
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why is racketeering/extortion ok in the Biden administration DOJ & AG Garland?

Tracfone using T-mobile communications infrastructure are "PURPOSELY" throttling some of it's users not at 2g, but at an unusable under 1kb-15kb speed. Pages don't full load and error out at those speeds (intentional).

Why? Because they use it to sell added data to those desperate to communicate, work, and plain out survive (commerce, banking, ordering food and supplies etc).

They are trying to Sell data that you already paid for, hence this practice is called extortion and makes Tracfone and T-mobile involved in racketeering.

There much more just as serious offenses they've committed, like in not notifying the public of their cyber attack until many months later, including not being upfront and transparent about the DDOS attacks. In fact when their service was tampered with, they never rebated the lost usage at the same rate they target customers to charge money in their throttle speed extortion scam.

This just reveals the double standard discrepancy in their business practice, proving it as=Racketeering.

Why are they allowed to get away with this in this administration?

Because politicians are in the cell co's pockets- with campaign contributions, freebies, favors, exposure etc.

Are they going after random targets, or are they targeting political or outspoken consumer advocates?

We can never know if our DOJ is turning a blind eye and are political based too.

And we know Garland is corrupt, he never recuses himself, and keeps getting caught with perjury after perjury.

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