’s only aircraft carrier is the troubled Admiral Kuznetsov. A ski jump carrier, the Kuznetsov displaces some 60,000 tons, can theoretically make thirty knots, and carry a combination of forty-or-so helicopters and jet fighters. Kuzentsov was commissioned in 1990; a sister remained an incomplete hulk for many years until it was purchased by China and eventually finished as Liaoning. In addition to helicopters, Kuznetsov operates MiG-29K and Su-33 fighter bombers. Like previous Russian carriers, Kuznetsov sports a heavier missile armament than most Western ships.

Unfortunately, hiccups with Kuznetsov have also made it difficult for Russia’s naval aviators to remain practiced and effective. The ship has suffered multiple breakdowns over its career, including significant issues with its engines and recovering aircraft. Many of these difficulties came as consequence of the dramatic decline of maintenance funding at the end of the Cold War, but some was the inevitable result of inexperience with the platform type. Admiral Kuznetsov has engaged in several prestige cruises, but its most notable service came in 2016 off of Syria. After a much publicized journey to the Mediterranean, Kuznetsov conducted combat operations for two months. The operations had more of a publicity impact than a real military effect, and Kuznetsov lost two aircraft (one MiG-29K and one Su-33) to accidents. The carrier is currently in refit.

To support Kuznetsov, Russia attempted to purchase a pair of French assault carriers, but the conquest and annexation of Crimea forced France to cancel the sale. These ships would have served as amphibious platforms with antisubmarine (ASW) capabilities, but also would have given the Russian navy experience with relatively large, technologically advanced vessels. Indeed, part of the deal would have allowed Russia to construct two Mistrals to French specifications in its own yards, which would have provided a major boon to Russian shipbuilding."


Why Isn't Russia an Aircraft Carrier Superpower?
Putler´s Nigeria with snow goes down down down :lamo
"Current State of Russia’s Carrier Force

At the moment, Russia’s only aircraft carrier is the troubled Admiral Kuznetsov. A ski jump carrier, the Kuznetsov displaces some 60,000 tons, can theoretically make thirty knots, and carry a combination of forty-or-so helicopters and jet fighters. Kuzentsov was commissioned in 1990; a sister remained an incomplete hulk for many years until it was purchased by China and eventually finished as Liaoning. In addition to helicopters, Kuznetsov operates MiG-29K and Su-33 fighter bombers. Like previous Russian carriers, Kuznetsov sports a heavier missile armament than most Western ships.

Unfortunately, hiccups with Kuznetsov have also made it difficult for Russia’s naval aviators to remain practiced and effective. The ship has suffered multiple breakdowns over its career, including significant issues with its engines and recovering aircraft. Many of these difficulties came as consequence of the dramatic decline of maintenance funding at the end of the Cold War, but some was the inevitable result of inexperience with the platform type. Admiral Kuznetsov has engaged in several prestige cruises, but its most notable service came in 2016 off of Syria. After a much publicized journey to the Mediterranean, Kuznetsov conducted combat operations for two months. The operations had more of a publicity impact than a real military effect, and Kuznetsov lost two aircraft (one MiG-29K and one Su-33) to accidents. The carrier is currently in refit.

To support Kuznetsov, Russia attempted to purchase a pair of French assault carriers, but the conquest and annexation of Crimea forced France to cancel the sale. These ships would have served as amphibious platforms with antisubmarine (ASW) capabilities, but also would have given the Russian navy experience with relatively large, technologically advanced vessels. Indeed, part of the deal would have allowed Russia to construct two Mistrals to French specifications in its own yards, which would have provided a major boon to Russian shipbuilding."


Why Isn't Russia an Aircraft Carrier Superpower?
Maybe it is because every time Russia fucks around with Nuclear Power, it ends in disaster?

Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia
Kursk submarine disaster - Wikipedia
One reason again to realize China is Americas greatest threat, maybe in it's history. Economically, militarily and politically.

Russia is not, though they are a major threat for various reason, mostly clandestine.
Because Russia is not an imperialist aggressor.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries.

The UN General Assembly also passed the related Resolution 71/205 in December 2016, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)".[4]
One reason again to realize China is Americas greatest threat, maybe in it's history. Economically, militarily and politically.

Russia is not, though they are a major threat for various reason, mostly clandestine.
LOL. try to find Putler´s Muscovy here , )))



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One reason again to realize China is Americas greatest threat, maybe in it's history. Economically, militarily and politically.

Russia is not, though they are a major threat for various reason, mostly clandestine.
LOL. try to find Putler´s Muscovy here , )))


As I have said for a long time, China is by far the greatest threat to Western liberty and sovereignty. Don't underestimate Russias influence though, remember, their wealth is shared among an oligarch of people, meaning they can still bribe, pay off and influence global politicians, leaders, citizens and spies from other nations.
One reason again to realize China is Americas greatest threat, maybe in it's history. Economically, militarily and politically.

