Why is the RW so obsessed with AOC still?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I honestly donā€™t think sheā€™s that great speaking as a progressive who likes the issues she runs on. She talks too much which means she will inevitably say something dumb. Not even close to Trump level of dumb, but still dumb. Of course, because Trump is so much dumber in comparison, itā€™s kind of nauseating that republicans canā€™t acknowledge that. This woman barely wields any political power, but the right pretends she is some national threat. Republicans are never short on dramatic hysterics. Thatā€™s for sure.

Itā€™s interesting to consider how repubs would react to this woman if she was a far right conservative instead. They would idolize her. After all, being hot is the most important quality a female political figure can have according to republicans. Itā€™s the reason why they love Ivanka. They pretend that she is smart and politically savvy even though she obviously isnā€™t. If that chick was 300 pounds and looked more like her dad republicans would never even mention her name. I suppose that would also mean Donald and Ivanka never banged in the past because they definitely have. The evidence is overwhelming. God. Being a republican must be so depressing lol
Maybe tell the propagandists to stop putting her on the news and people will stop talking about her?
Maybe tell the propagandists to stop putting her on the news and people will stop talking about her?
You would sorely miss her if she stopped talking. She is the new Hillary when it comes to the go-to whataboutism.
Maybe tell the propagandists to stop putting her on the news and people will stop talking about her?
You would sorely miss her if she stopped talking. She is the new Hillary when it comes to the go-to whataboutism.
Not Me, but then you may. This nonsense about we are afraid of her because we rightly ridicule her ridiculous nonsense is hilarious.

You let Me know when you decide that you're not going to respond to Republicans who make idiot statements in the press and we'll then discuss it.
Why is the left obsessed with Trump?

Maybe because humans become obsessed with public figures who continually shoot themselves in the foot?

I honestly donā€™t think sheā€™s that great speaking as a progressive who likes the issues she runs on. She talks too much which means she will inevitably say something dumb. Not even close to Trump level of dumb, but still dumb. Of course, because Trump is so much dumber in comparison, itā€™s kind of nauseating that republicans canā€™t acknowledge that. This woman barely wields any political power, but the right pretends she is some national threat. Republicans are never short on dramatic hysterics. Thatā€™s for sure.

Itā€™s interesting to consider how repubs would react to this woman if she was a far right conservative instead. They would idolize her. After all, being hot is the most important quality a female political figure can have according to republicans. Itā€™s the reason why they love Ivanka. They pretend that she is smart and politically savvy even though she obviously isnā€™t. If that chick was 300 pounds and looked more like her dad republicans would never even mention her name. I suppose that would also mean Donald and Ivanka never banged in the past because they definitely have. The evidence is overwhelming. God. Being a republican must be so depressing lol
Next to lying, being overly dramatic is the Republicans' favorite pasttime. Get your smelling salts ready....


Also/too, Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I honestly donā€™t think sheā€™s that great speaking as a progressive who likes the issues she runs on. She talks too much which means she will inevitably say something dumb. Not even close to Trump level of dumb, but still dumb. Of course, because Trump is so much dumber in comparison, itā€™s kind of nauseating that republicans canā€™t acknowledge that. This woman barely wields any political power, but the right pretends she is some national threat. Republicans are never short on dramatic hysterics. Thatā€™s for sure.

Itā€™s interesting to consider how repubs would react to this woman if she was a far right conservative instead. They would idolize her. After all, being hot is the most important quality a female political figure can have according to republicans. Itā€™s the reason why they love Ivanka. They pretend that she is smart and politically savvy even though she obviously isnā€™t. If that chick was 300 pounds and looked more like her dad republicans would never even mention her name. I suppose that would also mean Donald and Ivanka never banged in the past because they definitely have. The evidence is overwhelming. God. Being a republican must be so depressing lol
probably for the same reasons you are obsessed with republicans and trump.....
Maybe tell the propagandists to stop putting her on the news and people will stop talking about her?
You would sorely miss her if she stopped talking. She is the new Hillary when it comes to the go-to whataboutism.
Not Me, but then you may. This nonsense about we are afraid of her because we rightly ridicule her ridiculous nonsense is hilarious.

