Why Is The Biden/Harris Administration Trying So Hard to Help Ukraine?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Do they really have the people of Ukraine's interests best at heart? Or is it just because they have an extra way to earn a buck?

It isn’t clear that Potato grasped that simply giving away tens or hundreds of billions of our tax dollars might not come with incidental costs.
Goading Russia into a war with Ukraine was a political ploy to bolster Biden's popularity. It didn't work.

You mean within the democrats?

It isn’t clear that Potato grasped that simply giving away tens or hundreds of billions of our tax dollars might not come with incidental costs.

I don't even think he grasps anything that's going on anywhere ever.
Do they really have the people of Ukraine's interests best at heart? Or is it just because they have an extra way to earn a buck?

They have America's interests at heart. It's no different from any of America's 35-40 wars of aggression. The administration in power is trying to do what is good for America and the military is always onside with aggression.

If there's a difference then it's in the fact that it's America's last chance to establish world supremacy. This time the Brics alliance is a real threat!

This war is actually the culmination of all of America's wars since the end of WW2.[/B]
I don't even think he grasps anything that's going on anywhere ever.
He may be a Mad King Ludwig, but he is still the King. Democrats are trying to depose him gracefully, but he may not cooperate. The alternative may be to remove him via the 25th Amendment, with Kamala announcing she will not run for reelection. That would give them a double benefit of disavowing Biden's policies and installing the first woman President.

This could put the Republicans in a bind as to whether they would agree to Biden's removal in return for dropping their impeachment investigation.

Because the US has historically stood up for those who are oppressed.

Better question…….Why do so many Republicans support Putin?
Donald H If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had America's best interest at heart they would resign immediately.
There's no condemnation of Biden's war by Americans. They all dodge the important issue by making it about spending. That has always been the way for any protests against one of America's wars.

At least nuclear annihilation is in every American's thoughts, even though they make a brave attempt to ignore it.
The goal is to create another proxy nannystate on Russia's border and generate a market for war profiteering. A byproduct is the pentagon testing out new weapons and disposing of old stuff so they can get new toys. There is also the real fear that Russia will over run Ukraine and get their hands on some real incriminating stuff that Biden would rather not have happen.
Do they really have the people of Ukraine's interests best at heart? Or is it just because they have an extra way to earn a buck?

Is it possible that your world view is so provincial and limited that you think that the only possible motives are either to save Ukraine or make money?. Putting aside the stupidity that Biden, or anyone besides perhaps the defense industry is making money on it, the fact is that there are much wider interests. Specifically, Putin, if he were to take over Ukraine would not stop there. He is eyeing countries to the west, NATO countries. Now scratch you head real hard and try to figure out what that would mean for the region and the world. Take your time. I believe that you’ll need it
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Why Is The Biden/Harris Administration Trying So Hard to Help Ukraine?​

Because Putin is EVIL

He has been trying to expand his empire for over a decade. If we stand back and “just let him have Ukraine” he will continue to try to invade …..The Balkans, Poland and other sovereign countries

Putin is guilty of war crimes and needs to be stopped

Why are some Republicans backing Putin?
Do they really have the people of Ukraine's interests best at heart? Or is it just because they have an extra way to earn a buck?

And I will tell you another thing. China is watching carefully to see how resolved we are to stop Russia. Has it occurred to you that what we do is likely to play into China's decision to invade Tiwan? Wow! A real eye opener. Maybe you should do some reading on a topic next time before you post some idiotic codswallop like this
Is it possible that your world view is so provincial and limited that you think that the only possible motives are either to save Ukraine or make money?. Putting aside the stupidity that Biden, or anyone besides perhaps the defense industry is making money on it, the fact is that there are much wider interests. Specifically, Putin, if he were to take over Ukraine would not stop there. He is eyeing countries to the west, NATO countries. Now scratch you head real hard and try to figure out what that would mean for the region and the world. Take your time. I believe that you’ll need it

You think that the Biden/Harris Administration knows what they're doing when it comes to stopping Putin? 🤣
And I will tell you another thing. China is watching carefully to see how resolved we are to stop Russia. Has it occurred to you that what we do is likely to play into China's decision to invade Tiwan? Wow! A real eye opener. Maybe you should do some reading on a topic next time before you post some idiotic codswallop like this

I seriously don't have the slightest idea what you're going on about, but I'm pretty sure that with or without my learning disabilities I'm not alone.

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