Why I can't wait for Obama to be out of office


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.
The cancerous tumor in our country is the Ed Shultz/Rachel Maddow crowd.
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The cancerous tumor in our country is the Ed Shultz/Rachel Maddow crowd.

It'd be a bit too simple to just retort to your post by stating, why not the Limbaugh/Hannity crowd?...after all, your side of the aisle keeps telling anyone who cares to listen that right wing, neocon media has the largest audience. Don't you think?
The cancerous tumor in our country is the Ed Shultz/Rachel Maddow crowd.

It'd be a bit too simple to just retort to your post by stating, why not the Limbaugh/Hannity crowd?...after all, your side of the aisle keeps telling anyone who cares to listen that right wing, neocon media has the largest audience. Don't you think?
I would not know.

I don't listen to Rush or Sean Vanity.
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.
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Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.
Another anti-America professional politician will take his place. Then, another round of issues, added to the ones we already have. Voters will never change. They'll do the same thing that they've done many times in the past, and we'll be in the same boat that we're in now, or worse. Just reality.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.
Another anti-America professional politician will take his place. Then, another round of issues, added to the ones we already have. Voters will never change. They'll do the same thing that they've done many times in the past, and we'll be in the same boat that we're in now, or worse. Just reality.

Although I generally agree with you, you must admit that the next president will NOT be challenged with birth certificates issues, communist linkages, or "dubious" religious affiliations.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........

Dissent is no longer patriotism? LOL!
Liberals are funny!
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high

We know he's helped the 1%, what about the rest of us?
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

Sorry, no....and unlike you and your King I never suffered from the "Bush" is King syndrome.

The Stock Market?
Any President who simply "creates" 85 Billion a month from thin air and funnels it straight to those (as Obama calls them "fat cats") can make the Stock Market go crazy.

Why don't we ad the 93 million who simply stopped looking for work back into that number of UE and see what happens.

The 11 million number of recounts those who re-enrolled from the prior year.
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

LOL, sorry....and we can argue about your numbers all day.....what happens when one "creates" money where there was none....takes that "money" and simply gives it to the "fat cats" one so vehemently cries about?

The Stock Market goes crazy.

...and no...I didn't support it when Bush started doing it.

At any rate I am betting you see "Boogey Racists" behind every garage door.

Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high

We know he's helped the 1%, what about the rest of us?
You haven't found a rich person to trickle on you??
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high

We know he's helped the 1%, what about the rest of us?
You haven't found a rich person to trickle on you??

I once paid a leather clad temptress to do it, does that count?
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high

We know he's helped the 1%, what about the rest of us?
You haven't found a rich person to trickle on you??

I once paid a leather clad temptress to do it, does that count?
As long as you feel serenity with the world....
I've never been so sick and disgusted with a President as I am with this one. Every frikken day he comes out with something to AGITATE us with. just this week he thinks we should be FORCED TO vote.

he makes my skin crawl
Too funny.

Nat seems to be stuck in the past ;)

ALL resistance to the King is "racist".

There truly is an Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it is a left wing malady consisting of abject, unadulterated worship of the child occupying the WH.

The protestation was expected, Antie.......

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high

We know he's helped the 1%, what about the rest of us?
You haven't found a rich person to trickle on you??

I once paid a leather clad temptress to do it, does that count?
As long as you feel serenity with the world....

I did, I did..it waslike...
I've never been so sick and disgusted with a President as I am with this one. Every frikken day he comes out with something to AGITATE us with. just this week he thinks we should be FORCED TO vote.

he makes my skin crawl

That's because you are a racist twit, ask nat!!!

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