Why Is Newt Attacking Mitt's Tax Rate?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Did you know Newt Gingrich's tax plan calls for no capital gains taxes?

Make the United States the most desirable location for new business investment through a bold series of tax cuts, including: Eliminating the capital gains tax to make American entrepreneurs more competitive against those in other countries

Jobs and the Economy | Newt Gingrich 2012

Gingrich has been whining and whining about Mitt's low tax rate for weeks now. He is playing the class warfare game to the hilt.

And yet Mitt would pay ZERO taxes in Gingrich World!

So what the fuck is Newt whining for? He should be crying over poor Mitt having to pay any taxes at all!

Just all part of the full metal jacketed hypocrite package that is Newt.
It amazes me no moderator has thought to ask Newt about this in a debate.
It would be a good question.
The survey shows that 52 percent of Americans think the capital gains rate should be the same as income tax rates, while 36 percent say Congress should keep things the same. Both Democrats and Republicans think increasing them are a good idea, although Democrats moreso, and the proposal also gets support from 54 percent of independent voters

Livewire | TPM
Newt's attacks on Mitt's low taxes would whip right back into his face if it became common knowledge Newt doesn't want Mitt to pay ANY taxes.
Doesn't anyone feel any cognitive dissonance that Newt has been demanding Mitt release his tax returns to we can all see how little he pays in taxes, and yet Newt's platform is to make sure Mitt pays NO TAXES?

This is classic doublethink we are seeing here. A textbook case!

Does that not make you go, "HUH?!?!"

Are his supporters so stunned you cannot speak?
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