Why is the sky blue ???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Surely you have maybe pondered it but still don’t comprehend??

I will explain ..

It’s all due to the scattering and deflecting of the blue wavelength
Some odd reason : the mostly nitrogen particles in the air are the same exact size of the blue light .

This Keeps the blue scatter all day long !!
The blue scatter is why you cannot see stars during the day .
Now when the “ earth rotates away from the sun .
What happens ??

The sun is out of blue light and you only get red lights ; hence , you see a reddish amber sun set

thank you
I will be posting more of this
Yes the atmosphere is blue. It is also quite thin.


NASA photo showing Earth's atmosphere at sunset, with Earth silhouetted


Blue light is scattered more than other wavelengths by the gases in the atmosphere, surrounding Earth in a visibly blue layer when seen from space onboard the ISS at an altitude of 335 km (208 mi).[1]
When you reach 60 miles up ..the blue a scatter is not there as you’re out of the atmosphere
When you reach 60 miles up ..the blue a scatter is not there as you’re out of the atmosphere
Yep, very thin atmosphere relatively. It's like a thin bubble around the Earth. "Thin" being a relative thing though.
Surely you have maybe pondered it but still don’t comprehend??

I will explain ..

It’s all due to the scattering and deflecting of the blue wavelength
Some odd reason : the mostly nitrogen particles in the air are the same exact size of the blue light .

This Keeps the blue scatter all day long !!
The blue scatter is why you cannot see stars during the day .
Now when the “ earth rotates away from the sun .
What happens ??

The sun is out of blue light and you only get red lights ; hence , you see a reddish amber sun set

thank you
I will be posting more of this
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I thought because an "expert" or an empty suit said it was- imagine my shock when I looked and they were correct! Even a blind squirrel can find a nut-

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