Why is FOX news downplaying Irene danger?

I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

They've been sensationalizing Irene all friggen day.

There is no case for your accusation.

It is not an accusation. I heard Cavuto and Trump critisizing other news outlets for the attention they are giving to Irene. I am not insinuating anything. FOX seems to enjoy taking the obstinate view on everything.

That must be what loyal viewers like you want.
You know.........considering that the Washington Monument is cracked, and now there are projected to be 100 plus mph winds, I'd consider that to be something to be concerned about.

Additionally, much of the East Coast is just BARELY above sea level, and currently there are waves that are 10-15 ft crashing ashore in NC, and the waves around the eye of the storm are around 23 feet tall.

Factor the storm surge in along about the same time of high tide and you can see the concern about the flooding. They're even considering that the Holland Tunnel would flood, as well as the subway system in NYC.

No, this is something to be concerned about.

But, to tell you the truth, I'd rather hear about the hurricane on the news than the idiot statements consistently being made by GOP politicians on the campaign trail.
Fox is not downplaying the danger. I've had the telly on both Fox Business and Fox News today. They are reporting developments, especially the ones involving evacuations. They just aren't hyping it as The End Of The World As We Know It.
I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

Because the phrase "Better safe than sorry" flew right over their numb little skulls?
Moved to Conspiracy Theories? Well, that's what you get when the Mods are Republicans...

no, that's what you get when you post idiocy.

another thing you can get is a vacation if you continue to not follow the rules regarding moderation.

have a day full of warm puppy noses, rainbows and unicorns!

A warm puppy nose means a sick puppy.

Okay, that makes sense.
I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

The problem with the left is they eat, sleep, and breathe conspiracies.

They invent them and then blame them on the opposition.

They're truly a suspicious lot.

They're responsible for so many false conspiracies that nobody can tell if anything is on the level anymore.

That a birther just said that is almost too funny to be funny.

Dude......I've never been a birther.

I think Obama has been hiding his birth cert because his name has been changed.....not because he was born outside the U.S.

His Dad is a serial polygamist, his mother is a commie, his nanny was a transvestite.

Wouldn't you hide your past as well???
Scuse me jimbo but I watched Greta give the mayor of Outer Banks city Kill Devel Hills hell and an awful grilling because of his decision to ride out the storm. Maybe lefties only hear what they want to hear or they listen to the tax exempt rants of George Soros too much.
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I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

You know the danger level? Forecast the future because you are liberal and therefore, full of foresight?

Don't worry. Obama will hold back the tides, and save us from a hurricane that would have otherwise harmed many.
I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

Have you ever lived in hurricane country?

When one has a hurricane bearing down on them and the news media is CONSTANTLY talking about it, people can become extremely fearful and stop thinking rationally.

I believe what they were referring to is 'hurricane hype'.

Katrina was a cat2. The storm itself did not do the damage. It was the flooding afterward that nobody was prepared for.

I thought Katrina was Cat 3 when it hit New Orleans. According to a Wiki (I know not the best of sources, but this confirms what I thought)

Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005 and crossed southern Florida as a moderate Category 1 hurricane, causing some deaths and flooding there before strengthening rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 storm on the morning of Monday, August 29 in southeast Louisiana. It caused severe destruction along the Gulf coast from central Florida to Texas, much of it due to the storm surge. The most significant number of deaths occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed, in many cases hours after the storm had moved inland

Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is also true that the damage came not as much from the hurricane itself, but from the collapsed levees which flooded the city.


It just ain't that bright to build a city below sea level, there I said it.
I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

It's already been reduced to a Cat 1 and is weakening.

Does this mean you run and hide for creating a thread that makes you look stupid? :lol:
I was watching Neil Cavuto, or whatever his name is, and he was talking to Donald Trump and they both were talking about the media overstating Irene danger. Why?

Is this a page out of W's Katrina play book?

Have you ever lived in hurricane country?

When one has a hurricane bearing down on them and the news media is CONSTANTLY talking about it, people can become extremely fearful and stop thinking rationally.

I believe what they were referring to is 'hurricane hype'.

Katrina was a cat2. The storm itself did not do the damage. It was the flooding afterward that nobody was prepared for.
I've survived 5 major hurricanes. The worst was Hugo in St. Croix.Second was Andrew in Miami.
As far as cat 2 :cuckoo:, Katrina was a five.
It didn't hit New Orleans. It hit Mississippi
I suppose you don't call this damage.


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I heard today that though it isn't the same calibre as the storms that ravage places like Texas or other places, the problem is where it's going to hit. I also heard there's another behind it.

From what I heard, if you live in an area that's at risk for flooding, you should evacuate. Makes sense to me. Otherwise, they expect a lot of trees down, and downed trees mean no electricity. Flooding means no water. No transportation. So what they expect is for there to be transportation issues (especially public), some flooding, and tree damage that will last for a while, probably days in some places. People can die in three days without electricity and water, if they are dependent upon tap water or need electricity for something (medical equipment? air conditioning?). They can also die if they need meds they don't have, and can't get out to get them. Or if they're diabetic, and there's no food in the house.

I think that's teh primary concern. It's not that a huge tsunami wave will flatten NYC...it's that people will be stuck in their tenements and die before help gets to them, or the electricity and water come back on.

Cross your fingers, say a prayer, hopefully it won't be bad. But it's a big storm, there's nothing wrong with anticipating the worst.
Well, considering that the ground in the NE is soaked from all the previous rains this summer (and therefore less capable of holding a tree in the ground in high winds), combined with the projection of waves in excess of 15 ft and most of the East Coast being only a couple of feet above sea level, yeah....I'd say it's something to watch.

Besides.......it's nice to have a break from the political bullshit.

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