*WHY* is Romney's toupee obvious if you are well aware of it and invisible otherwise

Apr 6, 2009
*WHY* is Romney's toupee obvious if you are well aware of it and invisible otherwise
When you see close footage of "Romney" and you are well aware that he wears a toupee then the toupee becomes immediately obvious.
So why didn't the human cattle get it?
The answer is the illuminati religion, at this stage of endless deception (1), at which the human cattle can not first of all imagine to be mocked to these utter limits.

Johhny Depp & Richard Jenkins in 2011 "Rum Diary" movie - the climax is NOT the "Don't notice the toupee!" line. The HORRIBLE TRUTH: it is the line BEFORE that one

2011 Rum Diary movie is a celebration of the illuminati religion
The illuminati religion is the main reason why they have Richard Jenkins, the same actor playing "Mormon Mitt Romney" in the 2012 "elections" (2), wearing a deliberately obvious and grotesque toupee in "The Rum Diary", a movie released one year before the 2012 presidential "elections".

What is the climax of the movie?
The film reviewer for philadelphiaweekly.com did not get it: "This is the kind of rudely humored lark where a sweaty sex scene is interrupted by someone playing a record of Hitler, and where the big, heroic climax involves a trip to the local cockfighting ring.". (3)

If you are well aware of the fact that Richard Jenkins plays "Mormon Mitt Romney" then the climax of the movie, supposedly starring Johnny Depp, seems obvious: the "Don't notice the toupee!" line, heard at 0:36 of the official trailer (4).
That is only an illuminati joke about the human catlle unable to see that Richard Jenkins also plays "Mormon Mitt Romney" (3).
But if you are well aware of the script for fake suicide bomber "Obama" then the HORRIBLE TRUTH aboutt the climax becomes obvious: it is in fact the line that comes immediately BEFORE in the trailer, at 0:34.
And that line is about "Obama" ultimate role in the supervised ethnic civil war following his detonation, where dozens of millions are scripted to be exterminated. (5)

(1) Reminder from May 2007 - illuminati at the endless deception stage:

(2) Richard Jenkins with toupee at last ahead of "Osama" without beard & moustache in "polls", October 9 2012

(3) The film reviewer for philadelphiaweekly.com, like everybody else, did not get what the climax was:

(4) The Rum Diary - Official Trailer [HD], August 2011

(5) Ethnic Civil War, Illuminati last tactic weapon: Controlled detonations ...
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You realize how stupid and nonsensical that picture is, right?

Romney isnt trying to kill big bird. He isn't going to kill big bird. Sesame Street takes in hundreds of millions of dollars. Why the hell are tax payers subsidizing a very profitable show?

Cutting waste in government is something Romney will do. And that scares you to no end doesn't it?

As for the OP, I have no clue what the heck that's about.
LOL The rats are really getting desperate. Romney wears a toupee??
Keep on with the lies. You're making yourselves look desperate.
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QUOTE=cyberella;6139278]The rats are really getting desperate[/QUOTE]
Read the article. to the end before "replying". After doing so you will realize that you are "replying" to the wrong thread. This is not about attacking "Romney". This is about mocking the human cattle.

Talk of that,
Why did the illuminati stage the act 'Mitt Romney admits 47 per cent remarks were "completely wrong"'?
One of the reasons was to be able to have a messenger of TRUTH, angelic Google, to openly deliver to the human cattle how COMPLETELY deceived about the fake identity "Mitt Romney 2012" it was.
TOTAL DECEPTION pushing the "John McCain 2008" deception to the utter limits:
- creating a COMPLETELY fake identity, like Obama 2008 but unlike McCain 2008;
- having this COMPLETELY fake identity wear a toupee;
- choosing a COMPLETELY bald support" to carry the toupee, the top of the head of actor Richard Jenkins;
- all this not at ONE but DOZENS of public events;
- having voting machines multiply votes by an even larger factor than in the case of McCain, who got less than 5 million votes and was credited with 58 million "votes".
- knowing that angelic Google does NOT lie, stage the "47 %" act and have all their media repeat the "COMPLETELY WRONG" headline, to use the ultimate messenger, angelic Google, to openly deliver to the human cattle the "you are COMPLETELY WRONG" message, shortly before the cattle "votes".

1) go to google images.
2) type "completely wrong"
3) http://cuppacafe.com/images/blogimages/image5/COMPLETELY-WRONG.jpg
Almost all image results show "Romney".


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WHY would anyone think it of any importance or interest whether Romney wears a toupee or not?
- having voting machines multiply votes by an even larger factor than in the case of McCain, who got less than 5 million votes and was credited with 58 million "votes".

Illuminati polls have "Romney two points behind Obama", a remake of the "Hillary tied with Obama" and "McCain two points behind Obama" acts in 2008. (1)
This is more like what a real poll looks like: "Obama 81%, Romney 12%, 7% being undecided" (2).
Although asking at a Jay-Z concert is supposedly a satire, obviously not the right place for a poll to be projected for all of the US population, note that the real disinfo of this poll is NOT the 81-12 ratio but hiding the majority, those who do not intend to "vote".

One hour science test for EVERYONE that illuminati TOTALLY control media, political & "justice" systems:

If YOU want to answer the question "Do illuminati TOTALLY control media, politcs & 'justice?' then ths is all you need to do.

Do your own poll
1. Ask randomly 100 people these two questions
- who did they vote for in the 2008 "election"
- who do they plan to vote for in the 2012 "election"

Project the results of your poll to the US population. That will be enough to confirm that:
- McCain got less than 5 million votes in 2008, although he was credited with 58 million votes;
- less than 5 million people plan to vote for "Romney".

Poster replies (3): "Lets make a mockery of science."

Last Prophet replies:
Not at all.
If after you polled 100 people the results do not yet prove the above, all you need is to keep asking a few more people and you will get the expected results.
That is what the SCIENCE of statistics is all about: the largest the sample the more precise the result.

Poster asks (3) two important questions:
1. "Do you honestly expect me to put that much effort into this dumb shit".
2. "Do you think there's any purpose for them to bother lying about the results of a loser? "

Last Prophet relies:
As for the second question:
This is the type of questions that only are asked if you did not get "that illuminati TOTALLY control media, politcs & justice".

And that answers the first question:
I strongly recommend that you invest one hour of your life in that test. Actually I can not imagine a better investment.
Just think about all the non-questions that you have been asking all your life instead of finally starting to ask the right questions, just because you did not get until now that " illuminati TOTALLY control media, politcs & justice".

(1) In 2008 primaries "Obama" had at least 10 times more votes than Hillary Clinton at the New York, California and Ohio primaries. Yet his role was to ask his crowd to cheer "winner" Hillary.
End Times Prophet: Hours before Hillary Clinton will be "elected", a reminder: script and goal were explained worldwide only by End Times Prophet

(2) Illuminati joke - the truth is packaged as satire: "The Tyrone Poll sampled 722 voting-aged individuals at a Jay-Z concert in Philadelphia last weekend.
The new Tyrone Poll indicates the largest lead yet:
Latest Poll: Obama 81%, Romney 12% - Big Hairy News

(3) 1 hour science test for EVERYONE that illuminati TOTALLY control media, politcs & jus
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