Russia is not, though they are a major threat for various reason, mostly clandestine.
LOL. try to find Putler´s Muscovy here , )))


As I have said for a long time, China is by far the greatest threat to Western liberty and sovereignty. Don't underestimate Russias influence though, remember, their wealth is shared among an oligarch of people, meaning they can still bribe, pay off and influence global politicians, leaders, citizens and spies from other nations.
R Kaplan and i disagree with you, the hans always have used soft power in its power projection . Mongols Juchi (Muscovites) simply push around, and beat down everyone (who is weaker, smaller than them) historically and today

They are going to borrow a couple of ours if they go to war.... Trump made that deal when he colluded with them after a night out with Stormy Daniels.
One reason again to realize China is Americas greatest threat, maybe in it's history. Economically, militarily and politically.

Russia is not, though they are a major threat for various reason, mostly clandestine.
LOL. try to find Putler´s Muscovy here , )))

no its not.

Russia's surprisingly small economy - USA Today

May 31, 2017 - Yet it turns out that Russia's economy is actually quite small. Its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015 was half the size of California's. You read that right. When it comes to economic might, Russia doesn't even crack the top 10 in the world. The main reason is that Russia has a smaller population than its ...


One reason again to realize China is Americas greatest threat, maybe in it's history. Economically, militarily and politically.

Russia is not, though they are a major threat for various reason, mostly clandestine.
LOL. try to find Putler´s Muscovy here , )))

no its not.

Russia's surprisingly small economy - USA Today

May 31, 2017 - Yet it turns out that Russia's economy is actually quite small. Its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015 was half the size of California's. You read that right. When it comes to economic might, Russia doesn't even crack the top 10 in the world. The main reason is that Russia has a smaller population than its ...


Nominal GDP does not measure the economy´s actual output.
Putler´s Nigeria with snow goes down down down :lamo
"Current State of Russia’s Carrier Force

At the moment, Russia’s only aircraft carrier is the troubled Admiral Kuznetsov. A ski jump carrier, the Kuznetsov displaces some 60,000 tons, can theoretically make thirty knots, and carry a combination of forty-or-so helicopters and jet fighters. Kuzentsov was commissioned in 1990; a sister remained an incomplete hulk for many years until it was purchased by China and eventually finished as Liaoning. In addition to helicopters, Kuznetsov operates MiG-29K and Su-33 fighter bombers. Like previous Russian carriers, Kuznetsov sports a heavier missile armament than most Western ships.

Unfortunately, hiccups with Kuznetsov have also made it difficult for Russia’s naval aviators to remain practiced and effective. The ship has suffered multiple breakdowns over its career, including significant issues with its engines and recovering aircraft. Many of these difficulties came as consequence of the dramatic decline of maintenance funding at the end of the Cold War, but some was the inevitable result of inexperience with the platform type. Admiral Kuznetsov has engaged in several prestige cruises, but its most notable service came in 2016 off of Syria. After a much publicized journey to the Mediterranean, Kuznetsov conducted combat operations for two months. The operations had more of a publicity impact than a real military effect, and Kuznetsov lost two aircraft (one MiG-29K and one Su-33) to accidents. The carrier is currently in refit.

To support Kuznetsov, Russia attempted to purchase a pair of French assault carriers, but the conquest and annexation of Crimea forced France to cancel the sale. These ships would have served as amphibious platforms with antisubmarine (ASW) capabilities, but also would have given the Russian navy experience with relatively large, technologically advanced vessels. Indeed, part of the deal would have allowed Russia to construct two Mistrals to French specifications in its own yards, which would have provided a major boon to Russian shipbuilding."


Why Isn't Russia an Aircraft Carrier Superpower?
They have the know how. They just do not have the budget!
Putler´s Nigeria with snow goes down down down :lamo
"Current State of Russia’s Carrier Force

At the moment, Russia’s only aircraft carrier is the troubled Admiral Kuznetsov. A ski jump carrier, the Kuznetsov displaces some 60,000 tons, can theoretically make thirty knots, and carry a combination of forty-or-so helicopters and jet fighters. Kuzentsov was commissioned in 1990; a sister remained an incomplete hulk for many years until it was purchased by China and eventually finished as Liaoning. In addition to helicopters, Kuznetsov operates MiG-29K and Su-33 fighter bombers. Like previous Russian carriers, Kuznetsov sports a heavier missile armament than most Western ships.

Unfortunately, hiccups with Kuznetsov have also made it difficult for Russia’s naval aviators to remain practiced and effective. The ship has suffered multiple breakdowns over its career, including significant issues with its engines and recovering aircraft. Many of these difficulties came as consequence of the dramatic decline of maintenance funding at the end of the Cold War, but some was the inevitable result of inexperience with the platform type. Admiral Kuznetsov has engaged in several prestige cruises, but its most notable service came in 2016 off of Syria. After a much publicized journey to the Mediterranean, Kuznetsov conducted combat operations for two months. The operations had more of a publicity impact than a real military effect, and Kuznetsov lost two aircraft (one MiG-29K and one Su-33) to accidents. The carrier is currently in refit.

To support Kuznetsov, Russia attempted to purchase a pair of French assault carriers, but the conquest and annexation of Crimea forced France to cancel the sale. These ships would have served as amphibious platforms with antisubmarine (ASW) capabilities, but also would have given the Russian navy experience with relatively large, technologically advanced vessels. Indeed, part of the deal would have allowed Russia to construct two Mistrals to French specifications in its own yards, which would have provided a major boon to Russian shipbuilding."


Why Isn't Russia an Aircraft Carrier Superpower?
They have the know how. They just do not have the budget!
yes, thats why they use hybrid warfare against us

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