Why is Keystone III bad for America? Take a look at this map.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'd really like any anti Keystone poster to explain to me (in their own words not the words of some left wing eco weenie blogger) why Keystone III is bad for the US after you view the map.

What makes Keystone III diabolical, evil, horrid, an omg we're all going to die kind of pipeline, when obviously we have not only survived all these others but our economy and lifestyles have thrived with them.

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Yep we already have lots of pipelines so why not build another one and increase the chances of polluting our drinking water.
Yep we already have lots of pipelines so why not build another one and increase the chances of polluting our drinking water.

So YOU'd RATHER have one million barrels i.e. another Exxon Valdez spilling oil over 1,000 square miles..
THEN 325 barrels in ONE mile because that's the reality!

HOW can there BE ANY thing comparable to a million barrel tanker crewed by humans that are prone to mistakes, dangers of wrecks by weather AND definitely more things going wrong then a 36 inch pipe spilling 325 barrels over 1 mile!

Doesn't make ANY sense why you anti-Keystone people WANT 1 million barrels to spill versus worst case 325 barrels... OTHER then you are totally f..k.ed up DUMB sh..ts!
DUH.. WHICH CAN cause more environmental damage:
1,000,000 barrels OR 325 barrels???
I mean seriously I asked a 3rd grader which would be more dangerous and EVERYONE except YOU keystone critics KNOW that 1 million is more then 325 barrels!

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