Why is Obama lying, and why is media covering it up?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Inside Your Head
Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack

American diplomats were warned of possible violent unrest in Benghazi three days before the killings of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his team, Libyan security officials say.

The claim came as the country's interim President, Mohammed el-Megarif, said his government had information that the attack on the US consulate had been planned by an Islamist group with links to al-Qa'ida and with foreigners taking part.'

Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack - Africa - World - The Independent
Arrogance and complacency on the part of both have proven to be a deadly combination.
A good question might be, why was the Ambassador in Benghazai. It's not exactly known as the safest location.
Obama lies? I'm shocked!

A good question might be, why was the Ambassador in Benghazai. It's not exactly known as the safest location.

Because it was his job? Because he wasn't a coward? Because he was an admirable man and strongly believed in something?

I think they call it "flight or fight" some people flee at signs of trouble, others take those issues head on. Which option to you prefer?
Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack

American diplomats were warned of possible violent unrest in Benghazi three days before the killings of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his team, Libyan security officials say.

The claim came as the country's interim President, Mohammed el-Megarif, said his government had information that the attack on the US consulate had been planned by an Islamist group with links to al-Qa'ida and with foreigners taking part.'

Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack - Africa - World - The Independent

I wonder how many will try to blame this on Bush... Like everything else Obama fucks up.
Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack

American diplomats were warned of possible violent unrest in Benghazi three days before the killings of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his team, Libyan security officials say.

The claim came as the country's interim President, Mohammed el-Megarif, said his government had information that the attack on the US consulate had been planned by an Islamist group with links to al-Qa'ida and with foreigners taking part.'

Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack - Africa - World - The Independent

He's lying because otherwise he'd have to acknowledge that he screwed up in not making sure our installations were protected.
A good question might be, why was the Ambassador in Benghazai. It's not exactly known as the safest location.

Because it was his job? Because he wasn't a coward? Because he was an admirable man and strongly believed in something?

I think they call it "flight or fight" some people flee at signs of trouble, others take those issues head on. Which option to you prefer?

Ambassador Stevens employer the Obama Administration didn't provide appropriate security at the Benghazai Consulate.

It is not an Ambassador's "job" to engage in a fire fight with jihadists.
I can't believe someone would take the word of an unknown local security official
days after the fact over the word of the President of the United States regarding anything.
Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack

American diplomats were warned of possible violent unrest in Benghazi three days before the killings of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his team, Libyan security officials say.

The claim came as the country's interim President, Mohammed el-Megarif, said his government had information that the attack on the US consulate had been planned by an Islamist group with links to al-Qa'ida and with foreigners taking part.'

Libya: We gave US three-day warning of Benghazi attack - Africa - World - The Independent

He's lying because otherwise he'd have to acknowledge that he screwed up in not making sure our installations were protected.

You would think that the IED attack on the Consulate in June would have been a big "hey maybe we need more security" moment, let alone the 3 other militant attacks against 2 other embassies and the International Red Cross that should have given any competent administration pause to review their security details.

Oh and that other little hint. A 9/11 anniversary and Libyan security telling you shit was going to hit the fan.

That was a definitely a hint.
I can't believe someone would take the word of an unknown local security official
days after the fact over the word of the President of the United States regarding anything.

The security guard doesn't have as much to lose. When you can't tell who's telling the truth, look to see who's gaining the most from a lie.
A good question might be, why was the Ambassador in Benghazai. It's not exactly known as the safest location.

Because it was his job? Because he wasn't a coward? Because he was an admirable man and strongly believed in something?

I think they call it "flight or fight" some people flee at signs of trouble, others take those issues head on. Which option to you prefer?

Perhaps i wasnt clear enough. Why did his job require him to go to Benghazai?
I can't believe someone would take the word of an unknown local security official
days after the fact over the word of the President of the United States regarding anything.

The Consulate was not properly secure. The President and the State Department are responsible for the safety of their employees.

They failed. Benghazi was woefully unprepared for any assault.
I can't believe someone would take the word of an unknown local security official
days after the fact over the word of the President of the United States regarding anything.

The Consulate was not properly secure. The President and the State Department are responsible for the safety of their employees.

They failed. Benghazi was woefully unprepared for any assault.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I can't believe someone would take the word of an unknown local security official
days after the fact over the word of the President of the United States regarding anything.

Is this a real post? lol You are saying this sarcastically right?

I mean it's pretty obvious why Obama would lie. His refusal to protect Americans after being told that it was coming...

I mean, the only thing more embarrasing would be for Americans to learn that he had intentions of cutting funding for embassy protection --- OH wait a second... he did that too.

Well it would be worse if he apologized for insensitivity toward Islam ... hmmmm

or wait it might be worse if he encouraged all of the middle east to rise up and take out their gov'ts that led to this whole thing to begin with...

But then Obama did all those things! Maybe thats why he is lying now!

My question is still why he lied in virtually every campaign promise he ever made and how even liberal morons all still buying his crap after learning the joke has been on them all along...

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