Has The West Gone Insane?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The United States and Australia have now put themselves at their sworn enemies mercy regarding what they should know of their enemy, its beliefs and tactics. We dont need no stinkin Fifth column! Its already here at the behest of our governments who were sworn to protect us. Who needs enemies? The morning of Pearl harbor, the good guys and the bad guys were at least separated by a couple of hundred feet of air space between them, there was still a chance the Japanese could miss with their bullets and their bombs. The next attack will find Americans waking up to the scimitar at their throat with one jugular vein already severed.

This guy has gone completely meshuganeh under Obama's influence]


(WaPo) — FBI officials say they are willing to consider a proposal from a coalition of Muslim and interfaith groups to establish a committee of experts to review materials used in FBI anti-terrorism training"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Good Grief: FBI Says It’s “Open To The Idea” of Establishing a Committee With Muslim Groups To Review Material Used In Anti-Terror Training…

[And now the Australians are rolling over and exposing their soft underbelly. Are these the same guys that just kept marching under Churchill's plan into Attaturk's fire at Gallipoli to the tune of 250,000 dead?]

"Australians to be healed from ‘Islamophobia’ by head of global Islamic organization — NewsMaker

(NewsMaker) — This week Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd has invited Professor Ekmelledin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), to discuss “Transition and Change: The OIC and the Islamic World”

Events take place on February 15th and 16th at the National Press Club of Australia and at Griffith University, Brisbane. Following similar events in Europe and Washington, Mr Rudd’s visitor is here to educate and help us overcome “Islamophobia” in Australia."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » OIC Chief To Help Australians “Overcome” Islamophobia…

[Real sweet natured folks, they are, too]
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Colorado Student Who Refused To Sing Song Praising Allah Now Receiving Death Threats…
The Chinese populations that found themselves suddenly under Islam's sway were converted totally in less than two generations. The men were all killed, the women all became concubines.
They were the ancestors of the three Chinese Muslims that were recently released from their captivity in Guantanamo Bay to the care and shelter of the good people of the Palau Islands. Unfortunately for the West today, the Palau Islanders have received a substantial infusion of Christianity since the Japanese occupations were ended in 1944 and 1945. Back then, any soldier of the Empire Of Japan that had the misfortune to become separated from the rest of his unit ran a very large chance of finding his way into an islanders separate or even the islanders' communal stew pot. The Japanese soldiers weren't well liked and as the saying on many of the world's islands goes "Its an Island! If you don't bring it here, you won't find it here!" "Thank you Prime Minister Tojo for all the extra protein you sent us"

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