You let Me know when you decide that you're not going to respond to Republicans who make idiot statements in the press and we'll then discuss it.
I agree the right isnā€™t afraid of her. I think itā€™s dumb some liberals are saying that.
Read my lips: new taxes! lots! big ones, too! plus, Medicare for all and free college and free ice cream in the mail!
Dan Crenshaw and Ben Shapiro challenged her to a debate. see my thread in Current Events
They think she's an easy target. They're not paying attention to the larger picture.

Kinda like the Democrats and Trump in 2015/2016.

Just attacking and insulting her really isn't good enough. Her presence is significant.
The woman is a bullchitt artist who could not leave her neighborhood after 30 years. It is not her. It is what she is. A clown who has produced nothing and employed any person. We are heading towards physical fights and worse in our congress.
The woman is a bullchitt artist who could not leave her neighborhood after 30 years. It is not her. It is what she is. A clown who has produced nothing and employed any person. We are heading towards physical fights and worse in our congress.
Whatever she is, you might want to set that aside and examine her appeal on a larger, cultural level.

She has clearly struck a nerve with a lot of people.

The Democrats thought Trump was a joke, too.
'Obsessed' with AOC?

Naw, man... She's like the f*ed up accident up ahead off to the side of the road that's kept you in that traffic jam forever ... and when you finally get up to it you just can't help slowing down a little to take a look as you go on by.

The woman is a bullchitt artist who could not leave her neighborhood after 30 years. It is not her. It is what she is. A clown who has produced nothing and employed any person. We are heading towards physical fights and worse in our congress.
Whatever she is, you might want to set that aside and examine her appeal on a larger, cultural level.

She has clearly struck a nerve with a lot of people.

The Democrats thought Trump was a joke, too.
We are not a low tax nation. She struck a nerve in a small congressional district. There may be poverty in her district. I understand it. We also have many programs to get people out of poverty. Her struck of nerve to people is the same as before the great society. Only now we are a massively high tax nation. Tell me the answers. Where do you get the money? Really think it over.
The woman is a bullchitt artist who could not leave her neighborhood after 30 years. It is not her. It is what she is. A clown who has produced nothing and employed any person. We are heading towards physical fights and worse in our congress.
Whatever she is, you might want to set that aside and examine her appeal on a larger, cultural level.

She has clearly struck a nerve with a lot of people.

The Democrats thought Trump was a joke, too.
We are not a low tax nation. She struck a nerve in a small congressional district. There may be poverty in her district. I understand it. We also have many programs to get people out of poverty. Her struck of nerve to people is the same as before the great society. Only now we are a massively high tax nation. Tell me the answers. Where do you get the money? Really think it over.
First of all, we're not a "massively high tax nation", but that's not what this is about.

I'm not arguing issues, I'm suggesting that it's smart not just dismiss people who have this kind of appeal, and more importantly, to examine what this kind of appeal means on a larger, national level.

If you think she's just a blip and doesn't represent a large swath of the electorate, okay, that's fine. I think there's much more than that going on.
Maybe tell the propagandists to stop putting her on the news and people will stop talking about her?
You would sorely miss her if she stopped talking. She is the new Hillary when it comes to the go-to whataboutism.
Not Me, but then you may. This nonsense about we are afraid of her because we rightly ridicule her ridiculous nonsense is hilarious.

You let Me know when you decide that you're not going to respond to Republicans who make idiot statements in the press and we'll then discuss it.
I agree the right isnā€™t afraid of her. I think itā€™s dumb some liberals are saying that.

LMAO You may think the right fears her but in reality they like to laugh at her.

She's sure made some stupid statements.

Seems every time she opens her mouth she stick her foot in it.

We all love a good laugh and boy does that idiot provide it.

No one fears her and you can bet no one respects her either.

Kinda hard to respect an lefty loon like her.

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