Why is Trump so hated?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.
QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 22030159, member: 60550"]He is standing in the way of Globalist Socialist Government, Open Borders, Wealth Redistribution.[/QUOTE]

Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.
Probably the number one reason is the lies.

fake news? Probably from calling his own interview fake news.
Trump only appeals to his base, but doesnt attempt to reach out to the rest of the USA.
Might also be from failure to denounce white nationalism.
Might also be from being accused of committing felony.
Certainly must be more, but its tiring.
A better title could be "Who REALLY hates Trump?"
The MSM in the tiny blue dots (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.)
Progressives and socialists
Liberal professors and teachers
Pre-programmed students who can't think for themselves
Bimbos on "The View"
Globalists on Wall Street who bet on China instead of the USA
Establishment GOP & Dems who made a living off K-Street selling the US middle class out to the highest bidder
Never-Trumpers (Bill Kristol, Romney, List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia)
The Chamber of Commerce and those who want open borders and cheap labor
People who believe that the "Green New Deal" is a good thing
People who like Obamacare
People who don't pay taxes

If I think about it I can make the list a lot longer...
Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.
Probably the number one reason is the lies.

fake news? Probably from calling his own interview fake news.
Trump only appeals to his base, but doesnt attempt to reach out to the rest of the USA.
Might also be from failure to denounce white nationalism.
Might also be from being accused of committing felony.
Certainly must be more, but its tiring.
you could never post one lie. just cause you say it doesn't make it so. how many times you been told that now?
QUOTE="kyzr, post: 22030204, member: 21281"]A better title could be "Who REALLY hates Trump?"
The MSM in the tiny blue dots (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.)
Progressives and socialists
Liberal professors and teachers
Pre-programmed students who can't think for themselves
Bimbos on "The View"
Globalists on Wall Street who bet on China instead of the USA
Establishment GOP & Dems who made a living off K-Street selling the US middle class out to the highest bidder
Never-Trumpers (Bill Kristol, Romney, List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia)
The Chamber of Commerce and those who want open borders and cheap labor
People who believe that the "Green New Deal" is a good thing
People who like Obamacare
People who don't pay taxes

If I think about it I can make the list a lot longer...

white supremacists LOVE trump.

world fascists LOVE trump.

evangelical nutjobs LOVE trump.
QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 22030159, member: 60550"]He is standing in the way of Globalist Socialist Government, Open Borders, Wealth Redistribution.

Read The UN Mandates, on Global Warming. They match identically nut jobs stances on such issues like AOC and Corey Booker hold, RIGHT DOWN TO A DAMN GLOBAL TAX ON MEAT for the purposes of CO2 reductions by using taxation as a behavior modifier making meat too expensive for some people to afford that they have to switch to a more vegetarian diet.

These people do not have an original thought in their heads.

The UN even advocates Mass Migration as another way to ensure Wealth Redistribution.
Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.
Trump isn't "hated,' but his failed, wrongheaded agenda is.
the real question is:

why is trump SO LOVED by ALL the deplorables? ? :eusa_think:
QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 22030159, member: 60550"]He is standing in the way of Globalist Socialist Government, Open Borders, Wealth Redistribution.

Read The UN Mandates, on Global Warming. They match identically nut jobs stances in such issues like AOC and Corey Booker, RIGHT DOWN TO A DAMN GLOBAL TAX ON MEAT.

These people do not have an original thought in their heads.

The UN even advocates Mass Migration as another way to ensure Wealth Redistribution.
Tree, I know. BOILERPLATE TEMPLATES, their entire library exists with them. they roll off the printing presses like skates on ice.
"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted

^ WHY is trump attacking his own country and making boogeyman out of the investigators? :eusa_think:

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