Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.
A black teen is killed, some white guy has to pay. A white teen is killed, we're better off with one less racist.

When the black people of the US care as much about black kids killing other black kids, I'll pay attention. But they don't. They really don't. It's like its to be expected. It only matters if someone can make political hay off the issue.

It's frankly disgusting.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

How the fuck do you know??

Do you have such a boring life that you sit around counting how many times Fox runs your race baiting stupid stories?

A kid got killed.... perhaps it was negligent homicide, perhaps it was a racist murder.... PERHAPS it was self defense.

We dont now yet, but you are ready to fry a hispanic guy. Why? Are you a racist too???

Jeez Marc, get a fukin life man!
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.

Big news in Florida; the mass of differing reports adds to the confusion. There WAS a primary Tuesday, and other competing news.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.

I'm curious Claudette, can you define this "typical race baiting" thing for me please?

I don't quite understand exactly what you mean or are referring to by it.

It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

Hispanics can't be racist? you live in LA right Katz? I know you know better than that.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

Hispanics can't be racist? you live in LA right Katz? I know you know better than that.

The killer may not have identified himself as "Hispanic". His name gives no identification of ethnic affiliation.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

Hispanics can't be racist? you live in LA right Katz? I know you know better than that.

The killer may not have identified himself as "Hispanic". His name gives no identification of ethnic affiliation.

Probably not but his mother is Hispanic and he definently looks it, he doesn't strike as the average white guy.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

I read about that also.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

I read about that also.

Yeah...it was almost surreal how the MSM ignored it. If there was ever an example of bias in the MSM - the ignoring of this story shows it loud and clear.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

Hispanics can't be racist? you live in LA right Katz? I know you know better than that.

Are you kidding! My friend's daughter, Cheryl Green was shot in the head by a hispanic gang member because she committed the crime of crossing the street. Jamile Shaw was gunned down right in front of his house by an illegal alien who had gotten out of jail mere hours before.

I've seen hispanic on black murder, this isn't it. This is an opportunity for political theater. Keep your eyes and ears open, when it's REAL hispanic on black racist murder, it's ignored as much as when it's a black on black murder. When it's some illegal alien out there killing in the name of MeCha or the MS-13, no one is going to say a fricking word about it. Because the shooter's name is Zimmerman, if you squint your eyes, turn around three times a click your heels togethther three times, you can pretend this is white racism.

You know why? Because if blacks complained and marched for justice and peace against mexicans they know they would end up with a very serious race war on their hands. They might actually get something from guilt ridden whites.

After Cheryl was killed, the mexican Mayor drew up some asinine and useless peace treaty. He announced that the City was going to build a state of the art recreation center right in the very heart of 213th St. gang territory. The treaty was to be signed by the idiot pastor of the black neighborhood church and 213th gang representatives right in front of the store where Cheryl was shot. It would give black people the "right" to cross the street and go to that store. Are you pissed yet? Are you? Well get ready for more. All the news crews were there to film the historic "peace". Everyone was in place except for the mexicans because they were at that very moment 1 block away gunning down some black guy who was committing the crime of getting into his car, in his own driveway. The gunshots were duly recorded as were the bodyguards hustling Tony the thug mayor into his armor plated limo. Were there marches, protests, anything at all? HELL NO. There was silence. The blacks were scared shitless of taking on the mexican gangs. They can get together and hammer some nervous nellie cop wannabe though.

I am no respecter of skin color, I hate everyone equally but I know BS when I see it, and I see it, in neon. This is Kabuki.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4F8ob9nlfY]Hundreds of racist Black youths attack Whites at Wisconsin State Fair - YouTube[/ame]
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

I read about that also.

Yeah...it was almost surreal how the MSM ignored it. If there was ever an example of bias in the MSM - the ignoring of this story shows it loud and clear.

When someone shoots and kills another person, and law enforcement do NOT investigate, it IS big news.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

I understand your concerns, and they are genuine.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.
Natalee Holloway disagrees with you.

So does Greta Van Susteren and FOXNEWS, who covered it ad nauseum:

Natalee Holloway Greta - YouTube.

But that's different....somehow.

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